#! /bin/bash set -e source ./scripts/common.sh source ./scripts/env.sh ./.env get_dnim_database_count="copy (select count(*) from pg_database where datname = 'dnim') to stdout with null as '';" dnim_database_count=$(query "$POSTGRES_URI/postgres" "$get_dnim_database_count" 2>&1) git submodule update --init --remote migrations if [[ "$dnim_database_count" = "0" ]]; then echo "fresh database" psql --quiet "$POSTGRES_URI/postgres" -c "create database dnim;" ls ./schema/ | xargs -I{} bash -c "$(declare -f query_file); query_file \"$POSTGRES_URI/dnim\" ./schema/{}" head=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) query "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "insert into migration (from_revision, to_revision) values ('empty', '$head');" else get_rev_last="copy (select to_revision from migration order by performed_on desc limit 1) to stdout with null as '';" rev_last=$(psql "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" -c "$get_rev_last") log=$(git log --format=%h | tac) first_commit="7371374" first_commit_n=$(echo "$log" | grep -n "$first_commit" | awk -F: '{print $1}') rev_most_recent=$(echo "$log" | tail -n 1) log=$(echo "empty" && (echo "$log" | tail --lines "+$first_commit_n" | head --lines "-1")) revs_to_run="$log" if [[ "$rev_last" = "$rev_most_recent" ]]; then query_file "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "migrations/ensure_seeded.sql" echo "all caught up! :)" exit 0 elif [[ "$rev_last" != "empty" ]]; then rev_n=$(echo "$log" | grep -n "$rev_last" | awk -F: '{print $1}') revs_to_run=$(echo "$log" | tail --lines "+$rev_n") fi revs_to_run_ct=$(echo "$revs_to_run" | wc -l) for i in $(seq 1 "$revs_to_run_ct"); do base=$(echo "$revs_to_run" | tail --lines "+$i" | head -n 1) set +e mig=$(ls migrations | grep "${base}_to") set -e if [[ -f "./migrations/${base}_skipped.sql" ]]; then echo "${base} (skipped)" continue elif ! (schema_changed "$base"); then echo "${base} (skipped, no changes to schema)" continue elif [[ -f "./migrations/$mig" ]]; then head=$(echo $mig | awk -F'[_.]' '{print $3}') echo "${base} -> ${head}" query_file "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "./migrations/$mig" query "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "insert into migration (from_revision, to_revision) values ('$base', '$head');" else echo "cant find migration for $base" 1>&2 exit 1 fi done; fi query_file "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" "migrations/ensure_seeded.sql"