import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; // hooks import { useApplication, useDashboard } from "hooks/store"; // components import { AssignedIssuesWidget, CreatedIssuesWidget, IssuesByPriorityWidget, IssuesByStateGroupWidget, OverviewStatsWidget, RecentActivityWidget, RecentCollaboratorsWidget, RecentProjectsWidget, WidgetProps, } from "components/dashboard"; // types import { TWidgetKeys } from "@plane/types"; const WIDGETS_LIST: { [key in TWidgetKeys]: { component: React.FC<WidgetProps>; fullWidth: boolean }; } = { overview_stats: { component: OverviewStatsWidget, fullWidth: true }, assigned_issues: { component: AssignedIssuesWidget, fullWidth: false }, created_issues: { component: CreatedIssuesWidget, fullWidth: false }, issues_by_state_groups: { component: IssuesByStateGroupWidget, fullWidth: false }, issues_by_priority: { component: IssuesByPriorityWidget, fullWidth: false }, recent_activity: { component: RecentActivityWidget, fullWidth: false }, recent_projects: { component: RecentProjectsWidget, fullWidth: false }, recent_collaborators: { component: RecentCollaboratorsWidget, fullWidth: true }, }; export const DashboardWidgets = observer(() => { // store hooks const { router: { workspaceSlug }, } = useApplication(); const { homeDashboardId, homeDashboardWidgets } = useDashboard(); const doesWidgetExist = (widgetKey: TWidgetKeys) => Boolean(homeDashboardWidgets?.find((widget) => widget.key === widgetKey)); if (!workspaceSlug || !homeDashboardId) return null; return ( <div className="grid lg:grid-cols-2 gap-7"> {Object.entries(WIDGETS_LIST).map(([key, widget]) => { const WidgetComponent = widget.component; // if the widget doesn't exist, return null if (!doesWidgetExist(key as TWidgetKeys)) return null; // if the widget is full width, return it in a 2 column grid if (widget.fullWidth) return ( <div key={key} className="lg:col-span-2"> <WidgetComponent dashboardId={homeDashboardId} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug} /> </div> ); else return <WidgetComponent key={key} dashboardId={homeDashboardId} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug} />; })} </div> ); });