Structural pattern matching expression ```haskell case of + ``` where `arm` is: ```haskell -> ``` `pattern` can be: - [[Data Structures/data|data]] constructors - [[Records|record]] literals, containing patterns - integer & number literals - string literals - array literals, containing patterns - wildcard `_` ## Guard Clauses Case arms can have [[Functions/Defining/Guard Clause|guard clauses]] like [[Functions|function]] definitions: ```haskell case _ of "" -> Nothing s | String.Util.startsWith "/" -> Just s | otherwise -> Nothing ``` ## Anonymous expression Underscore can be placed in the expression position to write an [[Lambda Functions|anonymous function]] that immediately case matches on its argument: ```haskell case _ of Foo -> true Bar -> false -- equivalent to \a -> case a of Foo -> true Bar -> false ``` ## Examples Match on `Int` when zero ```haskell nonzeroInt :: Int -> Maybe Int nonzeroInt n = case n of 0 -> Nothing n' -> Just n' ``` Match on [[Arity|nullary]] [[Data Structures/data|data]] constructors: ```haskell data Letter = A | B | C letterToString :: Letter -> String letterToString l = case l of A -> "a" B -> "b" C -> "c" ``` Match on [[Arity|unary]] [[Data Structures/data|data]] constructors: ```haskell isJust :: forall a. Maybe a -> Boolean isJust m = case m of Just a -> true Nothing -> false ``` Match on [[Arity|binary+]] [[Data Structures/data|data]] constructors: ```haskell data ComplexDataType = Complex Int Int String String complex :: ComplexDataType -> String complex m = case m of Complex a b c d -> (show a) <> (show b) <> c <> d ``` Match on a record field that is `Maybe`, continuing if the field is `Just` ```haskell unMaybeFirstName :: {firstName :: Maybe String} -> Maybe {firstName :: String} unMaybeFirstName r = case r of {firstName: Just fn} -> Just {firstName: fn} _ -> Nothing ``` Match on an array of `a` into [[Either|either]]: - [[Maybe|zero or one]] `a` - an [[Array]] of 2 or more `a`s ```haskell zeroOneOrMore :: forall a . Array a -> Either (Maybe a) (Array a) zeroOneOrMore a = case a of [] -> Left Nothing [a] -> Left (Just a) _ -> Right a ``` Deserialize strings literals into a [[Data Structures/data|data structure]] ```haskell data Animal = Dog | Cat | Giraffe animalFromString :: String -> Maybe Animal animalFromString s = case s of "dog" -> Just Dog "cat" -> Just Cat "giraffe" -> Just Giraffe _ -> Nothing ```