Make requested changes

This commit is contained in:
Richard Dodd 2020-01-21 17:21:05 +00:00
parent 369427b381
commit 6fd69dfd47

View File

@ -100,59 +100,10 @@ pub struct Row {
ranges: Vec<Option<Range<usize>>>, ranges: Vec<Option<Range<usize>>>,
} }
/// A macro to map pg types to rust types, for debug display.
macro_rules! debug_row_type {
($this:expr; $map:expr; $idx:expr; $name:expr; $type:expr; $($pg_ty:tt => $ty:ty),*) => {
match $type {
&Type::$pg_ty => match <$ty as FromSql>::from_sql_nullable(
) {
Ok(val) => $map.entry(&$name, &val),
Err(_) => $map.entry(&$name, &"<error>"),
_ => $map.entry(&$name, &"<opaque type>"),
impl fmt::Debug for Row { impl fmt::Debug for Row {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// Provides debug impl for row contents.
struct RowData<'a>(&'a Row);
impl fmt::Debug for RowData<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut map = f.debug_map();
for (idx, col) in self.0.columns().iter().enumerate() {
debug_row_type!(self; map; idx;; col.type_();
BOOL => bool,
INT2 => i16,
INT4 => i32,
INT8 => i64,
FLOAT4 => f32,
FLOAT8 => f64,
VARCHAR => String,
BPCHAR => String,
TEXT => String,
JSON => String,
XML => String,
TIMESTAMPTZ => std::time::SystemTime,
TIMESTAMP => std::time::SystemTime,
BYTEA => Vec<u8>
// More types could be added here.
f.debug_struct("Row") f.debug_struct("Row")
.field("columns", &self.columns()) .field("columns", &self.columns())
.field("data", &RowData(self))
.finish() .finish()
} }
} }