feat: permissions
Some checks failed
migrate-devel / migrate-devel (push) Failing after 7s
migrate-stage / migrate-stage (push) Failing after 8s

This commit is contained in:
Orion Kindel 2023-07-14 17:13:34 -05:00
parent 96937dfa25
commit 56957d380a
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
19 changed files with 357 additions and 138 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
create type public.audit_kind as enum
( 'modify'
, 'delete'
, 'create'
create type audited_column as (column_ text, type_ text);
create function audit(schema text, table_ text, tracked_columns audited_column[], soft_delete boolean)
@ -55,7 +61,7 @@ create function setup_audit_and_soft_delete( schema text
, E' insert into ', audit_table, E'\n'
, E' (', table_, E', kind, actor)\n'
, E' values\n'
, E' (OLD.id, \'delete\', 1);\n'
, E' (OLD.id, \'delete\', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id));\n'
, E'\n'
, E' update ', schema, '.', table_, E'\n'
, E' set deleted = true\n'
@ -112,7 +118,7 @@ create function setup_audit_and_soft_delete( schema text
create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit
, E' )\n'
, E' values\n'
, E' (audit_kind, id, 1'
, E' (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id'
foreach col in array tracked_columns loop
@ -229,7 +235,7 @@ create function setup_audit_and_hard_delete( schema text
create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit
, E' )\n'
, E' values\n'
, E' (audit_kind, id, 1'
, E' (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id'
foreach col in array tracked_columns loop

View File

@ -33,21 +33,52 @@ create table public.usr
, uid uuid not null default gen_random_uuid()
, deleted boolean not null default false
, tag public.usr_tag not null
, discrim int not null
, discrim int not null default 0
, password public.hashed_text not null
, email public.email not null unique
, unique (tag, discrim)
create function public.usr_tag_count(tag public.usr_tag) returns int language sql stable as $$
select count(*) from public.usr u where u.tag = tag;
create function public.do_insert_usr_default_discrim()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
if new.discrim is null then
new.discrim := (select count(*) from public.usr u where u.tag = tag);
end if;
return new;
alter table public.usr
alter column discrim set default public.usr_tag_count(tag);
create trigger insert_usr_default_discrim
before insert on public.usr
for each row execute function public.do_insert_usr_default_discrim();
insert into public.usr (tag, password, email)
values (usr_tag_of_string('system'), hashed_text_of_string(''), email_of_string(''));
insert into public.usr
(tag, password, email)
(usr_tag_of_string('root'), hashed_text_of_string(''), email_of_string(''));
create function public.do_check_usr_tag()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
if new.tag = usr_tag_of_string('root') then
raise exception 'invalid tag';
return new;
end if;
create trigger check_usr_tag
before insert on public.usr
for each row execute function public.do_check_usr_tag();
select audit( 'public'
, 'usr'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
create function public.set_acting_usr(uid text)
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
set session "dnim.usr_uid" = uid;
create function public.get_acting_usr()
returns public.usr
language plpgsql
as $$
uid text;
acting_usr public.usr;
if nullif(current_setting('dnim.usr_uid', true), '') is null then
select u.*
from public.usr u
where u.tag = public.usr_tag_of_string('root')
into acting_usr;
select u.*
from public.usr u
where u.uid = current_setting('dnim.usr_uid', true) :: uuid
into acting_usr;
end if;
return acting_usr;

View File

@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ begin
or u.tag = usr_tag
into usr;
if usr.id = 1 or usr.tag = usr_tag_of_string('system') then
raise notice 'system user may not be logged into';
if usr.id = 1 or usr.tag = usr_tag_of_string('root') then
raise notice 'root user may not be logged into';
raise exception 'incorrect password for user %', usr_tag_or_email_to_string(tag_or_email);
end if;

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
select create_newtype_text('public.authz_scope');

schema/0200_community.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
select create_newtype_text('public.community_tag');
create table public.community
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null unique default gen_random_uuid()
, deleted boolean not null default false
, tag public.community_tag not null
select audit( 'public'
, 'community'
, array[ row('tag', 'public.community_tag')
] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => true
select immutable( 'public'
, 'community'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
create type public.audit_kind as enum
( 'modify'
, 'delete'
, 'create'

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
select create_newtype_text('public.community_tag');
create table public.community
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null unique default gen_random_uuid()
, deleted boolean not null default false
, tag public.community_tag not null
select audit( 'public'
, 'community'
, array[ row('tag', 'public.community_tag')
] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => true
select immutable( 'public'
, 'community'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'
create table public.community_nonmember_scope
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null unique default gen_random_uuid()
, community int not null references public.community (id)
, scope public.authz_scope not null
, unique (community, scope)
select audit( 'public'
, 'community_nonmember_scope'
, array[ row('community', 'int')
, row('scope', 'public.authz_scope')
] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => false
select immutable( 'public'
, 'community_nonmember_scope'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'
, 'community'
, 'scope'
create table public.community_member_role
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null unique default gen_random_uuid()
, community int not null references public.community (id)
, title text not null
, description text not null
select audit( 'public'
, 'community_member_role'
, array[ row('title', 'text')
, row('description', 'text')
] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => false
select immutable( 'public'
, 'community_member_role'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'
, 'community'
create table public.community_member_role_scope
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null unique default gen_random_uuid()
, role_ int not null references public.community_member_role (id)
, scope public.authz_scope not null
, unique (scope, role_)
select audit( 'public'
, 'community_member_role_scope'
, array[ row('role_', 'int')
, row('scope', 'public.authz_scope')
] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => false
select immutable( 'public'
, 'community_member_role_scope'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'
, 'role_'
, 'scope'
create table public.community_member
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null unique default gen_random_uuid()
, usr int not null references public.usr (id)
, community int not null references public.community (id)
, role_ int not null references public.community_member_role (id)
select audit( 'public'
, 'community_member'
, array[ row('usr', 'int')
, row('role_', 'int')
] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => false
select immutable( 'public'
, 'community_member'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'
, 'usr'

schema/0300_grp.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
select create_newtype_text('public.grp_tag');
create table public.grp
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null default gen_random_uuid()
, deleted boolean not null default false
, tag public.grp_tag not null unique
insert into public.grp (tag)
values (grp_tag_of_string('admins'));
create function public.do_grp_add_admins()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
admins int[];
select array_agg(usr.id)
from public.grp_members_admins() as usr
into admins;
perform public.grp_add_members( to_grp => NEW.id
, add_usrs => admins
return null;
create trigger grp_add_admins
after insert on public.grp
for each row
execute function public.do_grp_add_admins();
select audit( 'public'
, 'grp'
, array[] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => true
select immutable( 'public'
, 'grp'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'
, 'tag'

schema/0301_grp_usr.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
create table public.grp_usr
( grp int not null references public.grp(id)
, usr int not null references public.usr(id)
, primary key (grp, usr)
create function public.grp_add_member(to_grp int, add_usr int)
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
insert into public.grp_usr (grp, usr) values (to_grp, add_usr);
create function public.grp_add_members(to_grp int, add_usrs int[])
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
insert into public.grp_usr (grp, usr)
select grp, usr_id
from unnest(add_usrs) usr_id
left join public.grp_usr gu on gu.usr = usr_id and gu.grp = to_grp
where gu is null;
create function public.grp_members(of_grp int)
returns setof public.usr
language plpgsql
as $$
return query select u.*
from public.usr u
inner join public.grp_usr gu
on gu.usr = u.id and gu.grp = of_grp;
create function public.grp_members_admins()
returns setof public.usr
language plpgsql
as $$
gid int;
select g.id
from public.grp g
where g.tag = public.grp_tag_of_string('admins')
into gid;
return query select * from public.grp_members(gid);
create function public.grp_rm_member(from_grp int, rm_usr int)
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
delete from public.grp_usr gu
where gu.grp = from_grp and gu.usr = rm_usr;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
create function public.do_usr_create_default_grp()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
new_grp int;
insert into public.grp (tag)
values (grp_tag_of_string('usr_' || new.uid))
returning id into new_grp;
perform public.grp_add_member(to_grp => new_grp, add_usr => new.id);
return null;
create trigger usr_create_default_grp
after insert on public.usr
for each row
execute function public.do_usr_create_default_grp();

schema/0400_perm.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
create type public.perm_mode as enum ('-', 'r', 'w');
create table public.perm
( id int not null primary key generated always as identity
, uid uuid not null default gen_random_uuid()
, owner_user int not null references public.usr(id)
, owner_group int not null references public.grp(id)
, owner_user_mode public.perm_mode not null
, owner_group_mode public.perm_mode not null
, everyone_mode public.perm_mode not null
, path text not null unique
do language plpgsql $$
root int;
admins int;
select * from public.usr where tag = usr_tag_of_string('root') into root;
select * from public.grp where tag = grp_tag_of_string('admins') into admins;
insert into public.perm
(path, owner_user, owner_group, owner_user_mode, owner_group_mode, everyone_mode)
('/communities/', root, admins, 'w', 'w', 'r')
, ('/users/', root, admins, 'w', 'w', 'w')
, ('/groups/', root, admins, 'w', 'w', 'w')
create function do_insert_usr_perm() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
admins int;
select * from public.grp where tag = grp_tag_of_string('admins') into admins;
insert into public.perm
(path, owner_user, owner_group, owner_user_mode, owner_group_mode, everyone_mode)
('/users/' || NEW.id || '/tag', NEW.id, admins, 'w', 'w', 'r')
, ('/users/' || NEW.id || '/email', NEW.id, admins, 'w', 'w', '-')
, ('/users/' || NEW.id || '/deleted', NEW.id, admins, 'w', 'w', '-')
return new;
create trigger insert_usr_perm
after insert on public.usr
for each row execute function do_insert_usr_perm();
create function do_insert_grp_perm() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
insert into public.perm
(path, owner_user, owner_group, owner_user_mode, owner_group_mode, everyone_mode)
('/groups/' || NEW.id || '/members', (public.get_acting_usr()).id, NEW.id, 'w', 'w', '-')
, ('/groups/' || NEW.id || '/tag', (public.get_acting_usr()).id, NEW.id, 'w', 'w', 'r')
return new;
create trigger insert_grp_perm
after insert on public.grp
for each row
execute function do_insert_grp_perm();
create function do_insert_community_perm() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
-- TODO: insert some default community groups, use community_XX_admin as group owner
insert into public.perm
(path, owner_user, owner_group, owner_user_mode, owner_group_mode, everyone_mode)
('/communities/' || NEW.id || '/posts', (public.get_acting_usr()).id, NEW.id, 'w', 'w', 'r')
, ('/communities/' || NEW.id || '/tag', (public.get_acting_usr()).id, NEW.id, 'w', 'w', 'r')
, ('/communities/' || NEW.id || '/deleted', (public.get_acting_usr()).id, NEW.id, 'w', 'w', '-')
return new;
create trigger insert_community_perm
after insert on public.community
for each row
execute function do_insert_community_perm();
select audit( 'public'
, 'perm'
, array[ row('owner_user', 'int')
, row('owner_group', 'int')
, row('owner_user_mode', 'public.perm_mode')
, row('owner_group_mode', 'public.perm_mode')
, row('everyone_mode', 'public.perm_mode')
] :: audited_column[]
, soft_delete => false
select immutable( 'public'
, 'perm'
, array[ 'id'
, 'uid'
, 'path'