* style: calender quick-add same width as single date
* style: margin bottom in quick-add in spreadsheet view
* fix: quick add opening in list-layout
* style: reduced margin left
* fix: 'Last Drafted Issue' making sidebar look weird on collapsed
* feat: scroll to the bottom when issue is created
* fix: 'Add Issue' button overlapping issue card in spreadsheet view
* fix: wrong placement of quick-add in calender layout
* fix: spacing for issue card in spreadsheet view
* fix: draft issue not deleting, project can't be changed in draft issue modal
* fix: removed mutation for view where draft issues are not shown
* fix: inline create issue for draft issue
* fix: clearing data from localstorage on discard click
* feat: sticking quick-add at the bottom of the screen
fix: opening create issue modal instead of quick-add in draft-issues, my-issue and profile page
* fix: build error due to dynamic import