//! A synchronous client for the PostgreSQL database. //! //! # Example //! //! ```no_run //! use postgres::{Client, NoTls}; //! //! # fn main() -> Result<(), postgres::Error> { //! let mut client = Client::connect("host=localhost user=postgres", NoTls)?; //! //! client.simple_query(" //! CREATE TABLE person ( //! id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, //! name TEXT NOT NULL, //! data BYTEA //! ) //! ")?; //! //! let name = "Ferris"; //! let data = None::<&[u8]>; //! client.execute( //! "INSERT INTO person (name, data) VALUES ($1, $2)", //! &[&name, &data], //! )?; //! //! for row in client.query("SELECT id, name, data FROM person", &[])? { //! let id: i32 = row.get(0); //! let name: &str = row.get(1); //! let data: Option<&[u8]> = row.get(2); //! //! println!("found person: {} {} {:?}", id, name, data); //! } //! # Ok(()) //! # } //! ``` //! //! # Implementation //! //! This crate is a lightweight wrapper over tokio-postgres. The `tokio_postgres::Connection` is spawned onto an //! executor, and the `tokio_postgres::Client` is wrapped in the `postgres::Client`, which simply waits on the futures //! the nonblocking client creates. //! //! # Runtime //! //! A client can be constructed directly from a `tokio-postgres` client via a `From` implementation, but the `runtime` //! Cargo feature (enabled by default) provides a more convenient interface. By default, connections will be spawned //! onto a static tokio `Runtime`, but a custom `Executor` can also be used instead. //! //! # SSL/TLS support //! //! TLS support is implemented via external libraries. `Client::connect` and `Config::connect` take a TLS implementation //! as an argument. The `NoTls` type in this crate can be used when TLS is not required. Otherwise, the //! `postgres-openssl` and `postgres-native-tls` crates provide implementations backed by the `openssl` and `native-tls` //! crates, respectively. #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/postgres/0.17")] #![warn(clippy::all, rust_2018_idioms, missing_docs)] #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] use lazy_static::lazy_static; #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] use tokio::runtime::{self, Runtime}; #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] pub use tokio_postgres::Socket; pub use tokio_postgres::{ error, row, tls, types, Column, Portal, SimpleQueryMessage, Statement, ToStatement, }; pub use crate::client::*; #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] pub use crate::config::Config; #[doc(no_inline)] pub use crate::error::Error; #[doc(no_inline)] pub use crate::row::{Row, SimpleQueryRow}; #[doc(no_inline)] pub use crate::tls::NoTls; pub use crate::transaction::*; mod client; #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] pub mod config; mod copy_in_stream; mod copy_out_reader; mod iter; mod transaction; #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] #[cfg(test)] mod test; #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] lazy_static! { static ref RUNTIME: Runtime = runtime::Builder::new() .thread_name("postgres") .threaded_scheduler() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(); }