chore: revamp migration system

This commit is contained in:
Orion Kindel 2023-07-18 21:31:56 -05:00
parent f84b8ed11d
commit f1a1368bd2
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
4 changed files with 88 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ cd "../$base_or_head"
isready isready
initdb initdb
ls ./schema/ | xargs -I{} bash -c "$(declare -f query_file); query_file \"$url/dnim\" ./schema/{}" ls ./schema/ | xargs -I{} bash -c "set -e; $(declare -f query_file); query_file \"$url/dnim\" ./schema/{}"

View File

@ -23,18 +23,12 @@ if [[ -z "$base" ]] || [[ -z "$head" ]]; then
fi fi
if [[ ! -f "$migration" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$migration" ]]; then
./scripts/ base "$base" 1>&2 ./scripts/ base "$base" 1>&2 || (echo "base failed to build" && exit 1)
./scripts/ head "$head" 1>&2 ./scripts/ head "$head" 1>&2 || (echo "head failed to build" && exit 1)
until pg_isready -p 5432 1>/dev/null && pg_isready -p 5433 1>/dev/null; do true; done; until pg_isready -p 5432 1>/dev/null && pg_isready -p 5433 1>/dev/null; do true; done;
migra --unsafe "$base_url" "$head_url" > "$migration" \ migra --unsafe "$base_url" "$head_url" || echo "migra exited with code $?. this is /probably/ fine" 1>&2
|| echo "migra exited with code $?. this is /probably/ fine" 1>&2 else
cat "$migration"
cd ./migrations
git add --all
git commit -m "$migration"
cd ../
fi fi
echo "$migration"

scripts/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#! /bin/bash
set -e
source ./scripts/
revs=$(git log --format=%h | tac)
first_commit_n=$(echo "$revs" | grep -n "$first_commit" | awk -F: '{print $1}')
revs=$(echo "empty" && (echo "$revs" | tail --lines "+$first_commit_n"))
revs_ct=$(echo "$revs" | wc -l)
do_i() {
base=$(echo "$revs" | tail --lines "+$1" | head -n 1)
if [[ -f "./migrations/${base}_skipped.sql" ]]; then
for j in $(seq "$(($1 + 1))" "$revs_ct"); do
head=$(echo "$revs" | tail --lines "+$j" | head -n 1)
set +e
out=$(./scripts/ "$base" "$head")
set -e
if [[ "$status" = "1" && "$out" = *"head failed to build"* ]]; then
echo "" > "./migrations/${head}_skipped.sql"
elif [[ "$status" = "1" ]]; then
echo out
exit 1
echo "$out" > "$migration"
for i in $(seq 1 "$revs_ct"); do
do_i "$i"

View File

@ -5,15 +5,10 @@ set -e
source ./scripts/ source ./scripts/
source ./scripts/ ./.env source ./scripts/ ./.env
if [[ -n $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then
echo "git working tree dirty" 1>&2;
exit 1;
get_dnim_database_count="copy (select count(*) from pg_database where datname = 'dnim') to stdout with null as '';" get_dnim_database_count="copy (select count(*) from pg_database where datname = 'dnim') to stdout with null as '';"
dnim_database_count=$(query "$POSTGRES_URI/postgres" "$get_dnim_database_count") dnim_database_count=$(query "$POSTGRES_URI/postgres" "$get_dnim_database_count" 2>&1)
git submodule update --init migrations
if [[ "$dnim_database_count" = "0" ]]; then if [[ "$dnim_database_count" = "0" ]]; then
echo "fresh database" echo "fresh database"
@ -23,18 +18,43 @@ if [[ "$dnim_database_count" = "0" ]]; then
script='' script=''
else else
get_rev_last="copy (select to_revision from migration order by performed_on desc limit 1) to stdout with null as '';" get_rev_last="copy (select to_revision from migration order by performed_on desc limit 1) to stdout with null as '';"
rev_last=$(query "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "$get_rev_last") rev_last=$(psql "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" -c "$get_rev_last")
migration=$(./scripts/ "$rev_last" "$to_tag")
if [[ "$2" = "--greenlight" ]]; then log=$(git log --format=%h | tac)
query_file "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "$migration" first_commit="7371374"
first_commit_n=$(echo "$log" | grep -n "$first_commit" | awk -F: '{print $1}')
rev_most_recent=$(echo "$log" | tail -n 1)
log=$(echo "empty" && (echo "$log" | tail --lines "+$first_commit_n" | head --lines "-1"))
if [[ "$rev_last" = "$rev_most_recent" ]]; then
echo "all caught up! :)"
exit 0
elif [[ "$rev_last" != "empty" ]]; then
rev_n=$(echo "$log" | grep -n "$rev_last" | awk -F: '{print $1}')
revs_to_run=$(echo "$log" | tail --lines "+$rev_n")
revs_to_run_ct=$(echo "$revs_to_run" | wc -l)
for i in $(seq 1 "$revs_to_run_ct"); do
base=$(echo "$revs_to_run" | tail --lines "+$i" | head -n 1)
set +e
mig=$(ls migrations | grep "${base}_to")
set -e
if [[ -f "./migrations/${base}_skipped.sql" ]]; then
echo "${base} (skipped)"
elif [[ -f "./migrations/$mig" ]]; then
head=$(echo $mig | awk -F'[_.]' '{print $3}')
echo "${base} -> ${head}"
query_file "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "./migrations/$mig"
query "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "insert into migration (from_revision, to_revision) values ('$base', '$head');"
else else
echo "migration available at $migration" echo "cant find migration for $base" 1>&2
echo "review and rerun with --greenlight to apply" exit 1
fi fi
fi fi
insert_migration="insert into migration (from_revision, to_revision) values ('$rev_last', '$to_tag');"
query "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "$insert_migration"
echo "inserted migration"