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2023-06-11 17:01:51 +00:00
create or replace function test_schema() returns void language plpgsql as $$
usr_id_foo int;
usr_id_bar int;
usr_id_baz int;
comm_id_ask_dnim int;
comm_id_pics int;
insert into public.usr
( tag -- public.usr_tag
, password -- public.hashed_text
, email -- public.email
(usr_tag_of_string('foo'), hash_text('password123'), email_of_string('foo@gmail.com'))
, (usr_tag_of_string('bar'), hash_text('password243'), email_of_string('bar@gmail.com'))
, (usr_tag_of_string('baz'), hash_text('hunter2'), email_of_string('baz@gmail.com'))
insert into public.community
( tag -- public.community_tag
, (community_tag_of_string('pics'));
insert into public.community_member_role (community, title, description)
select comm.id, role_.title, role_.description
from community comm
, ( values ('owner', 'community owner')
, ('member', 'community member')
) as role_ (title, description)
insert into public.community_member_role_scope (role_, scope)
select role.id, s.scope
from public.community_member_role as role
, ( values (authz_scope_of_string('threads.read'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('threads.create'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('threads.update'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('threads.delete'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('members.read'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('members.create'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('members.delete'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('roles.read'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('roles.create'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('roles.update'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('roles.delete'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('update'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('delete'))
) as s (scope)
where role.title = 'owner';
insert into public.community_member_role_scope (role_, scope)
select role.id, s.scope
from public.community_member_role as role
, ( values (authz_scope_of_string('threads.read'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('threads.create'))
, (authz_scope_of_string('members.read'))
) as s (scope)
where role.title = 'member';
insert into public.community_member (community, usr, role_)
select comm.id, u.id, role_.id
from community comm
inner join usr u on u.tag = usr_tag_of_string('foo')
inner join community_member_role role_ on role_.community = comm.id and role_.title = 'owner'
where comm.tag = community_tag_of_string('ask_dnim');
insert into public.community_member (community, usr, role_)
select comm.id, u.id, role_.id
from community comm
inner join usr u on u.tag = usr_tag_of_string('bar')
inner join community_member_role role_ on role_.community = comm.id and role_.title = 'member'
where comm.tag = community_tag_of_string('ask_dnim');
insert into public.community_member (community, usr, role_)
select comm.id, u.id, role_.id
from community comm
inner join usr u on u.tag = usr_tag_of_string('baz')
inner join community_member_role role_ on role_.community = comm.id and role_.title = 'member'
where comm.tag = community_tag_of_string('ask_dnim');
select test_schema();
drop function test_schema;