import React from "react"; // editor import { EditorRefApi, ILiteTextEditor, LiteTextEditorWithRef } from "@plane/lite-text-editor"; // components import { IssueCommentToolbar } from "@/components/editor"; // helpers import { cn } from "@/helpers/common.helper"; import { isEmptyHtmlString } from "@/helpers/string.helper"; // hooks import { useMention } from "@/hooks/use-mention"; // services import fileService from "@/services/file.service"; interface LiteTextEditorWrapperProps extends Omit<ILiteTextEditor, "fileHandler" | "mentionHandler"> { workspaceSlug: string; workspaceId: string; isSubmitting?: boolean; showSubmitButton?: boolean; } export const LiteTextEditor = React.forwardRef<EditorRefApi, LiteTextEditorWrapperProps>((props, ref) => { const { containerClassName, workspaceSlug, workspaceId, isSubmitting = false, showSubmitButton = true, } = props; // use-mention const { mentionHighlights } = useMention(); function isMutableRefObject<T>(ref: React.ForwardedRef<T>): ref is React.MutableRefObject<T | null> { return !!ref && typeof ref === "object" && "current" in ref; } const isEmpty = props.initialValue?.trim() === "" || props.initialValue === "<p></p>" || (isEmptyHtmlString(props.initialValue ?? "") && !props.initialValue?.includes("mention-component")); return ( <div className="border border-custom-border-200 rounded p-3 space-y-3"> <LiteTextEditorWithRef ref={ref} fileHandler={{ upload: fileService.getUploadFileFunction(workspaceSlug), delete: fileService.getDeleteImageFunction(workspaceId), restore: fileService.getRestoreImageFunction(workspaceId), cancel: fileService.cancelUpload, }} mentionHandler={{ highlights: mentionHighlights, // suggestions disabled for now }} {} // overriding the containerClassName to add relative class passed containerClassName={cn(containerClassName, "relative")} /> <IssueCommentToolbar executeCommand={(key) => { if (isMutableRefObject<EditorRefApi>(ref)) { ref.current?.executeMenuItemCommand(key); } }} isSubmitting={isSubmitting} showSubmitButton={showSubmitButton} handleSubmit={(e) => rest.onEnterKeyPress?.(e)} isCommentEmpty={isEmpty} editorRef={isMutableRefObject<EditorRefApi>(ref) ? ref : null} /> </div> ); }); LiteTextEditor.displayName = "LiteTextEditor";