#![feature(macro_rules, phase)] #[phase(plugin, link)] extern crate postgres; extern crate serialize; extern crate time; extern crate url; extern crate openssl; use openssl::ssl::{SslContext, Sslv3}; use std::io::timer; use std::time::Duration; use postgres::{PostgresNoticeHandler, PostgresNotification, PostgresConnection, ResultDescription, RequireSsl, PreferSsl, NoSsl}; use postgres::error::{PgConnectDbError, PgDbError, PgWrongConnection, PgWrongParamCount, PgWrongType, PgInvalidColumn, PgWasNull, MissingPassword, Position, PostgresDbError, SyntaxError, InvalidPassword, QueryCanceled, UndefinedTable, InvalidCatalogName, PgWrongTransaction, CardinalityViolation}; use postgres::types::{PgInt4, PgVarchar, ToSql}; macro_rules! or_fail( ($e:expr) => ( match $e { Ok(ok) => ok, Err(err) => fail!("{}", err) } ) ) mod types; mod pool; #[test] fn test_non_default_database() { or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres", &NoSsl)); } #[test] fn test_url_terminating_slash() { or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost/", &NoSsl)); } #[test] fn test_prepare_err() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); match conn.prepare("invalid sql statment") { Err(PgDbError(PostgresDbError { code: SyntaxError, position: Some(Position(1)), .. })) => (), Err(e) => fail!("Unexpected result {}", e), _ => fail!("Unexpected result"), } } #[test] fn test_unknown_database() { match PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost/asdf", &NoSsl) { Err(PgConnectDbError(PostgresDbError { code: InvalidCatalogName, .. })) => {} Err(resp) => fail!("Unexpected result {}", resp), _ => fail!("Unexpected result"), } } #[test] fn test_connection_finish() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); assert!(conn.finish().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_unix_connection() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SHOW unix_socket_directories")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); let unix_socket_directories: String = result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).next().unwrap(); if unix_socket_directories.is_empty() { fail!("can't test connect_unix; unix_socket_directories is empty"); } let unix_socket_directory = unix_socket_directories.as_slice() .split(',').next().unwrap(); let url = format!("postgres://postgres@{}", url::encode_component(unix_socket_directory)); let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect(url.as_slice(), &NoSsl)); assert!(conn.finish().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_transaction_commit() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)", [&1i32 as &ToSql])); trans.set_commit(); drop(trans); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_transaction_commit_finish() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)", [&1i32 as &ToSql])); trans.set_commit(); assert!(trans.finish().is_ok()); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_transaction_commit_method() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)", [&1i32 as &ToSql])); assert!(trans.commit().is_ok()); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_transaction_rollback() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)", [&1i32 as &ToSql])); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)", [&2i32 as &ToSql])); drop(trans); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_transaction_rollback_finish() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)", [&1i32 as &ToSql])); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)", [&2i32 as &ToSql])); assert!(trans.finish().is_ok()); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_nested_transactions() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (1)", [])); { let trans1 = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans1.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (2)", [])); { let trans2 = or_fail!(trans1.transaction()); or_fail!(trans2.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (3)", [])); } { let trans2 = or_fail!(trans1.transaction()); or_fail!(trans2.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (4)", [])); { let trans3 = or_fail!(trans2.transaction()); or_fail!(trans3.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (5)", [])); } { let trans3 = or_fail!(trans2.transaction()); or_fail!(trans3.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (6)", [])); assert!(trans3.commit().is_ok()); } assert!(trans2.commit().is_ok()); } let stmt = or_fail!(trans1.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32, 2, 4, 6], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_nested_transactions_finish() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (1)", [])); { let trans1 = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans1.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (2)", [])); { let trans2 = or_fail!(trans1.transaction()); or_fail!(trans2.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (3)", [])); assert!(trans2.finish().is_ok()); } { let trans2 = or_fail!(trans1.transaction()); or_fail!(trans2.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (4)", [])); { let trans3 = or_fail!(trans2.transaction()); or_fail!(trans3.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (5)", [])); assert!(trans3.finish().is_ok()); } { let trans3 = or_fail!(trans2.transaction()); or_fail!(trans3.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (6)", [])); trans3.set_commit(); assert!(trans3.finish().is_ok()); } trans2.set_commit(); assert!(trans2.finish().is_ok()); } // in a block to unborrow trans1 for the finish call { let stmt = or_fail!(trans1.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32, 2, 4, 6], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } assert!(trans1.finish().is_ok()); } let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i32], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_conn_prepare_with_trans() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let _trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); match conn.prepare("") { Err(PgWrongTransaction) => {} Err(r) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", r), Ok(_) => fail!("Unexpected success"), } match conn.transaction() { Err(PgWrongTransaction) => {} Err(r) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", r), Ok(_) => fail!("Unexpected success"), } } #[test] fn test_trans_prepare_with_nested_trans() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); let _trans2 = or_fail!(trans.transaction()); match trans.prepare("") { Err(PgWrongTransaction) => {} Err(r) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", r), Ok(_) => fail!("Unexpected success"), } match trans.transaction() { Err(PgWrongTransaction) => {} Err(r) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", r), Ok(_) => fail!("Unexpected success"), } } #[test] fn test_stmt_finish() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")); assert!(stmt.finish().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_batch_execute() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (10);"; or_fail!(conn.batch_execute(query)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * from foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![10i64], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_batch_execute_error() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (10); asdfa; INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (11)"; conn.batch_execute(query).unwrap_err(); match conn.prepare("SELECT * from foo ORDER BY id") { Err(PgDbError(PostgresDbError { code: UndefinedTable, .. })) => {}, Err(e) => fail!("unexpected error {}", e), _ => fail!("unexpected success"), } } #[test] fn test_transaction_batch_execute() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); let query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES (10);"; or_fail!(trans.batch_execute(query)); let stmt = or_fail!(trans.prepare("SELECT * from foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![10i64], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_query() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1), ($2)", [&1i64 as &ToSql, &2i64 as &ToSql])); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * from foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![1i64, 2], result.map(|row| row.get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_error_after_datarow() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare(" SELECT (SELECT generate_series(1, ss.i)) FROM (SELECT gs.i FROM generate_series(1, 2) gs(i) ORDER BY gs.i LIMIT 2) ss")); match stmt.query([]) { Err(PgDbError(PostgresDbError { code: CardinalityViolation, .. })) => {} Err(err) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", err), Ok(_) => fail!("Expected failure"), } } #[test] fn test_result_finish() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert!(result.finish().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_lazy_query() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let trans = or_fail!(conn.transaction()); or_fail!(trans.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)", [])); let stmt = or_fail!(trans.prepare("INSERT INTO foo (id) VALUES ($1)")); let values = vec!(0i32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); for value in values.iter() { or_fail!(stmt.execute([value as &ToSql])); } let stmt = or_fail!(trans.prepare("SELECT id FROM foo ORDER BY id")); let result = or_fail!(trans.lazy_query(&stmt, [], 2)); assert_eq!(values, result.map(|row| row.unwrap().get(0u)).collect()); } #[test] fn test_lazy_query_wrong_conn() { let conn1 = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let conn2 = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let trans = or_fail!(conn1.transaction()); let stmt = or_fail!(conn2.prepare("SELECT 1::INT")); match trans.lazy_query(&stmt, [], 1) { Err(PgWrongConnection) => {} Err(err) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", err), Ok(_) => fail!("Expected failure") } } #[test] fn test_param_types() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT $1::INT, $2::VARCHAR")); assert_eq!(stmt.param_types(), [PgInt4, PgVarchar].as_slice()); } #[test] fn test_result_descriptions() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT 1::INT as a, 'hi'::VARCHAR as b")); assert!(stmt.result_descriptions() == [ResultDescription { name: "a".to_string(), ty: PgInt4}, ResultDescription { name: "b".to_string(), ty: PgVarchar}]); } #[test] fn test_execute_counts() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); assert_eq!(0, or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, b INT )", []))); assert_eq!(3, or_fail!(conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo (b) VALUES ($1), ($2), ($2)", [&1i32 as &ToSql, &2i32 as &ToSql]))); assert_eq!(2, or_fail!(conn.execute("UPDATE foo SET b = 0 WHERE b = 2", []))); assert_eq!(3, or_fail!(conn.execute("SELECT * FROM foo", []))); } #[test] fn test_wrong_param_type() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); match conn.execute("SELECT $1::VARCHAR", [&1i32 as &ToSql]) { Err(PgWrongType(_)) => {} res => fail!("unexpected result {}", res) } } #[test] fn test_too_few_params() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); match conn.execute("SELECT $1::INT, $2::INT", [&1i32 as &ToSql]) { Err(PgWrongParamCount { expected: 2, actual: 1 }) => {}, res => fail!("unexpected result {}", res) } } #[test] fn test_too_many_params() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); match conn.execute("SELECT $1::INT, $2::INT", [&1i32 as &ToSql, &2i32 as &ToSql, &3i32 as &ToSql]) { Err(PgWrongParamCount { expected: 2, actual: 3 }) => {}, res => fail!("unexpected result {}", res) } } #[test] fn test_index_named() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT 10::INT as val")); let result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); assert_eq!(vec![10i32], result.map(|row| row.get("val")).collect()); } #[test] #[should_fail] fn test_index_named_fail() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT 10::INT as id")); let mut result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); let _: i32 = result.next().unwrap().get("asdf"); } #[test] fn test_get_named_err() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT 10::INT as id")); let mut result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); match result.next().unwrap().get_opt::<&str, i32>("asdf") { Err(PgInvalidColumn) => {} res => fail!("unexpected result {}", res), }; } #[test] fn test_get_was_null() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let stmt = or_fail!(conn.prepare("SELECT NULL::INT as id")); let mut result = or_fail!(stmt.query([])); match result.next().unwrap().get_opt::(0) { Err(PgWasNull) => {} res => fail!("unexpected result {}", res), }; } #[test] fn test_custom_notice_handler() { static mut count: uint = 0; struct Handler; impl PostgresNoticeHandler for Handler { fn handle(&mut self, notice: PostgresDbError) { assert_eq!("note", notice.message.as_slice()); unsafe { count += 1; } } } let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect( "postgres://postgres@localhost?client_min_messages=NOTICE", &NoSsl)); conn.set_notice_handler(box Handler); or_fail!(conn.execute("CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.note() RETURNS INT AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'note'; RETURN 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("SELECT pg_temp.note()", [])); assert_eq!(unsafe { count }, 1); } #[test] fn test_notification_iterator_none() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); assert!(conn.notifications().next().is_none()); } #[test] fn test_notification_iterator_some() { fn check_notification(expected: PostgresNotification, actual: Option) { match actual { Some(PostgresNotification { channel, payload, .. }) => { assert_eq!(&expected.channel, &channel); assert_eq!(&expected.payload, &payload); } None => fail!("Unexpected result") } } let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let mut it = conn.notifications(); or_fail!(conn.execute("LISTEN test_notification_iterator_one_channel", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("LISTEN test_notification_iterator_one_channel2", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("NOTIFY test_notification_iterator_one_channel, 'hello'", [])); or_fail!(conn.execute("NOTIFY test_notification_iterator_one_channel2, 'world'", [])); check_notification(PostgresNotification { pid: 0, channel: "test_notification_iterator_one_channel".to_string(), payload: "hello".to_string() }, it.next()); check_notification(PostgresNotification { pid: 0, channel: "test_notification_iterator_one_channel2".to_string(), payload: "world".to_string() }, it.next()); assert!(it.next().is_none()); or_fail!(conn.execute("NOTIFY test_notification_iterator_one_channel, '!'", [])); check_notification(PostgresNotification { pid: 0, channel: "test_notification_iterator_one_channel".to_string(), payload: "!".to_string() }, it.next()); assert!(it.next().is_none()); } #[test] // This test is pretty sad, but I don't think there's a better way :( fn test_cancel_query() { let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl)); let cancel_data = conn.cancel_data(); spawn(proc() { timer::sleep(Duration::milliseconds(500)); assert!(postgres::cancel_query("postgres://postgres@localhost", &NoSsl, cancel_data).is_ok()); }); match conn.execute("SELECT pg_sleep(10)", []) { Err(PgDbError(PostgresDbError { code: QueryCanceled, .. })) => {} Err(res) => fail!("Unexpected result {}", res), _ => fail!("Unexpected result"), } } #[test] fn test_require_ssl_conn() { let ctx = SslContext::new(Sslv3); let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &RequireSsl(ctx))); or_fail!(conn.execute("SELECT 1::VARCHAR", [])); } #[test] fn test_prefer_ssl_conn() { let ctx = SslContext::new(Sslv3); let conn = or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", &PreferSsl(ctx))); or_fail!(conn.execute("SELECT 1::VARCHAR", [])); } #[test] fn test_plaintext_pass() { or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://pass_user:password@localhost/postgres", &NoSsl)); } #[test] fn test_plaintext_pass_no_pass() { let ret = PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://pass_user@localhost/postgres", &NoSsl); match ret { Err(MissingPassword) => (), Err(err) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", err), _ => fail!("Expected error") } } #[test] fn test_plaintext_pass_wrong_pass() { let ret = PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://pass_user:asdf@localhost/postgres", &NoSsl); match ret { Err(PgConnectDbError(PostgresDbError { code: InvalidPassword, .. })) => (), Err(err) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", err), _ => fail!("Expected error") } } #[test] fn test_md5_pass() { or_fail!(PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://md5_user:password@localhost/postgres", &NoSsl)); } #[test] fn test_md5_pass_no_pass() { let ret = PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://md5_user@localhost/postgres", &NoSsl); match ret { Err(MissingPassword) => (), Err(err) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", err), _ => fail!("Expected error") } } #[test] fn test_md5_pass_wrong_pass() { let ret = PostgresConnection::connect("postgres://md5_user:asdf@localhost/postgres", &NoSsl); match ret { Err(PgConnectDbError(PostgresDbError { code: InvalidPassword, .. })) => (), Err(err) => fail!("Unexpected error {}", err), _ => fail!("Expected error") } }