2016-09-24 14:35:21 -07:00

762 lines
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//! Traits dealing with Postgres data types
use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator;
use postgres_protocol;
use postgres_protocol::types::{self, ArrayDimension};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub use postgres_protocol::Oid;
pub use self::type_gen::Type;
pub use self::special::{Date, Timestamp};
use {SessionInfoNew, OtherNew, WrongTypeNew, FieldNew};
/// Generates a simple implementation of `ToSql::accepts` which accepts the
/// types passed to it.
macro_rules! accepts {
($($expected:pat),+) => (
fn accepts(ty: &$crate::types::Type) -> bool {
match *ty {
$($expected)|+ => true,
_ => false
/// Generates an implementation of `ToSql::to_sql_checked`.
/// All `ToSql` implementations should use this macro.
macro_rules! to_sql_checked {
() => {
fn to_sql_checked(&self,
ty: &$crate::types::Type,
out: &mut ::std::vec::Vec<u8>,
ctx: &$crate::types::SessionInfo)
-> ::std::result::Result<$crate::types::IsNull,
Box<::std::error::Error +
::std::marker::Sync +
::std::marker::Send>> {
$crate::types::__to_sql_checked(self, ty, out, ctx)
// WARNING: this function is not considered part of this crate's public API.
// It is subject to change at any time.
pub fn __to_sql_checked<T>(v: &T,
ty: &Type,
out: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>>
where T: ToSql
if !T::accepts(ty) {
return Err(Box::new(WrongType(ty.clone())));
v.to_sql(ty, out, ctx)
#[cfg(feature = "with-bit-vec")]
mod bit_vec;
#[cfg(feature = "with-uuid")]
mod uuid;
#[cfg(feature = "with-time")]
mod time;
#[cfg(feature = "with-rustc-serialize")]
mod rustc_serialize;
#[cfg(feature = "with-serde_json")]
mod serde_json;
#[cfg(feature = "with-chrono")]
mod chrono;
#[cfg(feature = "with-eui48")]
mod eui48;
mod special;
mod type_gen;
/// A structure providing information for conversion methods.
pub struct SessionInfo<'a> {
parameters: &'a HashMap<String, String>,
impl<'a> SessionInfoNew<'a> for SessionInfo<'a> {
fn new(parameters: &'a HashMap<String, String>) -> SessionInfo<'a> {
SessionInfo { parameters: parameters }
impl<'a> SessionInfo<'a> {
/// Returns the value of the specified Postgres backend parameter, such
/// as `timezone` or `server_version`.
pub fn parameter(&self, param: &str) -> Option<&'a str> {
self.parameters.get(param).map(|s| &**s)
/// Represents the kind of a Postgres type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Kind {
/// A simple type like `VARCHAR` or `INTEGER`.
/// An enumerated type along with its variants.
/// A pseudo-type.
/// An array type along with the type of its elements.
/// A range type along with the type of its elements.
/// A domain type along with its underlying type.
/// A composite type along with information about its fields.
/// Information about a field of a composite type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Field {
name: String,
type_: Type,
impl Field {
/// Returns the name of the field.
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the type of the field.
pub fn type_(&self) -> &Type {
impl FieldNew for Field {
fn new(name: String, type_: Type) -> Field {
Field {
name: name,
type_: type_,
/// Information about an unknown type.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct Other(Arc<OtherInner>);
impl fmt::Debug for Other {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("name", &
.field("oid", &self.0.oid)
.field("kind", &self.0.kind)
.field("schema", &self.0.schema)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct OtherInner {
name: String,
oid: Oid,
kind: Kind,
schema: String,
impl OtherNew for Other {
fn new(name: String, oid: Oid, kind: Kind, schema: String) -> Other {
Other(Arc::new(OtherInner {
name: name,
oid: oid,
kind: kind,
schema: schema,
impl Other {
/// The name of the type.
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// The OID of this type.
pub fn oid(&self) -> Oid {
/// The kind of this type.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &Kind {
/// The schema of this type.
pub fn schema(&self) -> &str {
/// An error indicating that a `NULL` Postgres value was passed to a `FromSql`
/// implementation that does not support `NULL` values.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct WasNull;
impl fmt::Display for WasNull {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl Error for WasNull {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
"a Postgres value was `NULL`"
/// An error indicating that a conversion was attempted between incompatible
/// Rust and Postgres types.
pub struct WrongType(Type);
impl fmt::Display for WrongType {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"cannot convert to or from a Postgres value of type `{}`",
impl Error for WrongType {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
"cannot convert to or from a Postgres value"
impl WrongTypeNew for WrongType {
fn new(ty: Type) -> WrongType {
/// A trait for types that can be created from a Postgres value.
/// # Types
/// The following implementations are provided by this crate, along with the
/// corresponding Postgres types:
/// | Rust type | Postgres type(s) |
/// |-----------------------------------|--------------------------------|
/// | `bool` | BOOL |
/// | `i8` | "char" |
/// | `i32` | INT, SERIAL |
/// | `u32` | OID |
/// | `i64` | BIGINT, BIGSERIAL |
/// | `f32` | REAL |
/// | `f64` | DOUBLE PRECISION |
/// | `String` | VARCHAR, CHAR(n), TEXT, CITEXT |
/// | `Vec<u8>` | BYTEA |
/// | `HashMap<String, Option<String>>` | HSTORE |
/// In addition, some implementations are provided for types in third party
/// crates. These are disabled by default; to opt into one of these
/// implementations, activate the Cargo feature corresponding to the crate's
/// name prefixed by `with-`. For example, the `with-serde_json` feature enables
/// the implementation for the `serde_json::Value` type.
/// | Rust type | Postgres type(s) |
/// |---------------------------------|-------------------------------------|
/// | `serialize::json::Json` | JSON, JSONB |
/// | `serde_json::Value` | JSON, JSONB |
/// | `time::Timespec` | TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::NaiveDateTime` | TIMESTAMP |
/// | `chrono::DateTime<UTC>` | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::DateTime<Local>` | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset>` | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::NaiveDate` | DATE |
/// | `chrono::NaiveTime` | TIME |
/// | `eui48::MacAddress` | MACADDR |
/// | `uuid::Uuid` | UUID |
/// | `bit_vec::BitVec` | BIT, VARBIT |
/// | `eui48::MacAddress` | MACADDR |
/// # Nullability
/// In addition to the types listed above, `FromSql` is implemented for
/// `Option<T>` where `T` implements `FromSql`. An `Option<T>` represents a
/// nullable Postgres value.
/// # Arrays
/// `FromSql` is implemented for `Vec<T>` where `T` implements `FromSql`, and
/// corresponds to one-dimensional Postgres arrays.
pub trait FromSql: Sized {
/// Creates a new value of this type from a buffer of data of the specified
/// Postgres `Type` in its binary format.
/// The caller of this method is responsible for ensuring that this type
/// is compatible with the Postgres `Type`.
fn from_sql(ty: &Type,
raw: &[u8],
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<Self, Box<Error + Sync + Send>>;
/// Creates a new value of this type from a `NULL` SQL value.
/// The caller of this method is responsible for ensuring that this type
/// is compatible with the Postgres `Type`.
/// The default implementation returns
/// `Err(Box::new(WasNull))`.
fn from_sql_null(ty: &Type, ctx: &SessionInfo) -> Result<Self, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
/// Determines if a value of this type can be created from the specified
/// Postgres `Type`.
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool;
impl<T: FromSql> FromSql for Option<T> {
fn from_sql(ty: &Type,
raw: &[u8],
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<Option<T>, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
<T as FromSql>::from_sql(ty, raw, ctx).map(Some)
fn from_sql_null(_: &Type, _: &SessionInfo) -> Result<Option<T>, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
<T as FromSql>::accepts(ty)
impl<T: FromSql> FromSql for Vec<T> {
fn from_sql(ty: &Type,
raw: &[u8],
info: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<Vec<T>, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
let member_type = match *ty.kind() {
Kind::Array(ref member) => member,
_ => panic!("expected array type"),
let array = try!(types::array_from_sql(raw));
if try!(array.dimensions().count()) > 1 {
return Err("array contains too many dimensions".into());
.and_then(|v| {
match v {
Some(v) => T::from_sql(member_type, v, info),
None => T::from_sql_null(member_type, info),
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
match *ty.kind() {
Kind::Array(ref inner) => T::accepts(inner),
_ => false,
impl FromSql for Vec<u8> {
fn from_sql(_: &Type,
raw: &[u8],
_: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
impl FromSql for String {
fn from_sql(_: &Type, raw: &[u8], _: &SessionInfo) -> Result<String, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
types::text_from_sql(raw).map(|b| b.to_owned())
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
match *ty {
Type::Varchar | Type::Text | Type::Bpchar | Type::Name => true,
Type::Other(ref u) if == "citext" => true,
_ => false,
macro_rules! simple_from {
($t:ty, $f:ident, $($expected:pat),+) => {
impl FromSql for $t {
fn from_sql(_: &Type,
raw: &[u8],
_: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<$t, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
simple_from!(bool, bool_from_sql, Type::Bool);
simple_from!(i8, char_from_sql, Type::Char);
simple_from!(i16, int2_from_sql, Type::Int2);
simple_from!(i32, int4_from_sql, Type::Int4);
simple_from!(u32, oid_from_sql, Type::Oid);
simple_from!(i64, int8_from_sql, Type::Int8);
simple_from!(f32, float4_from_sql, Type::Float4);
simple_from!(f64, float8_from_sql, Type::Float8);
impl FromSql for HashMap<String, Option<String>> {
fn from_sql(_: &Type,
raw: &[u8],
_: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<HashMap<String, Option<String>>, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
.map(|(k, v)| (k.to_owned(),|v| v.to_owned())))
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
match *ty {
Type::Other(ref u) if == "hstore" => true,
_ => false,
/// An enum representing the nullability of a Postgres value.
pub enum IsNull {
/// The value is NULL.
/// The value is not NULL.
/// A trait for types that can be converted into Postgres values.
/// # Types
/// The following implementations are provided by this crate, along with the
/// corresponding Postgres types:
/// | Rust type | Postgres type(s) |
/// |-----------------------------------|--------------------------------|
/// | `bool` | BOOL |
/// | `i8` | "char" |
/// | `i32` | INT, SERIAL |
/// | `u32` | OID |
/// | `i64` | BIGINT, BIGSERIAL |
/// | `f32` | REAL |
/// | `f64` | DOUBLE PRECISION |
/// | `String` | VARCHAR, CHAR(n), TEXT, CITEXT |
/// | `&str` | VARCHAR, CHAR(n), TEXT, CITEXT |
/// | `Vec<u8>` | BYTEA |
/// | `&[u8]` | BYTEA |
/// | `HashMap<String, Option<String>>` | HSTORE |
/// In addition, some implementations are provided for types in third party
/// crates. These are disabled by default; to opt into one of these
/// implementations, activate the Cargo feature corresponding to the crate's
/// name prefixed by `with-`. For example, the `with-serde_json` feature enables
/// the implementation for the `serde_json::Value` type.
/// | Rust type | Postgres type(s) |
/// |---------------------------------|-------------------------------------|
/// | `serialize::json::Json` | JSON, JSONB |
/// | `serde_json::Value` | JSON, JSONB |
/// | `time::Timespec` | TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::NaiveDateTime` | TIMESTAMP |
/// | `chrono::DateTime<UTC>` | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::DateTime<Local>` | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset>` | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE |
/// | `chrono::NaiveDate` | DATE |
/// | `chrono::NaiveTime` | TIME |
/// | `uuid::Uuid` | UUID |
/// | `bit_vec::BitVec` | BIT, VARBIT |
/// | `eui48::MacAddress` | MACADDR |
/// # Nullability
/// In addition to the types listed above, `ToSql` is implemented for
/// `Option<T>` where `T` implements `ToSql`. An `Option<T>` represents a
/// nullable Postgres value.
/// # Arrays
/// `ToSql` is implemented for `Vec<T>` and `&[T]` where `T` implements `ToSql`,
/// and corresponds to one-dimentional Postgres arrays with an index offset of
/// 1.
pub trait ToSql: fmt::Debug {
/// Converts the value of `self` into the binary format of the specified
/// Postgres `Type`, appending it to `out`.
/// The caller of this method is responsible for ensuring that this type
/// is compatible with the Postgres `Type`.
/// The return value indicates if this value should be represented as
/// `NULL`. If this is the case, implementations **must not** write
/// anything to `out`.
fn to_sql(&self,
ty: &Type,
out: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>>
where Self: Sized;
/// Determines if a value of this type can be converted to the specified
/// Postgres `Type`.
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool where Self: Sized;
/// An adaptor method used internally by Rust-Postgres.
/// *All* implementations of this method should be generated by the
/// `to_sql_checked!()` macro.
fn to_sql_checked(&self,
ty: &Type,
out: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>>;
impl<'a, T> ToSql for &'a T
where T: ToSql
fn to_sql(&self,
ty: &Type,
out: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
(*self).to_sql(ty, out, ctx)
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
impl<T: ToSql> ToSql for Option<T> {
fn to_sql(&self,
ty: &Type,
out: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
match *self {
Some(ref val) => val.to_sql(ty, out, ctx),
None => Ok(IsNull::Yes),
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
<T as ToSql>::accepts(ty)
impl<'a, T: ToSql> ToSql for &'a [T] {
fn to_sql(&self,
ty: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
let member_type = match *ty.kind() {
Kind::Array(ref member) => member,
_ => panic!("expected array type"),
let dimensions = [ArrayDimension {
len: try!(downcast(self.len())),
lower_bound: 1,
|e, w| {
match try!(e.to_sql(member_type, w, ctx)) {
IsNull::No => Ok(postgres_protocol::IsNull::No),
IsNull::Yes => Ok(postgres_protocol::IsNull::Yes),
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
match *ty.kind() {
Kind::Array(ref member) => T::accepts(member),
_ => false,
impl<'a> ToSql for &'a [u8] {
fn to_sql(&self,
_: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
_: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
types::bytea_to_sql(*self, w);
impl<T: ToSql> ToSql for Vec<T> {
fn to_sql(&self,
ty: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
<&[T] as ToSql>::to_sql(&&**self, ty, w, ctx)
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
<&[T] as ToSql>::accepts(ty)
impl ToSql for Vec<u8> {
fn to_sql(&self,
ty: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
<&[u8] as ToSql>::to_sql(&&**self, ty, w, ctx)
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
<&[u8] as ToSql>::accepts(ty)
impl<'a> ToSql for &'a str {
fn to_sql(&self,
_: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
_: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
types::text_to_sql(*self, w);
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
match *ty {
Type::Varchar | Type::Text | Type::Bpchar | Type::Name => true,
Type::Other(ref u) if == "citext" => true,
_ => false,
impl ToSql for String {
fn to_sql(&self,
ty: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
ctx: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
<&str as ToSql>::to_sql(&&**self, ty, w, ctx)
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
<&str as ToSql>::accepts(ty)
macro_rules! simple_to {
($t:ty, $f:ident, $($expected:pat),+) => {
impl ToSql for $t {
fn to_sql(&self,
_: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
_: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
types::$f(*self, w);
simple_to!(bool, bool_to_sql, Type::Bool);
simple_to!(i8, char_to_sql, Type::Char);
simple_to!(i16, int2_to_sql, Type::Int2);
simple_to!(i32, int4_to_sql, Type::Int4);
simple_to!(u32, oid_to_sql, Type::Oid);
simple_to!(i64, int8_to_sql, Type::Int8);
simple_to!(f32, float4_to_sql, Type::Float4);
simple_to!(f64, float8_to_sql, Type::Float8);
impl ToSql for HashMap<String, Option<String>> {
fn to_sql(&self,
_: &Type,
w: &mut Vec<u8>,
_: &SessionInfo)
-> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
try!(types::hstore_to_sql(self.iter().map(|(k, v)| (&**k, v.as_ref().map(|v| &**v))),
fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
match *ty {
Type::Other(ref u) if == "hstore" => true,
_ => false,
fn downcast(len: usize) -> Result<i32, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
if len > i32::max_value() as usize {
Err("value too large to transmit".into())
} else {
Ok(len as i32)