diff --git a/deploy/1-click/README.md b/deploy/1-click/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ed2323de..000000000
--- a/deploy/1-click/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# One-click deploy
-Deployment methods for Plane have improved significantly to make self-managing super-easy. One of those is a single-line-command installation of Plane.
-This short guide will guide you through the process, the background tasks that run with the command for the Community, One, and Enterprise editions, and the post-deployment configuration options available to you.
-### Requirements
-- Operating systems: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS
-- Supported CPU architectures: AMD64, ARM64, x86_64, AArch64
-### Download the latest stable release
-Run ↓ on any CLI.
-curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/master/deploy/1-click/install.sh | sh -
-### Download the Preview release
-`Preview` builds do not support ARM64, AArch64 CPU architectures
-Run ↓ on any CLI.
-export BRANCH=preview
-curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/preview/deploy/1-click/install.sh | sh -
-### Successful installation
-You should see ↓ if there are no hitches. That output will also list the IP address you can use to access your Plane instance.
-![Install Output](images/install.png)
-### Manage your Plane instance
-Use `plane-app` [OPERATOR] to manage your Plane instance easily. Get a list of all operators with `plane-app ---help`.
-![Plane Help](images/help.png)
-1. Basic operators
- 1. `plane-app start` starts the Plane server.
- 2. `plane-app restart` restarts the Plane server.
- 3. `plane-app stop` stops the Plane server.
-2. Advanced operators
- `plane-app --configure` will show advanced configurators.
- - Change your proxy or listening port
Default: 80
- - Change your domain name
Default: Deployed server's public IP address
- - File upload size
Default: 5MB
- - Specify external database address when using an external database
Default: `Empty`
`Default folder: /opt/plane/data/postgres`
- - Specify external Redis URL when using external Redis
Default: `Empty`
`Default folder: /opt/plane/data/redis`
- - Configure AWS S3 bucket
Use only when you or your users want to use S3
`Default folder: /opt/plane/data/minio`
-3. Version operators
- 1. `plane-app --upgrade` gets the latest stable version of `docker-compose.yaml`, `.env`, and Docker images
- 2. `plane-app --update-installer` updates the installer and the `plane-app` utility.
- 3. `plane-app --uninstall` uninstalls the Plane application and all Docker containers from the server but leaves the data stored in
- Postgres, Redis, and Minio alone.
- 4. `plane-app --install` installs the Plane app again.
diff --git a/deploy/1-click/images/help.png b/deploy/1-click/images/help.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c14603a4b..000000000
Binary files a/deploy/1-click/images/help.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/deploy/1-click/images/install.png b/deploy/1-click/images/install.png
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index c8ba1e5f8..000000000
Binary files a/deploy/1-click/images/install.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/deploy/1-click/install.sh b/deploy/1-click/install.sh
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index 9a0eac902..000000000
--- a/deploy/1-click/install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-export GIT_REPO=makeplane/plane
-# Check if the user has sudo access
-if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then
- sudo curl -sSL \
- -o /usr/local/bin/plane-app \
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GIT_REPO/${BRANCH:-master}/deploy/1-click/plane-app?token=$(date +%s)
- sudo wget -q \
- -O /usr/local/bin/plane-app \
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GIT_REPO/${BRANCH:-master}/deploy/1-click/plane-app?token=$(date +%s)
-sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/plane-app
-sudo sed -i 's@export DEPLOY_BRANCH=${BRANCH:-master}@export DEPLOY_BRANCH='${BRANCH:-master}'@' /usr/local/bin/plane-app
-sudo sed -i 's@CODE_REPO=${GIT_REPO:-makeplane/plane}@CODE_REPO='$GIT_REPO'@' /usr/local/bin/plane-app
-plane-app -i #--help
diff --git a/deploy/1-click/plane-app b/deploy/1-click/plane-app
deleted file mode 100644
index ace0a0b79..000000000
--- a/deploy/1-click/plane-app
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
-function print_header() {
-cat <<"EOF"
- ____ _
-| _ \| | __ _ _ __ ___
-| |_) | |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \
-| __/| | (_| | | | | __/
-|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|
-Project management tool from the future
-function update_env_file() {
- config_file=$1
- key=$2
- value=$3
- # Check if the config file exists
- if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
- echo "Config file not found. Creating a new one..." >&2
- sudo touch "$config_file"
- fi
- # Check if the key already exists in the config file
- if sudo grep "^$key=" "$config_file"; then
- sudo awk -v key="$key" -v value="$value" -F '=' '{if ($1 == key) $2 = value} 1' OFS='=' "$config_file" | sudo tee "$config_file.tmp" > /dev/null
- sudo mv "$config_file.tmp" "$config_file" &> /dev/null
- else
- # sudo echo "$key=$value" >> "$config_file"
- echo -e "$key=$value" | sudo tee -a "$config_file" > /dev/null
- fi
-function read_env_file() {
- config_file=$1
- key=$2
- # Check if the config file exists
- if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
- echo "Config file not found. Creating a new one..." >&2
- sudo touch "$config_file"
- fi
- # Check if the key already exists in the config file
- if sudo grep -q "^$key=" "$config_file"; then
- value=$(sudo awk -v key="$key" -F '=' '{if ($1 == key) print $2}' "$config_file")
- echo "$value"
- else
- echo ""
- fi
-function update_config() {
- config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/config.env"
- update_env_file $config_file $1 $2
-function read_config() {
- config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/config.env"
- read_env_file $config_file $1
-function update_env() {
- config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env"
- update_env_file $config_file $1 $2
-function read_env() {
- config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env"
- read_env_file $config_file $1
-function show_message() {
- print_header
- if [ "$2" == "replace_last_line" ]; then
- PROGRESS_MSG[-1]="$1"
- else
- PROGRESS_MSG+=("$1")
- fi
- for statement in "${PROGRESS_MSG[@]}"; do
- echo "$statement"
- done
-function prepare_environment() {
- show_message "Prepare Environment..." >&2
- show_message "- Updating OS with required tools ✋" >&2
- sudo "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" update -y
- # sudo "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" upgrade -y
- local required_tools=("curl" "awk" "wget" "nano" "dialog" "git" "uidmap" "jq")
- for tool in "${required_tools[@]}"; do
- if ! command -v $tool &> /dev/null; then
- sudo "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" install -y $tool
- fi
- done
- show_message "- OS Updated ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- # Install Docker if not installed
- if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null; then
- show_message "- Installing Docker ✋" >&2
- # curl -o- https://get.docker.com | bash -
- if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "yum" ]; then
- sudo $PACKAGE_MANAGER install -y yum-utils
- sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo &> /dev/null
- elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "apt-get" ]; then
- # Add Docker's official GPG key:
- sudo $PACKAGE_MANAGER update
- sudo $PACKAGE_MANAGER install ca-certificates curl &> /dev/null
- sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings &> /dev/null
- sudo curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc &> /dev/null
- sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc &> /dev/null
- # Add the repository to Apt sources:
- echo \
- "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
- $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
- sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
- sudo $PACKAGE_MANAGER update
- fi
- sudo $PACKAGE_MANAGER install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin -y
- show_message "- Docker Installed ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- else
- show_message "- Docker is already installed ✅" >&2
- fi
- update_config "PLANE_ARCH" "$CPU_ARCH"
- update_config "DOCKER_VERSION" "$(docker -v | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/,//g')"
- update_config "PLANE_DATA_DIR" "$DATA_DIR"
- update_config "PLANE_LOG_DIR" "$LOG_DIR"
- # echo "TRUE"
- echo "Environment prepared successfully ✅"
- show_message "Environment prepared successfully ✅" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- return 0
-function download_plane() {
- # Download Docker Compose File from github url
- show_message "Downloading Plane Setup Files ✋" >&2
- sudo curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' \
- -s -o $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml \
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$CODE_REPO/$DEPLOY_BRANCH/deploy/selfhost/docker-compose.yml?token=$(date +%s)
- sudo curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' \
- -s -o $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env \
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$CODE_REPO/$DEPLOY_BRANCH/deploy/selfhost/variables.env?token=$(date +%s)
- # if .env does not exists rename variables-upgrade.env to .env
- if [ ! -f "$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env" ]; then
- sudo mv $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env
- fi
- show_message "Plane Setup Files Downloaded ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- return 0
-function printUsageInstructions() {
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "----------------------------------" >&2
- show_message "Usage Instructions" >&2
- show_message "----------------------------------" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "To use the Plane Setup utility, use below commands" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "Usage: plane-app [OPTION]" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message " start Start Server" >&2
- show_message " stop Stop Server" >&2
- show_message " restart Restart Server" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "other options" >&2
- show_message " -i, --install Install Plane" >&2
- show_message " -c, --configure Configure Plane" >&2
- show_message " -up, --upgrade Upgrade Plane" >&2
- show_message " -un, --uninstall Uninstall Plane" >&2
- show_message " -ui, --update-installer Update Plane Installer" >&2
- show_message " -h, --help Show help" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "Application Data is stored in mentioned folders" >&2
- show_message " - DB Data: $DATA_DIR/postgres" >&2
- show_message " - Redis Data: $DATA_DIR/redis" >&2
- show_message " - Minio Data: $DATA_DIR/minio" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "----------------------------------" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
-function build_local_image() {
- show_message "- Downloading Plane Source Code ✋" >&2
- REPO=https://github.com/$CODE_REPO.git
- sudo rm -rf $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR > /dev/null
- sudo git clone $REPO $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR --branch $DEPLOY_BRANCH --single-branch -q > /dev/null
- sudo cp $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/deploy/selfhost/build.yml $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/build.yml
- show_message "- Plane Source Code Downloaded ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- show_message "- Building Docker Images ✋" >&2
- sudo docker compose --env-file=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env -f $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/build.yml build --no-cache
-function check_for_docker_images() {
- show_message "" >&2
- # show_message "Building Plane Images" >&2
- CURR_DIR=$(pwd)
- if [ "$DEPLOY_BRANCH" == "master" ]; then
- update_env "APP_RELEASE" "latest"
- export APP_RELEASE=latest
- else
- fi
- if [ $USE_GLOBAL_IMAGES == 1 ]; then
- # show_message "Building Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH is not required. Skipping... ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- export DOCKERHUB_USER=makeplane
- update_env "PULL_POLICY" "always"
- echo "Building Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH is not required. Skipping..."
- else
- export DOCKERHUB_USER=myplane
- show_message "Building Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH " >&2
- update_env "PULL_POLICY" "never"
- build_local_image
- sudo rm -rf $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/temp > /dev/null
- show_message "- Docker Images Built ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- sudo cd $CURR_DIR
- fi
- sudo sed -i "s|- pgdata:|- $DATA_DIR/postgres:|g" $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml
- sudo sed -i "s|- redisdata:|- $DATA_DIR/redis:|g" $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml
- sudo sed -i "s|- uploads:|- $DATA_DIR/minio:|g" $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml
- show_message "Downloading Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH ✋" >&2
- sudo docker compose -f $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml --env-file=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env pull
- show_message "Plane Images Downloaded ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
-function configure_plane() {
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "Configuring Plane" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- exec 3>&1
- nginx_port=$(read_env "NGINX_PORT")
- domain_name=$(read_env "DOMAIN_NAME")
- upload_limit=$(read_env "FILE_SIZE_LIMIT")
- NGINX_SETTINGS=$(dialog \
- --ok-label "Next" \
- --cancel-label "Skip" \
- --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \
- --title "Nginx Settings" \
- --form "" \
- 0 0 0 \
- "Port:" 1 1 "${nginx_port:-80}" 1 10 50 0 \
- "Domain:" 2 1 "${domain_name:-localhost}" 2 10 50 0 \
- "Upload Limit:" 3 1 "${upload_limit:-5242880}" 3 10 15 0 \
- 2>&1 1>&3)
- save_nginx_settings=0
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- save_nginx_settings=1
- nginx_port=$(echo "$NGINX_SETTINGS" | sed -n 1p)
- domain_name=$(echo "$NGINX_SETTINGS" | sed -n 2p)
- upload_limit=$(echo "$NGINX_SETTINGS" | sed -n 3p)
- fi
- # smtp_host=$(read_env "EMAIL_HOST")
- # smtp_user=$(read_env "EMAIL_HOST_USER")
- # smtp_password=$(read_env "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD")
- # smtp_port=$(read_env "EMAIL_PORT")
- # smtp_from=$(read_env "EMAIL_FROM")
- # smtp_tls=$(read_env "EMAIL_USE_TLS")
- # smtp_ssl=$(read_env "EMAIL_USE_SSL")
- # SMTP_SETTINGS=$(dialog \
- # --ok-label "Next" \
- # --cancel-label "Skip" \
- # --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \
- # --title "SMTP Settings" \
- # --form "" \
- # 0 0 0 \
- # "Host:" 1 1 "$smtp_host" 1 10 80 0 \
- # "User:" 2 1 "$smtp_user" 2 10 80 0 \
- # "Password:" 3 1 "$smtp_password" 3 10 80 0 \
- # "Port:" 4 1 "${smtp_port:-587}" 4 10 5 0 \
- # "From:" 5 1 "${smtp_from:-Mailer }" 5 10 80 0 \
- # "TLS:" 6 1 "${smtp_tls:-1}" 6 10 1 1 \
- # "SSL:" 7 1 "${smtp_ssl:-0}" 7 10 1 1 \
- # 2>&1 1>&3)
- # save_smtp_settings=0
- # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- # save_smtp_settings=1
- # smtp_host=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 1p)
- # smtp_user=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 2p)
- # smtp_password=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 3p)
- # smtp_port=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 4p)
- # smtp_from=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 5p)
- # smtp_tls=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 6p)
- # fi
- external_pgdb_url=$(dialog \
- --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \
- --title "Using External Postgres Database ?" \
- --ok-label "Next" \
- --cancel-label "Skip" \
- --inputbox "Enter your external database url" \
- 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
- external_redis_url=$(dialog \
- --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \
- --title "Using External Redis Database ?" \
- --ok-label "Next" \
- --cancel-label "Skip" \
- --inputbox "Enter your external redis url" \
- 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
- aws_region=$(read_env "AWS_REGION")
- aws_access_key=$(read_env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
- aws_secret_key=$(read_env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")
- aws_bucket=$(read_env "AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME")
- AWS_S3_SETTINGS=$(dialog \
- --ok-label "Next" \
- --cancel-label "Skip" \
- --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \
- --title "AWS S3 Bucket Configuration" \
- --form "" \
- 0 0 0 \
- "Region:" 1 1 "$aws_region" 1 10 50 0 \
- "Access Key:" 2 1 "$aws_access_key" 2 10 50 0 \
- "Secret Key:" 3 1 "$aws_secret_key" 3 10 50 0 \
- "Bucket:" 4 1 "$aws_bucket" 4 10 50 0 \
- 2>&1 1>&3)
- save_aws_settings=0
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- save_aws_settings=1
- aws_region=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 1p)
- aws_access_key=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 2p)
- aws_secret_key=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 3p)
- aws_bucket=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 4p)
- fi
- # display dialogbox asking for confirmation to continue
- CONFIRM_CONFIG=$(dialog \
- --title "Confirm Configuration" \
- --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \
- --yes-label "Confirm" \
- --no-label "Cancel" \
- --yesno \
- "
- save_ngnix_settings: $save_nginx_settings
- nginx_port: $nginx_port
- domain_name: $domain_name
- upload_limit: $upload_limit
- save_aws_settings: $save_aws_settings
- aws_region: $aws_region
- aws_access_key: $aws_access_key
- aws_secret_key: $aws_secret_key
- aws_bucket: $aws_bucket
- pdgb_url: $external_pgdb_url
- redis_url: $external_redis_url
- " \
- 0 0 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- if [ $save_nginx_settings == 1 ]; then
- update_env "NGINX_PORT" "$nginx_port"
- update_env "DOMAIN_NAME" "$domain_name"
- update_env "WEB_URL" "http://$domain_name"
- update_env "CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS" "http://$domain_name"
- update_env "FILE_SIZE_LIMIT" "$upload_limit"
- fi
- # check enable smpt settings value
- # if [ $save_smtp_settings == 1 ]; then
- # update_env "EMAIL_HOST" "$smtp_host"
- # update_env "EMAIL_HOST_USER" "$smtp_user"
- # update_env "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD" "$smtp_password"
- # update_env "EMAIL_PORT" "$smtp_port"
- # update_env "EMAIL_FROM" "$smtp_from"
- # update_env "EMAIL_USE_TLS" "$smtp_tls"
- # update_env "EMAIL_USE_SSL" "$smtp_ssl"
- # fi
- # check enable aws settings value
- if [[ $save_aws_settings == 1 && $aws_access_key != "" && $aws_secret_key != "" ]] ; then
- update_env "USE_MINIO" "0"
- update_env "AWS_REGION" "$aws_region"
- update_env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" "$aws_access_key"
- update_env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" "$aws_secret_key"
- update_env "AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME" "$aws_bucket"
- elif [[ -z $aws_access_key || -z $aws_secret_key ]] ; then
- update_env "USE_MINIO" "1"
- update_env "AWS_REGION" ""
- update_env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ""
- update_env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ""
- update_env "AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME" "uploads"
- fi
- if [ "$external_pgdb_url" != "" ]; then
- update_env "DATABASE_URL" "$external_pgdb_url"
- fi
- if [ "$external_redis_url" != "" ]; then
- update_env "REDIS_URL" "$external_redis_url"
- fi
- fi
- exec 3>&-
-function upgrade_configuration() {
- upg_env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env"
- # Check if the file exists
- if [ -f "$upg_env_file" ]; then
- # Read each line from the file
- while IFS= read -r line; do
- # Skip comments and empty lines
- if [[ "$line" =~ ^\s*#.*$ ]] || [[ -z "$line" ]]; then
- continue
- fi
- # Split the line into key and value
- key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'=' -f1)
- value=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'=' -f2-)
- current_value=$(read_env "$key")
- if [ -z "$current_value" ]; then
- update_env "$key" "$value"
- fi
- done < "$upg_env_file"
- fi
-function install() {
- show_message ""
- if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then
- OS="linux"
- OS_NAME=$(sudo awk -F= '/^ID=/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)
- OS_NAME=$(echo "$OS_NAME" | tr -d '"')
- print_header
- if [ "$OS_NAME" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$OS_NAME" == "debian" ] ||
- [ "$OS_NAME" == "centos" ] || [ "$OS_NAME" == "amazon" ]; then
- show_message "******** Installing Plane ********"
- show_message ""
- prepare_environment
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- download_plane
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- # create_service
- check_for_docker_images
- last_installed_on=$(read_config "INSTALLATION_DATE")
- # if [ "$last_installed_on" == "" ]; then
- # configure_plane
- # fi
- update_env "NGINX_PORT" "80"
- update_env "DOMAIN_NAME" "$MY_IP"
- update_env "WEB_URL" "http://$MY_IP"
- update_env "CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS" "http://$MY_IP"
- update_config "INSTALLATION_DATE" "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')"
- show_message "Plane Installed Successfully ✅"
- show_message ""
- else
- show_message "Download Failed ❌"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- show_message "Initialization Failed ❌"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌ Unsupported OS Varient Detected : $OS_NAME ❌❌"
- show_message ""
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌❌ Unsupported OS Detected : $(uname) ❌❌❌"
- show_message ""
- exit 1
- fi
-function upgrade() {
- print_header
- if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then
- OS="linux"
- OS_NAME=$(sudo awk -F= '/^ID=/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)
- OS_NAME=$(echo "$OS_NAME" | tr -d '"')
- if [ "$OS_NAME" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$OS_NAME" == "debian" ] ||
- [ "$OS_NAME" == "centos" ] || [ "$OS_NAME" == "amazon" ]; then
- show_message "******** Upgrading Plane ********"
- show_message ""
- prepare_environment
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- stop_server
- download_plane
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- check_for_docker_images
- upgrade_configuration
- update_config "UPGRADE_DATE" "$(date)"
- start_server
- show_message ""
- show_message "Plane Upgraded Successfully ✅"
- show_message ""
- printUsageInstructions
- else
- show_message "Download Failed ❌"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- show_message "Initialization Failed ❌"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌ Unsupported OS Varient Detected : $OS_NAME ❌❌"
- show_message ""
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌❌ Unsupported OS Detected : $(uname) ❌❌❌"
- show_message ""
- exit 1
- fi
-function uninstall() {
- print_header
- if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then
- OS="linux"
- OS_NAME=$(awk -F= '/^ID=/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)
- OS_NAME=$(echo "$OS_NAME" | tr -d '"')
- if [ "$OS_NAME" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$OS_NAME" == "debian" ] ||
- [ "$OS_NAME" == "centos" ] || [ "$OS_NAME" == "amazon" ]; then
- show_message "******** Uninstalling Plane ********"
- show_message ""
- stop_server
- if ! [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then
- echo "DOCKER_NOT_INSTALLED" &> /dev/null
- else
- # Ask of user input to confirm uninstall docker ?
- CONFIRM_DOCKER_PURGE=$(dialog --title "Uninstall Docker" --defaultno --yesno "Are you sure you want to uninstall docker ?" 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- show_message "- Uninstalling Docker ✋"
- sudo docker images -q | xargs -r sudo docker rmi -f &> /dev/null
- sudo "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" remove -y docker-engine docker docker.io docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin &> /dev/null
- sudo "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" autoremove -y docker-engine docker docker.io docker-ce docker-compose-plugin &> /dev/null
- show_message "- Docker Uninstalled ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- fi
- fi
- sudo rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env &> /dev/null
- sudo rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env &> /dev/null
- sudo rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/config.env &> /dev/null
- sudo rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml &> /dev/null
- # rm -rf $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR &> /dev/null
- show_message "- Configuration Cleaned ✅"
- show_message ""
- show_message "******** Plane Uninstalled ********"
- show_message ""
- show_message ""
- show_message "Plane Configuration Cleaned with some exceptions"
- show_message "- DB Data: $DATA_DIR/postgres"
- show_message "- Redis Data: $DATA_DIR/redis"
- show_message "- Minio Data: $DATA_DIR/minio"
- show_message ""
- show_message ""
- show_message "Thank you for using Plane. We hope to see you again soon."
- show_message ""
- show_message ""
- else
- PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌ Unsupported OS Varient Detected : $OS_NAME ❌❌"
- show_message ""
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌❌ Unsupported OS Detected : $(uname) ❌❌❌"
- show_message ""
- exit 1
- fi
-function start_server() {
- docker_compose_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml"
- env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env"
- # check if both the files exits
- if [ -f "$docker_compose_file" ] && [ -f "$env_file" ]; then
- show_message "Starting Plane Server ($APP_RELEASE) ✋"
- sudo docker compose -f $docker_compose_file --env-file=$env_file up -d
- # Wait for containers to be running
- echo "Waiting for containers to start..."
- while ! sudo docker compose -f "$docker_compose_file" --env-file="$env_file" ps --services --filter "status=running" --quiet | grep -q "."; do
- sleep 1
- done
- # wait for migrator container to exit with status 0 before starting the application
- migrator_container_id=$(sudo docker container ls -aq -f "name=plane-migrator")
- # if migrator container is running, wait for it to exit
- if [ -n "$migrator_container_id" ]; then
- while sudo docker inspect --format='{{.State.Status}}' $migrator_container_id | grep -q "running"; do
- show_message "Waiting for Plane Server ($APP_RELEASE) to start...✋ (Migrator in progress)" "replace_last_line" >&2
- sleep 1
- done
- fi
- # if migrator exit status is not 0, show error message and exit
- if [ -n "$migrator_container_id" ]; then
- migrator_exit_code=$(sudo docker inspect --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}' $migrator_container_id)
- if [ $migrator_exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
- # show_message "Migrator failed with exit code $migrator_exit_code ❌" "replace_last_line" >&2
- show_message "Plane Server failed to start ❌" "replace_last_line" >&2
- stop_server
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- api_container_id=$(sudo docker container ls -q -f "name=plane-api")
- while ! sudo docker logs $api_container_id 2>&1 | grep -i "Application startup complete";
- do
- show_message "Waiting for Plane Server ($APP_RELEASE) to start...✋ (API starting)" "replace_last_line" >&2
- sleep 1
- done
- show_message "Plane Server Started ($APP_RELEASE) ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- show_message "---------------------------------------------------------------" >&2
- show_message "Access the Plane application at http://$MY_IP" >&2
- show_message "---------------------------------------------------------------" >&2
- else
- show_message "Plane Server not installed. Please install Plane first ❌" "replace_last_line" >&2
- fi
-function stop_server() {
- docker_compose_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml"
- env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env"
- # check if both the files exits
- if [ -f "$docker_compose_file" ] && [ -f "$env_file" ]; then
- show_message "Stopping Plane Server ($APP_RELEASE) ✋"
- sudo docker compose -f $docker_compose_file --env-file=$env_file down
- show_message "Plane Server Stopped ($APP_RELEASE) ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- else
- show_message "Plane Server not installed [Skipping] ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- fi
-function restart_server() {
- docker_compose_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml"
- env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env"
- # check if both the files exits
- if [ -f "$docker_compose_file" ] && [ -f "$env_file" ]; then
- show_message "Restarting Plane Server ($APP_RELEASE) ✋"
- sudo docker compose -f $docker_compose_file --env-file=$env_file restart
- show_message "Plane Server Restarted ($APP_RELEASE) ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
- else
- show_message "Plane Server not installed. Please install Plane first ❌" "replace_last_line" >&2
- fi
-function show_help() {
- # print_header
- show_message "Usage: plane-app [OPTION]" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message " start Start Server" >&2
- show_message " stop Stop Server" >&2
- show_message " restart Restart Server" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "other options" >&2
- show_message " -i, --install Install Plane" >&2
- show_message " -c, --configure Configure Plane" >&2
- show_message " -up, --upgrade Upgrade Plane" >&2
- show_message " -un, --uninstall Uninstall Plane" >&2
- show_message " -ui, --update-installer Update Plane Installer" >&2
- show_message " -h, --help Show help" >&2
- show_message "" >&2
- exit 1
-function update_installer() {
- show_message "Updating Plane Installer ✋" >&2
- sudo curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' \
- -s -o /usr/local/bin/plane-app \
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$CODE_REPO/$DEPLOY_BRANCH/deploy/1-click/plane-app?token=$(date +%s)
- sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/plane-app > /dev/null&> /dev/null
- show_message "Plane Installer Updated ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2
-export DEPLOY_BRANCH=${BRANCH:-master}
-export DOCKERHUB_USER=makeplane
-export PULL_POLICY=always
-if [ "$DEPLOY_BRANCH" == "master" ]; then
- export APP_RELEASE=latest
-CPU_ARCH=$(uname -m)
-MY_IP=$(curl -s ifconfig.me)
-if [[ $CPU_ARCH == "amd64" || $CPU_ARCH == "x86_64" || ( $DEPLOY_BRANCH == "master" && ( $CPU_ARCH == "arm64" || $CPU_ARCH == "aarch64" ) ) ]]; then
-sudo mkdir -p $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/{data,log}
-if command -v apt-get &> /dev/null; then
-elif command -v yum &> /dev/null; then
-elif command -v apk &> /dev/null; then
-if [ "$1" == "start" ]; then
- start_server
-elif [ "$1" == "stop" ]; then
- stop_server
-elif [ "$1" == "restart" ]; then
- restart_server
-elif [ "$1" == "--install" ] || [ "$1" == "-i" ]; then
- install
- start_server
- show_message "" >&2
- show_message "To view help, use plane-app --help " >&2
-elif [ "$1" == "--configure" ] || [ "$1" == "-c" ]; then
- configure_plane
- printUsageInstructions
-elif [ "$1" == "--upgrade" ] || [ "$1" == "-up" ]; then
- upgrade
-elif [ "$1" == "--uninstall" ] || [ "$1" == "-un" ]; then
- uninstall
-elif [ "$1" == "--update-installer" ] || [ "$1" == "-ui" ]; then
- update_installer
-elif [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
- show_help
- show_help
diff --git a/web/components/core/image-picker-popover.tsx b/web/components/core/image-picker-popover.tsx
index f8c247ce7..a4a55e702 100644
--- a/web/components/core/image-picker-popover.tsx
+++ b/web/components/core/image-picker-popover.tsx
@@ -40,13 +40,14 @@ type Props = {
onChange: (data: string) => void;
disabled?: boolean;
tabIndex?: number;
+ isProfileCover?: boolean;
// services
const fileService = new FileService();
export const ImagePickerPopover: React.FC = observer((props) => {
- const { label, value, control, onChange, disabled = false, tabIndex } = props;
+ const { label, value, control, onChange, disabled = false, tabIndex, isProfileCover = false } = props;
// states
const [image, setImage] = useState(null);
const [isImageUploading, setIsImageUploading] = useState(false);
@@ -97,31 +98,47 @@ export const ImagePickerPopover: React.FC = observer((props) => {
const handleSubmit = async () => {
- if (!image || !workspaceSlug) return;
+ if (!image) return;
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("asset", image);
formData.append("attributes", JSON.stringify({}));
- fileService
- .uploadFile(workspaceSlug.toString(), formData)
- .then((res) => {
- const oldValue = value;
- const isUnsplashImage = oldValue?.split("/")[2] === "images.unsplash.com";
+ const oldValue = value;
+ const isUnsplashImage = oldValue?.split("/")[2] === "images.unsplash.com";
- const imageUrl = res.asset;
- onChange(imageUrl);
- setIsImageUploading(false);
- setImage(null);
- setIsOpen(false);
+ const uploadCallback = (res: any) => {
+ const imageUrl = res.asset;
+ onChange(imageUrl);
+ setIsImageUploading(false);
+ setImage(null);
+ setIsOpen(false);
+ };
- if (isUnsplashImage) return;
- if (oldValue && currentWorkspace) fileService.deleteFile(currentWorkspace.id, oldValue);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error(err);
- });
+ if (isProfileCover) {
+ fileService
+ .uploadUserFile(formData)
+ .then((res) => {
+ uploadCallback(res);
+ if (isUnsplashImage) return;
+ if (oldValue && currentWorkspace) fileService.deleteUserFile(oldValue);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (!workspaceSlug) return;
+ fileService
+ .uploadFile(workspaceSlug.toString(), formData)
+ .then((res) => {
+ uploadCallback(res);
+ if (isUnsplashImage) return;
+ if (oldValue && currentWorkspace) fileService.deleteFile(currentWorkspace.id, oldValue);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err);
+ });
+ }
useEffect(() => {
diff --git a/web/pages/profile/index.tsx b/web/pages/profile/index.tsx
index a3b96bce7..6d2fe4d54 100644
--- a/web/pages/profile/index.tsx
+++ b/web/pages/profile/index.tsx
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ const ProfileSettingsPage: NextPageWithLayout = observer(() => {
onChange={(imageUrl) => onChange(imageUrl)}
value={value ?? "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1506383796573-caf02b4a79ab"}
+ isProfileCover