diff --git a/packages/editor/core/src/hooks/useEditor.tsx b/packages/editor/core/src/hooks/useEditor.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d121fcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/core/src/hooks/useEditor.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { DeleteImage } from "@/types/delete-image";
+import { UploadImage } from "@/types/upload-image";
+import { TiptapExtensions } from "@/ui/extensions";
+import { TiptapEditorProps } from "@/ui/props";
+import { useEditor as useTiptapEditor } from "@tiptap/react";
+interface ITiptapEditor {
+ value: string;
+ uploadFile: UploadImage;
+ deleteFile: DeleteImage;
+ onChange?: (json: any, html: string) => void;
+ setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void;
+ setShouldShowAlert?: (showAlert: boolean) => void;
+ editable?: boolean;
+ debouncedUpdatesEnabled?: boolean;
+ debouncedUpdates: ({ onChange, editor }: { onChange?: (json: any, html: string) => void; editor: any }) => void;
+export const useEditor = ({ uploadFile, debouncedUpdates, setShouldShowAlert, deleteFile, setIsSubmitting, value, onChange, debouncedUpdatesEnabled, editable }: ITiptapEditor) => useTiptapEditor({
+ editable: editable ?? true,
+ editorProps: TiptapEditorProps(uploadFile, setIsSubmitting),
+ extensions: TiptapExtensions(uploadFile, deleteFile, setIsSubmitting),
+ content: (typeof value === "string" && value.trim() !== "") ? value : "
+ onUpdate: async ({ editor }) => {
+ // for instant feedback loop
+ setIsSubmitting?.("submitting");
+ setShouldShowAlert?.(true);
+ if (debouncedUpdatesEnabled) {
+ debouncedUpdates({ onChange, editor });
+ } else {
+ onChange?.(editor.getJSON(), editor.getHTML());
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/packages/editor/core/src/index.ts b/packages/editor/core/src/index.ts
index 7e137d3c6..890841cb9 100644
--- a/packages/editor/core/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/editor/core/src/index.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
import "@/styles/tailwind.css";
import "@/styles/editor.css";
+// export { ImageResizer } from "./ui/extensions/image/image-resize";
+// export { TiptapEditorProps } from "./ui/props";
+// export { TableMenu } from "./ui/menus/table-menu";
+// export { TiptapExtensions } from "./ui/extensions";
+// export { cn } from "./lib/utils";
+// export { FixedMenu } from "./ui/menus/fixed-menu";
+// export { EditorBubbleMenu } from "./ui/menus/bubble-menu";
export { TiptapEditor, TiptapEditorWithRef } from "@/ui";
diff --git a/packages/editor/core/src/interfaces/index.ts b/packages/editor/core/src/interfaces/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f5492df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/core/src/interfaces/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export interface EditorHandle {
+ clearEditor: () => void;
+ setEditorValue: (content: string) => void;
diff --git a/packages/editor/core/src/ui/extensions/index-new.tsx b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/extensions/index-new.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27639fe06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/extensions/index-new.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import StarterKit from "@tiptap/starter-kit";
+import TiptapLink from "@tiptap/extension-link";
+import TiptapUnderline from "@tiptap/extension-underline";
+import TextStyle from "@tiptap/extension-text-style";
+import { Color } from "@tiptap/extension-color";
+import TaskItem from "@tiptap/extension-task-item";
+import TaskList from "@tiptap/extension-task-list";
+import { Markdown } from "tiptap-markdown";
+import Gapcursor from "@tiptap/extension-gapcursor";
+import UpdatedImage from "@/ui/extensions/image/updated-image";
+import { DeleteImage } from "@/types/delete-image";
+import isValidHttpUrl from "@/ui/menus/bubble-menu/utils"
+export const TiptapExtensions = (
+ deleteFile: DeleteImage,
+) => [
+ StarterKit.configure({
+ bulletList: {
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "list-disc list-outside leading-3 -mt-2",
+ },
+ },
+ orderedList: {
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "list-decimal list-outside leading-3 -mt-2",
+ },
+ },
+ listItem: {
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "leading-normal -mb-2",
+ },
+ },
+ blockquote: {
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "border-l-4 border-custom-border-300",
+ },
+ },
+ code: {
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class:
+ "rounded-md bg-custom-primary-30 mx-1 px-1 py-1 font-mono font-medium text-custom-text-1000",
+ spellcheck: "false",
+ },
+ },
+ codeBlock: false,
+ horizontalRule: false,
+ dropcursor: {
+ color: "rgba(var(--color-text-100))",
+ width: 2,
+ },
+ gapcursor: false,
+ }),
+ Gapcursor,
+ TiptapLink.configure({
+ protocols: ["http", "https"],
+ validate: (url) => isValidHttpUrl(url),
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class:
+ "text-custom-primary-300 underline underline-offset-[3px] hover:text-custom-primary-500 transition-colors cursor-pointer",
+ },
+ }),
+ UpdatedImage(deleteFile).configure({
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "rounded-lg border border-custom-border-300",
+ },
+ }),
+ TiptapUnderline,
+ TextStyle,
+ Color,
+ TaskList.configure({
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "not-prose pl-2",
+ },
+ }),
+ TaskItem.configure({
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "flex items-start my-4",
+ },
+ nested: true,
+ }),
+ Markdown.configure({
+ html: true,
+ transformCopiedText: true,
+ }),
+ ];
diff --git a/packages/editor/core/src/ui/index-new.tsx b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/index-new.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6e42348b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/index-new.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+"use client"
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { useImperativeHandle, useRef, forwardRef } from "react";
+import { useEditor, EditorContent, Editor, Extension } from "@tiptap/react";
+import { useDebouncedCallback } from "use-debounce";
+import { TableMenu } from '@/ui/menus/table-menu';
+import { TiptapExtensions } from '@/ui/extensions';
+import { EditorBubbleMenu } from '@/ui/menus/bubble-menu';
+import { ImageResizer } from '@/ui/extensions/image/image-resize';
+import { TiptapEditorProps } from '@/ui/props';
+import { UploadImage } from '@/types/upload-image';
+import { DeleteImage } from '@/types/delete-image';
+import { cn } from '@/lib/utils';
+import { FixedMenu } from './menus/fixed-menu';
+import { EditorProps } from '@tiptap/pm/view';
+interface ITiptapEditor {
+ value: string;
+ uploadFile: UploadImage;
+ deleteFile: DeleteImage;
+ noBorder?: boolean;
+ borderOnFocus?: boolean;
+ customClassName?: string;
+ editorContentCustomClassNames?: string;
+ onChange?: (json: any, html: string) => void;
+ setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void;
+ setShouldShowAlert?: (showAlert: boolean) => void;
+ editable?: boolean;
+ forwardedRef?: any;
+ debouncedUpdatesEnabled?: boolean;
+ accessValue: string;
+ onAccessChange: (accessKey: string) => void;
+ commentAccess: {
+ icon: string;
+ key: string;
+ label: "Private" | "Public";
+ }[];
+ extensions?: Extension[];
+ editorProps?: EditorProps;
+interface TiptapProps extends ITiptapEditor {
+ forwardedRef?: React.Ref;
+interface EditorHandle {
+ clearEditor: () => void;
+ setEditorValue: (content: string) => void;
+const DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 1500;
+const TiptapEditor = ({
+ onChange,
+ debouncedUpdatesEnabled,
+ editable,
+ setIsSubmitting,
+ setShouldShowAlert,
+ editorContentCustomClassNames,
+ value,
+ uploadFile,
+ extensions = [],
+ editorProps = {},
+ deleteFile,
+ noBorder,
+ borderOnFocus,
+ customClassName,
+ forwardedRef,
+ accessValue,
+ onAccessChange,
+ commentAccess,
+}: TiptapProps) => {
+ const editor = useEditor({
+ editable: editable ?? true,
+ editorProps: {
+ ...TiptapEditorProps(uploadFile, setIsSubmitting),
+ ...editorProps,
+ },
+ extensions: [...TiptapExtensions(uploadFile, deleteFile, setIsSubmitting), ...extensions],
+ content: (typeof value === "string" && value.trim() !== "") ? value : "",
+ onUpdate: async ({ editor }) => {
+ // for instant feedback loop
+ setIsSubmitting?.("submitting");
+ setShouldShowAlert?.(true);
+ if (debouncedUpdatesEnabled) {
+ debouncedUpdates({ onChange, editor });
+ } else {
+ onChange?.(editor.getJSON(), editor.getHTML());
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ const editorRef: React.MutableRefObject = useRef(null);
+ editorRef.current = editor;
+ useImperativeHandle(forwardedRef, () => ({
+ clearEditor: () => {
+ editorRef.current?.commands.clearContent();
+ },
+ setEditorValue: (content: string) => {
+ editorRef.current?.commands.setContent(content);
+ },
+ }));
+ const debouncedUpdates = useDebouncedCallback(async ({ onChange, editor }) => {
+ if (onChange) {
+ onChange(editor.getJSON(), editor.getHTML());
+ }
+ const editorClassNames = cn(
+ 'relative w-full max-w-full sm:rounded-lg mt-2 p-3 relative focus:outline-none rounded-md',
+ noBorder ? '' : 'border border-custom-border-200',
+ borderOnFocus ? 'focus:border border-custom-border-300' : 'focus:border-0',
+ customClassName
+ );
+ if (!editor) return null;
+ return (
+ {
+ editor?.chain().focus().run();
+ }}
+ className={`tiptap-editor-container cursor-text ${editorClassNames}`}
+ >
+ {editor?.isActive("image") &&
+ {editor && editable !== false &&
+ (
+ }
+ );
+const TiptapEditorWithRef = forwardRef((props, ref) => (
+TiptapEditorWithRef.displayName = "TiptapEditorWithRef";
+export { TiptapEditor, TiptapEditorWithRef };
diff --git a/packages/editor/core/src/ui/index.tsx b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/index.tsx
index fc870f309..28808f649 100644
--- a/packages/editor/core/src/ui/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/index.tsx
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ const TiptapEditor = ({
const editor = useEditor({
editable: editable ?? true,
editorProps: TiptapEditorProps(uploadFile, setIsSubmitting),
- // @ts-expect-err
extensions: TiptapExtensions(uploadFile, deleteFile, setIsSubmitting),
content: (typeof value === "string" && value.trim() !== "") ? value : "",
onUpdate: async ({ editor }) => {
diff --git a/packages/editor/core/src/ui/props.tsx b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/props.tsx
index 528f664ea..d2a0d8063 100644
--- a/packages/editor/core/src/ui/props.tsx
+++ b/packages/editor/core/src/ui/props.tsx
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ export function TiptapEditorProps(
left: event.clientX,
top: event.clientY,
- // here we deduct 1 from the pos or else the image will create an extra node
if (coordinates) {
startImageUpload(file, view, coordinates.pos - 1, uploadFile, setIsSubmitting);
diff --git a/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/extensions.tsx b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/extensions.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85087e5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/extensions.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import HorizontalRule from "@tiptap/extension-horizontal-rule";
+import { TableRow } from "@tiptap/extension-table-row";
+import Placeholder from "@tiptap/extension-placeholder";
+import CodeBlockLowlight from "@tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight";
+import { InputRule } from "@tiptap/core";
+import ts from "highlight.js/lib/languages/typescript";
+import { lowlight } from "lowlight/lib/core";
+import "highlight.js/styles/github-dark.css";
+import { Table } from "./table/table";
+import { TableHeader } from "./table/table-header";
+import { CustomTableCell } from "./table/table-cell";
+import SlashCommand from "./slash-command";
+import { UploadImage } from "./types/upload-image";
+lowlight.registerLanguage("ts", ts);
+export const TiptapExtensions = (
+ uploadFile: UploadImage,
+ setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void
+) => [
+ CodeBlockLowlight.configure({
+ lowlight,
+ }),
+ HorizontalRule.extend({
+ addInputRules() {
+ return [
+ new InputRule({
+ find: /^(?:---|—-|___\s|\*\*\*\s)$/,
+ handler: ({ state, range, commands }) => {
+ commands.splitBlock();
+ const attributes = {};
+ const { tr } = state;
+ const start = range.from;
+ const end = range.to;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ tr.replaceWith(start - 1, end, this.type.create(attributes));
+ },
+ }),
+ ];
+ },
+ }).configure({
+ HTMLAttributes: {
+ class: "mb-6 border-t border-custom-border-300",
+ },
+ }),
+ Placeholder.configure({
+ placeholder: ({ node }) => {
+ if (node.type.name === "heading") {
+ return `Heading ${node.attrs.level}`;
+ }
+ if (node.type.name === "image" || node.type.name === "table") {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return "Press '/' for commands...";
+ },
+ includeChildren: true,
+ }),
+ SlashCommand(uploadFile, setIsSubmitting),
+ Table,
+ TableHeader,
+ CustomTableCell,
+ TableRow,
+ ];
diff --git a/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/index.tsx b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/slash-command.tsx b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/slash-command.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..844d4c55a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/slash-command.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+import { useState, useEffect, useCallback, ReactNode, useRef, useLayoutEffect } from "react";
+import { Editor, Range, Extension } from "@tiptap/core";
+import Suggestion from "@tiptap/suggestion";
+import { ReactRenderer } from "@tiptap/react";
+import tippy from "tippy.js";
+import {
+ Heading1,
+ Heading2,
+ Heading3,
+ List,
+ ListOrdered,
+ Text,
+ TextQuote,
+ Code,
+ MinusSquare,
+ CheckSquare,
+ ImageIcon,
+ Table,
+} from "lucide-react";
+import { startImageUpload } from "@/ui/plugins/upload-image";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+import { UploadImage } from "@/types/upload-image";
+interface CommandItemProps {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ icon: ReactNode;
+interface CommandProps {
+ editor: Editor;
+ range: Range;
+const Command = Extension.create({
+ name: "slash-command",
+ addOptions() {
+ return {
+ suggestion: {
+ char: "/",
+ command: ({ editor, range, props }: { editor: Editor; range: Range; props: any }) => {
+ props.command({ editor, range });
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ addProseMirrorPlugins() {
+ return [
+ Suggestion({
+ editor: this.editor,
+ allow({ editor }) {
+ return !editor.isActive("table");
+ },
+ ...this.options.suggestion,
+ }),
+ ];
+ },
+const getSuggestionItems =
+ (
+ uploadFile: UploadImage,
+ setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void
+ ) =>
+ ({ query }: { query: string }) =>
+ [
+ {
+ title: "Text",
+ description: "Just start typing with plain text.",
+ searchTerms: ["p", "paragraph"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleNode("paragraph", "paragraph").run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Heading 1",
+ description: "Big section heading.",
+ searchTerms: ["title", "big", "large"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setNode("heading", { level: 1 }).run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Heading 2",
+ description: "Medium section heading.",
+ searchTerms: ["subtitle", "medium"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setNode("heading", { level: 2 }).run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Heading 3",
+ description: "Small section heading.",
+ searchTerms: ["subtitle", "small"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setNode("heading", { level: 3 }).run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "To-do List",
+ description: "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
+ searchTerms: ["todo", "task", "list", "check", "checkbox"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleTaskList().run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Bullet List",
+ description: "Create a simple bullet list.",
+ searchTerms: ["unordered", "point"],
+ icon:
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleBulletList().run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Divider",
+ description: "Visually divide blocks",
+ searchTerms: ["line", "divider", "horizontal", "rule", "separate"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setHorizontalRule().run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Table",
+ description: "Create a Table",
+ searchTerms: ["table", "cell", "db", "data", "tabular"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor
+ .chain()
+ .focus()
+ .deleteRange(range)
+ .insertTable({ rows: 3, cols: 3, withHeaderRow: true })
+ .run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Numbered List",
+ description: "Create a list with numbering.",
+ searchTerms: ["ordered"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleOrderedList().run();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Quote",
+ description: "Capture a quote.",
+ searchTerms: ["blockquote"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) =>
+ // @ts-ignore
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleNode("paragraph", "paragraph").toggleBlockquote().run(),
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Code",
+ description: "Capture a code snippet.",
+ searchTerms: ["codeblock"],
+ icon:
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) =>
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleCodeBlock().run(),
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Image",
+ description: "Upload an image from your computer.",
+ searchTerms: ["photo", "picture", "media"],
+ icon: ,
+ command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => {
+ editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).run();
+ // upload image
+ const input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.type = "file";
+ input.accept = "image/*";
+ input.onchange = async () => {
+ if (input.files?.length) {
+ const file = input.files[0];
+ const pos = editor.view.state.selection.from;
+ startImageUpload(file, editor.view, pos, uploadFile, setIsSubmitting);
+ }
+ };
+ input.click();
+ },
+ },
+ ].filter((item) => {
+ if (typeof query === "string" && query.length > 0) {
+ const search = query.toLowerCase();
+ return (
+ item.title.toLowerCase().includes(search) ||
+ item.description.toLowerCase().includes(search) ||
+ (item.searchTerms && item.searchTerms.some((term: string) => term.includes(search)))
+ );
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+export const updateScrollView = (container: HTMLElement, item: HTMLElement) => {
+ const containerHeight = container.offsetHeight;
+ const itemHeight = item ? item.offsetHeight : 0;
+ const top = item.offsetTop;
+ const bottom = top + itemHeight;
+ if (top < container.scrollTop) {
+ container.scrollTop -= container.scrollTop - top + 5;
+ } else if (bottom > containerHeight + container.scrollTop) {
+ container.scrollTop += bottom - containerHeight - container.scrollTop + 5;
+ }
+const CommandList = ({
+ items,
+ command,
+}: {
+ items: CommandItemProps[];
+ command: any;
+ editor: any;
+ range: any;
+}) => {
+ const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);
+ const selectItem = useCallback(
+ (index: number) => {
+ const item = items[index];
+ if (item) {
+ command(item);
+ }
+ },
+ [command, items]
+ );
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const navigationKeys = ["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "Enter"];
+ const onKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
+ if (navigationKeys.includes(e.key)) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if (e.key === "ArrowUp") {
+ setSelectedIndex((selectedIndex + items.length - 1) % items.length);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (e.key === "ArrowDown") {
+ setSelectedIndex((selectedIndex + 1) % items.length);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (e.key === "Enter") {
+ selectItem(selectedIndex);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
+ return () => {
+ document.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
+ };
+ }, [items, selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex, selectItem]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setSelectedIndex(0);
+ }, [items]);
+ const commandListContainer = useRef(null);
+ useLayoutEffect(() => {
+ const container = commandListContainer?.current;
+ const item = container?.children[selectedIndex] as HTMLElement;
+ if (item && container) updateScrollView(container, item);
+ }, [selectedIndex]);
+ return items.length > 0 ? (
+ {items.map((item: CommandItemProps, index: number) => (
+ ))}
+ ) : null;
+const renderItems = () => {
+ let component: ReactRenderer | null = null;
+ let popup: any | null = null;
+ return {
+ onStart: (props: { editor: Editor; clientRect: DOMRect }) => {
+ component = new ReactRenderer(CommandList, {
+ props,
+ editor: props.editor,
+ });
+ // @ts-ignore
+ popup = tippy("body", {
+ getReferenceClientRect: props.clientRect,
+ appendTo: () => document.querySelector("#tiptap-container"),
+ content: component.element,
+ showOnCreate: true,
+ interactive: true,
+ trigger: "manual",
+ placement: "bottom-start",
+ });
+ },
+ onUpdate: (props: { editor: Editor; clientRect: DOMRect }) => {
+ component?.updateProps(props);
+ popup &&
+ popup[0].setProps({
+ getReferenceClientRect: props.clientRect,
+ });
+ },
+ onKeyDown: (props: { event: KeyboardEvent }) => {
+ if (props.event.key === "Escape") {
+ popup?.[0].hide();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ return component?.ref?.onKeyDown(props);
+ },
+ onExit: () => {
+ popup?.[0].destroy();
+ component?.destroy();
+ },
+ };
+export const SlashCommand = (
+ uploadFile: UploadImage,
+ setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void
+) =>
+ Command.configure({
+ suggestion: {
+ items: getSuggestionItems(uploadFile, setIsSubmitting),
+ render: renderItems,
+ },
+ });
+export default SlashCommand;
diff --git a/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/table/table-cell.ts b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/table/table-cell.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..643cb8c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/table/table-cell.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import { TableCell } from "@tiptap/extension-table-cell";
+export const CustomTableCell = TableCell.extend({
+ addAttributes() {
+ return {
+ ...this.parent?.(),
+ isHeader: {
+ default: false,
+ parseHTML: (element) => {
+ isHeader: element.tagName === "TD";
+ },
+ renderHTML: (attributes) => {
+ tag: attributes.isHeader ? "th" : "td";
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
+ if (HTMLAttributes.isHeader) {
+ return [
+ "th",
+ {
+ ...HTMLAttributes,
+ class: `relative ${HTMLAttributes.class}`,
+ },
+ ["span", { class: "absolute top-0 right-0" }],
+ 0,
+ ];
+ }
+ return ["td", HTMLAttributes, 0];
+ },
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index 000000000..f23aa93ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/table/table-header.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { TableHeader as BaseTableHeader } from "@tiptap/extension-table-header";
+const TableHeader = BaseTableHeader.extend({
+ content: "paragraph",
+export { TableHeader };
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/table/table.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { Table as BaseTable } from "@tiptap/extension-table";
+const Table = BaseTable.configure({
+ resizable: true,
+ cellMinWidth: 100,
+ allowTableNodeSelection: true,
+export { Table };
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/editor/rich-text-editor/src/types/upload-image.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export type UploadImage = (file: File) => Promise;
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