create type "public"."grp_tag" as ("str" text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.grp_tag_of_string(val text) RETURNS grp_tag LANGUAGE sql AS $function$select row(val);$function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.grp_tag_to_string(val grp_tag) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$select (val.str);$function$ ; create type "public"."perm_mode" as enum ('-', 'r', 'w'); drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_member_audit" on "public"."community_member"; drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_member_immutable_columns" on "public"."community_member"; drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_member_role_audit" on "public"."community_member_role"; drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_member_role_immutable_columns" on "public"."community_member_role"; drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_member_role_scope_audit" on "public"."community_member_role_scope"; drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_member_role_scope_immutable_columns" on "public"."community_member_role_scope"; drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_nonmember_scope_audit" on "public"."community_nonmember_scope"; drop trigger if exists "trigger_community_nonmember_scope_immutable_columns" on "public"."community_nonmember_scope"; alter table "public"."community_member" drop constraint "community_member_community_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member" drop constraint "community_member_role__fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member" drop constraint "community_member_uid_key"; alter table "public"."community_member" drop constraint "community_member_usr_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_audit" drop constraint "community_member_audit_actor_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_audit" drop constraint "community_member_audit_community_member_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role" drop constraint "community_member_role_community_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role" drop constraint "community_member_role_uid_key"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_audit" drop constraint "community_member_role_audit_actor_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_audit" drop constraint "community_member_role_audit_community_member_role_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_scope" drop constraint "community_member_role_scope_role__fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_scope" drop constraint "community_member_role_scope_scope_role__key"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_scope" drop constraint "community_member_role_scope_uid_key"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_scope_audit" drop constraint "community_member_role_scope_au_community_member_role_scope_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_scope_audit" drop constraint "community_member_role_scope_audit_actor_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_nonmember_scope" drop constraint "community_nonmember_scope_community_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_nonmember_scope" drop constraint "community_nonmember_scope_community_scope_key"; alter table "public"."community_nonmember_scope" drop constraint "community_nonmember_scope_uid_key"; alter table "public"."community_nonmember_scope_audit" drop constraint "community_nonmember_scope_audit_actor_fkey"; alter table "public"."community_nonmember_scope_audit" drop constraint "community_nonmember_scope_audit_community_nonmember_scope_fkey"; drop function if exists "public"."do_community_member_audit"(); drop function if exists "public"."do_community_member_immutable_columns"(); drop function if exists "public"."do_community_member_role_audit"(); drop function if exists "public"."do_community_member_role_immutable_columns"(); drop function if exists "public"."do_community_member_role_scope_audit"(); drop function if exists "public"."do_community_member_role_scope_immutable_columns"(); drop function if exists "public"."do_community_nonmember_scope_audit"(); drop function if exists "public"."do_community_nonmember_scope_immutable_columns"(); alter table "public"."community_member" drop constraint "community_member_pkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role" drop constraint "community_member_role_pkey"; alter table "public"."community_member_role_scope" drop constraint "community_member_role_scope_pkey"; alter table "public"."community_nonmember_scope" drop constraint "community_nonmember_scope_pkey"; drop index if exists "public"."community_member_pkey"; drop index if exists "public"."community_member_role_pkey"; drop index if exists "public"."community_member_role_scope_pkey"; drop index if exists "public"."community_member_role_scope_scope_role__key"; drop index if exists "public"."community_member_role_scope_uid_key"; drop index if exists "public"."community_member_role_uid_key"; drop index if exists "public"."community_member_uid_key"; drop index if exists "public"."community_nonmember_scope_community_scope_key"; drop index if exists "public"."community_nonmember_scope_pkey"; drop index if exists "public"."community_nonmember_scope_uid_key"; drop table "public"."community_member"; drop table "public"."community_member_audit"; drop table "public"."community_member_role"; drop table "public"."community_member_role_audit"; drop table "public"."community_member_role_scope"; drop table "public"."community_member_role_scope_audit"; drop table "public"."community_nonmember_scope"; drop table "public"."community_nonmember_scope_audit"; drop function if exists "public"."authz_scope_of_string"(val text); drop function if exists "public"."authz_scope_to_string"(val authz_scope); drop type "public"."authz_scope"; create table "public"."grp" ( "id" integer generated always as identity not null, "uid" uuid not null default gen_random_uuid(), "deleted" boolean not null default false, "tag" grp_tag not null ); create table "public"."grp_audit" ( "grp" integer not null, "kind" audit_kind not null, "actor" integer not null ); create table "public"."grp_usr" ( "grp" integer not null, "usr" integer not null ); create table "public"."perm" ( "id" integer generated always as identity not null, "uid" uuid not null default gen_random_uuid(), "owner_user" integer not null, "owner_group" integer not null, "owner_user_mode" perm_mode not null, "owner_group_mode" perm_mode not null, "everyone_mode" perm_mode not null, "path" text not null ); create table "public"."perm_audit" ( "perm" integer not null, "kind" audit_kind not null, "actor" integer not null, "prev_owner_user" integer, "prev_owner_group" integer, "prev_owner_user_mode" perm_mode, "prev_owner_group_mode" perm_mode, "prev_everyone_mode" perm_mode ); alter table "public"."usr" add column "discrim" integer not null default 0; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX grp_pkey ON public.grp USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX grp_tag_key ON public.grp USING btree (tag); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX grp_usr_pkey ON public.grp_usr USING btree (grp, usr); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX perm_path_key ON public.perm USING btree (path); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX perm_pkey ON public.perm USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX usr_tag_discrim_key ON public.usr USING btree (tag, discrim); alter table "public"."grp" add constraint "grp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "grp_pkey"; alter table "public"."grp_usr" add constraint "grp_usr_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "grp_usr_pkey"; alter table "public"."perm" add constraint "perm_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "perm_pkey"; alter table "public"."grp" add constraint "grp_tag_key" UNIQUE using index "grp_tag_key"; alter table "public"."grp_audit" add constraint "grp_audit_actor_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (actor) REFERENCES usr(id) not valid; alter table "public"."grp_audit" validate constraint "grp_audit_actor_fkey"; alter table "public"."grp_audit" add constraint "grp_audit_grp_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (grp) REFERENCES grp(id) not valid; alter table "public"."grp_audit" validate constraint "grp_audit_grp_fkey"; alter table "public"."grp_usr" add constraint "grp_usr_grp_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (grp) REFERENCES grp(id) not valid; alter table "public"."grp_usr" validate constraint "grp_usr_grp_fkey"; alter table "public"."grp_usr" add constraint "grp_usr_usr_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (usr) REFERENCES usr(id) not valid; alter table "public"."grp_usr" validate constraint "grp_usr_usr_fkey"; alter table "public"."perm" add constraint "perm_owner_group_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (owner_group) REFERENCES grp(id) not valid; alter table "public"."perm" validate constraint "perm_owner_group_fkey"; alter table "public"."perm" add constraint "perm_owner_user_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (owner_user) REFERENCES usr(id) not valid; alter table "public"."perm" validate constraint "perm_owner_user_fkey"; alter table "public"."perm" add constraint "perm_path_key" UNIQUE using index "perm_path_key"; alter table "public"."perm_audit" add constraint "perm_audit_actor_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (actor) REFERENCES usr(id) not valid; alter table "public"."perm_audit" validate constraint "perm_audit_actor_fkey"; alter table "public"."perm_audit" add constraint "perm_audit_perm_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (perm) REFERENCES perm(id) not valid; alter table "public"."perm_audit" validate constraint "perm_audit_perm_fkey"; alter table "public"."usr" add constraint "usr_tag_discrim_key" UNIQUE using index "usr_tag_discrim_key"; set check_function_bodies = off; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_check_usr_tag() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $function$ begin if new.tag = usr_tag_of_string('root') then raise exception 'invalid tag'; else return new; end if; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_grp_add_admins() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare admins int[]; begin select array_agg( from public.grp_members_admins() as usr into admins; perform public.grp_add_members( to_grp => , add_usrs => admins ); return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_grp_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; end if; insert into public.grp_audit (kind, grp, actor ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_grp_immutable_columns() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin if <> then raise exception ' is immutable' using errcode = 'restrict_violation'; elsif OLD.uid <> NEW.uid then raise exception 'public.grp.uid is immutable' using errcode = 'restrict_violation'; elsif OLD.tag <> NEW.tag then raise exception 'public.grp.tag is immutable' using errcode = 'restrict_violation'; end if; return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_grp_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.grp_audit (grp, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update public.grp set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_insert_community_perm() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin -- TODO: insert some default community groups, use community_XX_admin as group owner insert into public.perm (path, owner_user, owner_group, owner_user_mode, owner_group_mode, everyone_mode) values ('/communities/' || || '/posts', (public.get_acting_usr()).id,, 'w', 'w', 'r') , ('/communities/' || || '/tag', (public.get_acting_usr()).id,, 'w', 'w', 'r') , ('/communities/' || || '/deleted', (public.get_acting_usr()).id,, 'w', 'w', '-') ; return new; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_insert_grp_perm() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.perm (path, owner_user, owner_group, owner_user_mode, owner_group_mode, everyone_mode) values ('/groups/' || || '/members', (public.get_acting_usr()).id,, 'w', 'w', '-') , ('/groups/' || || '/tag', (public.get_acting_usr()).id,, 'w', 'w', 'r') ; return new; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_insert_usr_default_discrim() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $function$ begin if new.discrim is null then new.discrim := (select count(*) from public.usr u where u.tag = tag); end if; return new; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_insert_usr_perm() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare admins int; begin select * from public.grp where tag = grp_tag_of_string('admins') into admins; insert into public.perm (path, owner_user, owner_group, owner_user_mode, owner_group_mode, everyone_mode) values ('/users/' || || '/tag',, admins, 'w', 'w', 'r') , ('/users/' || || '/email',, admins, 'w', 'w', '-') , ('/users/' || || '/deleted',, admins, 'w', 'w', '-') ; return new; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_perm_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; prev_owner_user int; prev_owner_group int; prev_owner_user_mode public.perm_mode; prev_owner_group_mode public.perm_mode; prev_everyone_mode public.perm_mode; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'DELETE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'delete'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; prev_owner_user := OLD.owner_user; prev_owner_group := OLD.owner_group; prev_owner_user_mode := OLD.owner_user_mode; prev_owner_group_mode := OLD.owner_group_mode; prev_everyone_mode := OLD.everyone_mode; end if; insert into public.perm_audit (kind, perm, actor, prev_owner_user, prev_owner_group, prev_owner_user_mode, prev_owner_group_mode, prev_everyone_mode ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id, prev_owner_user, prev_owner_group, prev_owner_user_mode, prev_owner_group_mode, prev_everyone_mode); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_perm_immutable_columns() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin if <> then raise exception ' is immutable' using errcode = 'restrict_violation'; elsif OLD.uid <> NEW.uid then raise exception 'public.perm.uid is immutable' using errcode = 'restrict_violation'; elsif OLD.path <> NEW.path then raise exception 'public.perm.path is immutable' using errcode = 'restrict_violation'; end if; return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_usr_create_default_grp() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare new_grp int; begin insert into public.grp (tag) values (grp_tag_of_string('usr_' || new.uid)) returning id into new_grp; perform public.grp_add_member(to_grp => new_grp, add_usr =>; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_acting_usr() RETURNS usr LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare uid text; acting_usr public.usr; begin if nullif(current_setting('dnim.usr_uid', true), '') is null then select u.* from public.usr u where u.tag = public.usr_tag_of_string('root') into acting_usr; else select u.* from public.usr u where u.uid = current_setting('dnim.usr_uid', true) :: uuid into acting_usr; end if; return acting_usr; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.grp_add_member(to_grp integer, add_usr integer) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.grp_usr (grp, usr) values (to_grp, add_usr); end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.grp_add_members(to_grp integer, add_usrs integer[]) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.grp_usr (grp, usr) select grp, usr_id from unnest(add_usrs) usr_id left join public.grp_usr gu on gu.usr = usr_id and gu.grp = to_grp where gu is null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.grp_members(of_grp integer) RETURNS SETOF usr LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $function$ begin return query select u.* from public.usr u inner join public.grp_usr gu on gu.usr = and gu.grp = of_grp; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.grp_members_admins() RETURNS SETOF usr LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $function$ declare gid int; begin select from public.grp g where g.tag = public.grp_tag_of_string('admins') into gid; return query select * from public.grp_members(gid); end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.grp_rm_member(from_grp integer, rm_usr integer) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin delete from public.grp_usr gu where gu.grp = from_grp and gu.usr = rm_usr; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.set_acting_usr(uid text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin set session "dnim.usr_uid" = uid; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_community_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; prev_tag public.community_tag; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; prev_tag := OLD.tag; end if; insert into public.community_audit (kind, community, actor, prev_tag ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id, prev_tag); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_community_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.community_audit (community, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_attachment_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; end if; insert into public.thread_attachment_audit (kind, thread_attachment, actor ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_attachment_emoji_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; end if; insert into public.thread_attachment_emoji_audit (kind, thread_attachment_emoji, actor ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_attachment_emoji_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.thread_attachment_emoji_audit (thread_attachment_emoji, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update public.thread_attachment_emoji set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_attachment_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.thread_attachment_audit (thread_attachment, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update public.thread_attachment set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_attachment_vote_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; end if; insert into public.thread_attachment_vote_audit (kind, thread_attachment_vote, actor ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_attachment_vote_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.thread_attachment_vote_audit (thread_attachment_vote, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update public.thread_attachment_vote set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; end if; insert into public.thread_audit (kind, thread, actor ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_feed_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; end if; insert into public.thread_feed_audit (kind, thread_feed, actor ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_feed_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.thread_feed_audit (thread_feed, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update public.thread_feed set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_thread_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.thread_audit (thread, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update public.thread set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_usr_audit() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare audit_kind public.audit_kind; id int; prev_tag public.usr_tag; prev_password public.hashed_text; prev_email; begin if (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then id :=; audit_kind := 'create'; elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then id :=; audit_kind := 'modify'; prev_tag := OLD.tag; prev_password := OLD.password; prev_email :=; end if; insert into public.usr_audit (kind, usr, actor, prev_tag, prev_password, prev_email ) values (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id, prev_tag, prev_password, prev_email); return NEW; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.do_usr_soft_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin insert into public.usr_audit (usr, kind, actor) values (, 'delete', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id)); update public.usr set deleted = true where id =; return null; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setup_audit_and_hard_delete(schema text, table_ text, tracked_columns audited_column[]) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare col audited_column; audit_table text := concat(schema, '.', table_, '_audit'); do_table_audit text := concat(schema, '.do_', table_, '_audit'); do_table_soft_delete text := concat(schema, '.do_', table_, '_soft_delete'); create_audit_table text := ''; create_do_table_audit text := ''; create_do_table_soft_delete text := ''; create_trigger_table_audit text := ''; create_trigger_table_soft_delete text := ''; begin -- create table X_audit() >>> create_audit_table := concat( create_audit_table , 'create table ', audit_table, E'\n' , ' ( ', table_, ' int not null references ', table_, '(id)', E'\n' , ' , kind public.audit_kind not null', E'\n' , ' , actor int not null references public.usr (id)', E'\n' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_audit_table := concat( create_audit_table , E' , prev_', (col.column_), ' ', (col.type_), E' null\n' ); end loop; create_audit_table := concat( create_audit_table , ' );' ); -- <<< create table X_audit() -- create function do_X_audit() >>> create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , 'create function ', do_table_audit, E'() returns trigger language plpgsql as \$\$\n' , E'declare\n' , E' audit_kind public.audit_kind;\n' , E' id int;\n' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , 'prev_', (col.column_), ' ', (col.type_), E';\n' ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E'begin\n' , E' if (TG_OP = \'INSERT\') then\n' , E' id :=;\n' , E' audit_kind := \'create\';\n' , E' elsif (TG_OP = \'DELETE\') then\n' , E' id :=;\n' , E' audit_kind := \'delete\';\n' , E' elsif (TG_OP = \'UPDATE\') then\n' , E' id :=;\n' , E' audit_kind := \'modify\';\n' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , ' prev_', (col.column_), ' := OLD.', (col.column_), E';\n' ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E' end if;\n' , E' insert into ', audit_table, E'\n' , ' (kind, ', table_, ', actor' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , ', prev_', (col.column_) ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E' )\n' , E' values\n' , E' (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , ', prev_', (col.column_) ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E');\n' , E' return NEW;\n' , E'end;\n' , E'\$\$;' ); -- <<< create function do_X_audit() create_trigger_table_audit := concat( 'create trigger trigger_', table_, E'_audit\n' , 'after insert or update or delete on ', schema, '.', table_, E'\n' , 'for each row execute function ', do_table_audit, '();' ); execute create_audit_table; execute create_do_table_audit; execute create_do_table_soft_delete; execute create_trigger_table_audit; execute create_trigger_table_soft_delete; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setup_audit_and_soft_delete(schema text, table_ text, tracked_columns audited_column[]) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare col audited_column; audit_table text := concat(schema, '.', table_, '_audit'); do_table_audit text := concat(schema, '.do_', table_, '_audit'); do_table_soft_delete text := concat(schema, '.do_', table_, '_soft_delete'); create_audit_table text := ''; create_do_table_audit text := ''; create_do_table_soft_delete text := ''; create_trigger_table_audit text := ''; create_trigger_table_soft_delete text := ''; begin -- create table X_audit() >>> create_audit_table := concat( create_audit_table , 'create table ', audit_table, E'\n' , ' ( ', table_, ' int not null references ', table_, '(id)', E'\n' , ' , kind public.audit_kind not null', E'\n' , ' , actor int not null references public.usr (id)', E'\n' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_audit_table := concat( create_audit_table , E' , prev_', (col.column_), ' ', (col.type_), E' null\n' ); end loop; create_audit_table := concat( create_audit_table , ' );' ); -- <<< create table X_audit() -- create function do_X_soft_delete() >>> create_do_table_soft_delete := concat( create_do_table_soft_delete , 'create function ', do_table_soft_delete, E'() returns trigger language plpgsql as \$\$\n' , E'begin\n' , E' insert into ', audit_table, E'\n' , E' (', table_, E', kind, actor)\n' , E' values\n' , E' (, \'delete\', (select (public.get_acting_usr()).id));\n' , E'\n' , E' update ', schema, '.', table_, E'\n' , E' set deleted = true\n' , E' where id =;\n' , E'\n' , E' return null;\n' , E'end;\n' , E'\$\$;' ); -- <<< create function do_X_soft_delete() -- create function do_X_audit() >>> create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , 'create function ', do_table_audit, E'() returns trigger language plpgsql as \$\$\n' , E'declare\n' , E' audit_kind public.audit_kind;\n' , E' id int;\n' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , 'prev_', (col.column_), ' ', (col.type_), E';\n' ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E'begin\n' , E' if (TG_OP = \'INSERT\') then\n' , E' id :=;\n' , E' audit_kind := \'create\';\n' , E' elsif (TG_OP = \'UPDATE\') then\n' , E' id :=;\n' , E' audit_kind := \'modify\';\n' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , ' prev_', (col.column_), ' := OLD.', (col.column_), E';\n' ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E' end if;\n' , E' insert into ', audit_table, E'\n' , ' (kind, ', table_, ', actor' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , ', prev_', (col.column_) ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E' )\n' , E' values\n' , E' (audit_kind, id, (public.get_acting_usr()).id' ); foreach col in array tracked_columns loop create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , ', prev_', (col.column_) ); end loop; create_do_table_audit := concat( create_do_table_audit , E');\n' , E' return NEW;\n' , E'end;\n' , E'\$\$;' ); -- <<< create function do_X_audit() create_trigger_table_audit := concat( 'create trigger trigger_', table_, E'_audit\n' , 'after insert or update on ', schema, '.', table_, E'\n' , 'for each row execute function ', do_table_audit, '();' ); create_trigger_table_soft_delete := concat( 'create trigger trigger_', table_, E'_soft_delete\n' , 'before delete on ', schema, '.', table_, E'\n' , 'for each row execute function ', do_table_soft_delete, '();' ); execute create_audit_table; execute create_do_table_audit; execute create_do_table_soft_delete; execute create_trigger_table_audit; execute create_trigger_table_soft_delete; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.usr_session_login_validate(tag_or_email usr_tag_or_email, password text) RETURNS usr LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $function$ declare usr_email := public.usr_tag_or_email_to_email(tag_or_email); usr_tag public.usr_tag := public.usr_tag_or_email_to_tag(tag_or_email); usr public.usr; begin select * from public.usr as u where = usr_email or u.tag = usr_tag into usr; if = 1 or usr.tag = usr_tag_of_string('root') then raise notice 'root user may not be logged into'; raise exception 'incorrect password for user %', usr_tag_or_email_to_string(tag_or_email); end if; if usr is null then -- prevent email guess bruteforces by raising the same exception -- for invalid password and user not found raise notice 'user % not found', usr_tag_or_email_to_string(tag_or_email); raise exception 'incorrect password for user %', usr_tag_or_email_to_string(tag_or_email); end if; if not hashed_text_matches(password, usr.password) then raise notice 'password does not match for user %', usr_tag_or_email_to_string(tag_or_email); raise exception 'incorrect password for user %', usr_tag_or_email_to_string(tag_or_email); end if; return usr; end; $function$ ; CREATE TRIGGER insert_community_perm AFTER INSERT ON FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_insert_community_perm(); CREATE TRIGGER grp_add_admins AFTER INSERT ON public.grp FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_grp_add_admins(); CREATE TRIGGER insert_grp_perm AFTER INSERT ON public.grp FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_insert_grp_perm(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_grp_audit AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.grp FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_grp_audit(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_grp_immutable_columns BEFORE UPDATE ON public.grp FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_grp_immutable_columns(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_grp_soft_delete BEFORE DELETE ON public.grp FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_grp_soft_delete(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_perm_audit AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON public.perm FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_perm_audit(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_perm_immutable_columns BEFORE UPDATE ON public.perm FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_perm_immutable_columns(); CREATE TRIGGER check_usr_tag BEFORE INSERT ON public.usr FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_check_usr_tag(); CREATE TRIGGER insert_usr_default_discrim BEFORE INSERT ON public.usr FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_insert_usr_default_discrim(); CREATE TRIGGER insert_usr_perm AFTER INSERT ON public.usr FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_insert_usr_perm(); CREATE TRIGGER usr_create_default_grp AFTER INSERT ON public.usr FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION do_usr_create_default_grp();