remove: onboarding emails (#1050)

* remove: user onboarding mail

* remove: welcome emails
This commit is contained in:
pablohashescobar 2023-05-15 19:37:40 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent d28bc41fbd
commit 7b52fb885d
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 4 additions and 528 deletions

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from plane.db.models import (
from .workspace_invitation_task import workspace_invitation
from plane.bgtasks.user_welcome_task import send_welcome_email
from plane.bgtasks.user_welcome_task import send_welcome_slack
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def service_importer(service, importer_id):
f"{} was imported to Plane from {service}",

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
# Django imports
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
# Third party imports
from celery import shared_task
@ -15,31 +12,11 @@ from plane.db.models import User
def send_welcome_email(user_id, created, message):
def send_welcome_slack(user_id, created, message):
instance = User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
if created and not instance.is_bot:
first_name = instance.first_name.capitalize()
to_email =
from_email_string = settings.EMAIL_FROM
subject = f"Welcome to Plane ✈️!"
context = {"first_name": first_name, "email":}
html_content = render_to_string(
"emails/auth/user_welcome_email.html", context
text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(
subject, text_content, from_email_string, [to_email]
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
# Send message on slack as well
if settings.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN:
client = WebClient(token=settings.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN)

View File

@ -104,29 +104,9 @@ class User(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
@receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def send_welcome_email(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
def send_welcome_slack(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
if created and not instance.is_bot:
first_name = instance.first_name.capitalize()
to_email =
from_email_string = settings.EMAIL_FROM
subject = f"Welcome to Plane ✈️!"
context = {"first_name": first_name, "email":}
html_content = render_to_string(
"emails/auth/user_welcome_email.html", context
text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(
subject, text_content, from_email_string, [to_email]
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
# Send message on slack as well
if settings.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN:
client = WebClient(token=settings.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN)

View File

@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
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<h3 class="default-heading3" style="margin: 0; color: #1f2d3d; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 24px;">Welcome to Plane!</h3>
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<p style="margin: 0;">We're thrilled you're here. We know this is the beginning of a long and exciting<br>journey, and we want to be there every step of the way.</p>
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<p style="margin: 0;"><strong>Plane is an open-source issue planning and tracking tool</strong> that allows teams to collaborate on projects and prioritize tasks. With Plane, you can easily create and assign issues, set deadlines, and track progress.</p>
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<p style="margin: 0;">We have put together some resources to help you get started. Please find them below:</p>
<p style="margin: 0;"> </p>
<ul style="margin: 0; margin-top:20px;">
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0092ff; text-decoration: underline;">Getting started with Plane</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0092ff; text-decoration: underline;">Plane Changelog</a></li>
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<p style="margin: 0;">Also, if you like Plane, please consider starring us on GitHub. This helps us to grow our community and make Plane even better.</p>
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<p style="margin: 0;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Note: Plane is still in its early days, not everything will be perfect yet, and hiccups may happen. Please let us know of any suggestions, ideas, or bugs that you encounter on our </span><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0092ff; text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Discord</span></a><span style="font-size: 12px;"> or </span><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0092ff; text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">GitHub</span></a><span style="font-size: 12px;">, and we will use your feedback to improve on our upcoming releases.</span></p>
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