drop function if exists "public"."hashed_text_string"(hashed hashed_text); alter type "public"."email" rename attribute "email" to "str"; alter type "public"."hashed_text" rename attribute "hashed" to "str"; set check_function_bodies = off; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.email_of_string(val text) RETURNS email LANGUAGE sql AS $function$select row(val);$function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.email_to_string(val email) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$select (val.str);$function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.hashed_text_of_string(val text) RETURNS hashed_text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$select row(val);$function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.hashed_text_to_string(val hashed_text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$select (val.str);$function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.hash_text(plain text) RETURNS hashed_text LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $function$ begin return hashed_text_of_string(crypt(plain, gen_salt('bf'))); end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.hashed_text_matches(plain text, hashed hashed_text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $function$ begin return hashed_text_to_string(hashed) = crypt(plain, hashed_text_to_string(hashed)); end; $function$ ;