#! /bin/bash set -e source ./scripts/env.sh ./.env if [[ -n $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then echo "git working tree dirty" 1>&2; exit 1; fi to_tag="$1" get_dnim_database_count="copy (select count(*) from pg_database where datname = 'dnim') to stdout with null as '';" dnim_database_count=$(psql "$POSTGRES_URI/postgres" -c "$get_dnim_database_count") if [[ "$dnim_database_count" = "0" ]]; then echo "fresh database" psql "$POSTGRES_URI/postgres" -c "create database dnim;" ls ./schema/ | xargs -I{} psql --quiet "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" --file=./schema/{} last_revision='empty' script='' else get_last_revision="copy (select to_revision from migration order by performed_on desc limit 1) to stdout with null as '';" last_revision=$(psql "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" -c "$get_last_revision") migration_file=$(./scripts/diff.sh "$last_revision" "$to_tag") if [[ "$2" = "--greenlight" ]]; then psql "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --single-transaction -f "$migration_file" else echo "migration available at $migration_file" echo "review and rerun with --greenlight to apply" exit fi fi insert_migration="insert into migration (from_revision, to_revision) values ('$last_revision', '$to_tag');" psql "$POSTGRES_URI/dnim" -c "$insert_migration" echo "inserted migration"