"use client"; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import Image from "next/image"; import Link from "next/link"; import { useParams } from "next/navigation"; import { ArchiveRestore, Clock, MessageSquare, MoreVertical, User2 } from "lucide-react"; import { Menu } from "@headlessui/react"; // type import type { IUserNotification, NotificationType } from "@plane/types"; // ui import { ArchiveIcon, CustomMenu, Tooltip, TOAST_TYPE, setToast } from "@plane/ui"; // constants import { ISSUE_OPENED, NOTIFICATIONS_READ, NOTIFICATION_ARCHIVED, NOTIFICATION_SNOOZED, } from "@/constants/event-tracker"; import { snoozeOptions } from "@/constants/notification"; // helper import { calculateTimeAgo, renderFormattedTime, renderFormattedDate, getDate } from "@/helpers/date-time.helper"; import { replaceUnderscoreIfSnakeCase, truncateText, stripAndTruncateHTML } from "@/helpers/string.helper"; // hooks import { useEventTracker } from "@/hooks/store"; import { usePlatformOS } from "@/hooks/use-platform-os"; type NotificationCardProps = { selectedTab: NotificationType; notification: IUserNotification; isSnoozedTabOpen: boolean; closePopover: () => void; markNotificationReadStatus: (notificationId: string) => Promise<void>; markNotificationReadStatusToggle: (notificationId: string) => Promise<void>; markNotificationArchivedStatus: (notificationId: string) => Promise<void>; setSelectedNotificationForSnooze: (notificationId: string) => void; markSnoozeNotification: (notificationId: string, dateTime?: Date | undefined) => Promise<void>; }; export const NotificationCard: React.FC<NotificationCardProps> = (props) => { const { selectedTab, notification, isSnoozedTabOpen, closePopover, markNotificationReadStatus, markNotificationReadStatusToggle, markNotificationArchivedStatus, setSelectedNotificationForSnooze, markSnoozeNotification, } = props; // store hooks const { captureEvent } = useEventTracker(); const { isMobile } = usePlatformOS(); const { workspaceSlug } = useParams(); // states const [showSnoozeOptions, setShowSnoozeOptions] = React.useState(false); // refs const snoozeRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const moreOptions = [ { id: 1, name: notification.read_at ? "Mark as unread" : "Mark as read", icon: <MessageSquare className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" />, onClick: () => { markNotificationReadStatusToggle(notification.id).then(() => { setToast({ title: notification.read_at ? "Notification marked as read" : "Notification marked as unread", type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, }); }); }, }, { id: 2, name: notification.archived_at ? "Unarchive" : "Archive", icon: notification.archived_at ? ( <ArchiveRestore className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" /> ) : ( <ArchiveIcon className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" /> ), onClick: () => { markNotificationArchivedStatus(notification.id).then(() => { setToast({ title: notification.archived_at ? "Notification un-archived" : "Notification archived", type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, }); }); }, }, ]; const snoozeOptionOnClick = (date: Date | null) => { if (!date) { setSelectedNotificationForSnooze(notification.id); return; } markSnoozeNotification(notification.id, date).then(() => { setToast({ title: `Notification snoozed till ${renderFormattedDate(date)}`, type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, }); }); }; // close snooze options on outside click useEffect(() => { const handleClickOutside = (event: any) => { if (snoozeRef.current && !snoozeRef.current?.contains(event.target)) { setShowSnoozeOptions(false); } }; document.addEventListener("mousedown", handleClickOutside, true); document.addEventListener("touchend", handleClickOutside, true); return () => { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", handleClickOutside, true); document.removeEventListener("touchend", handleClickOutside, true); }; }, []); const notificationField = notification.data.issue_activity.field; const notificationTriggeredBy = notification.triggered_by_details; const snoozedTillDate = getDate(notification?.snoozed_till); if (snoozedTillDate && isSnoozedTabOpen && snoozedTillDate < new Date()) return null; return ( <Link onClick={() => { markNotificationReadStatus(notification.id); captureEvent(ISSUE_OPENED, { issue_id: notification.data.issue.id, element: "notification", }); closePopover(); }} href={`/${workspaceSlug}/projects/${notification.project}/${ notificationField === "archived_at" ? "archives/" : "" }issues/${notification.data.issue.id}`} className={`group relative flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center gap-4 p-3 pl-6 ${ notification.read_at === null ? "bg-custom-primary-70/5" : "hover:bg-custom-background-200" }`} > {notification.read_at === null && ( <span className="absolute left-2 top-1/2 h-1.5 w-1.5 -translate-y-1/2 rounded-full bg-custom-primary-100" /> )} <div className="relative h-12 w-12 rounded-full"> {notificationTriggeredBy.avatar && notificationTriggeredBy.avatar !== "" ? ( <div className="h-12 w-12 rounded-full"> <Image src={notificationTriggeredBy.avatar} alt="Profile Image" layout="fill" objectFit="cover" className="rounded-full" /> </div> ) : ( <div className="flex h-12 w-12 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-custom-background-80"> <span className="text-lg font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {notificationTriggeredBy.is_bot ? ( notificationTriggeredBy.first_name?.[0]?.toUpperCase() ) : notificationTriggeredBy.display_name?.[0] ? ( notificationTriggeredBy.display_name?.[0]?.toUpperCase() ) : ( <User2 className="h-4 w-4" /> )} </span> </div> )} </div> <div className="w-full space-y-2.5 overflow-hidden"> <div className="flex items-start"> {!notification.message ? ( <div className="w-full break-all text-sm group-hover:pr-24 line-clamp-2"> <span className="font-semibold"> {notificationTriggeredBy.is_bot ? notificationTriggeredBy.first_name : notificationTriggeredBy.display_name}{" "} </span> {!["comment", "archived_at"].includes(notificationField) && notification.data.issue_activity.verb}{" "} {notificationField === "comment" ? "commented" : notificationField === "archived_at" ? notification.data.issue_activity.new_value === "restore" ? "restored the issue" : "archived the issue" : notificationField === "None" ? null : replaceUnderscoreIfSnakeCase(notificationField)}{" "} {!["comment", "archived_at", "None"].includes(notificationField) ? "to" : ""} <span className="font-semibold"> {" "} {notificationField !== "None" ? ( notificationField !== "comment" ? ( notificationField === "target_date" ? ( renderFormattedDate(notification.data.issue_activity.new_value) ) : notificationField === "attachment" ? ( "the issue" ) : notificationField === "description" ? ( stripAndTruncateHTML(notification.data.issue_activity.new_value, 55) ) : notificationField === "archived_at" ? null : ( notification.data.issue_activity.new_value ) ) : ( <span> {`"`} {notification.data.issue_activity.new_value.length > 55 ? notification?.data?.issue_activity?.issue_comment?.slice(0, 50) + "..." : notification.data.issue_activity.issue_comment} {`"`} </span> ) ) : ( "the issue and assigned it to you." )} </span> </div> ) : ( <div className="w-full break-words text-sm"> <span className="semi-bold">{notification.message}</span> </div> )} <div className="flex items-start md:hidden"> <Menu as="div" className={" w-min text-left"}> {({ open }) => ( <> <Menu.Button as={React.Fragment}> <button onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} className="flex w-full items-center gap-x-2 rounded p-0.5 text-sm" > <MoreVertical className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" /> </button> </Menu.Button> {open && ( <Menu.Items className={"absolute right-0 z-10"} static> <div className={ "my-1 min-w-[12rem] overflow-y-scroll whitespace-nowrap rounded-md border-[0.5px] border-custom-border-300 bg-custom-background-100 px-2 py-2.5 text-xs shadow-custom-shadow-rg focus:outline-none" } > {moreOptions.map((item) => ( <Menu.Item as="div" key={item.id}> {({ close }) => ( <button onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); item.onClick(); close(); }} className="flex items-center gap-x-2 p-1.5" > {item.icon} {item.name} </button> )} </Menu.Item> ))} <Menu.Item as="div"> <div onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); setShowSnoozeOptions(true); }} className="flex items-center gap-x-2 p-1.5" > <Clock className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" /> Snooze </div> </Menu.Item> </div> </Menu.Items> )} </> )} </Menu> {showSnoozeOptions && ( <div ref={snoozeRef} className="absolute right-36 top-24 z-20 my-1 min-w-[12rem] overflow-y-scroll whitespace-nowrap rounded-md border-[0.5px] border-custom-border-300 bg-custom-background-100 px-2 py-2.5 text-xs shadow-custom-shadow-rg focus:outline-none" > {snoozeOptions.map((item) => ( <p key={item.label} className="p-1.5" onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); setShowSnoozeOptions(false); snoozeOptionOnClick(item.value); }} > {item.label} </p> ))} </div> )} </div> </div> <div className="flex justify-between gap-2 text-xs"> <p className="line-clamp-1 text-custom-text-300"> {truncateText( `${notification.data.issue.identifier}-${notification.data.issue.sequence_id} ${notification.data.issue.name}`, 50 )} </p> {notification.snoozed_till ? ( <p className="flex flex-shrink-0 items-center justify-end gap-x-1 text-custom-text-300"> <Clock className="h-4 w-4" /> <span> Till {renderFormattedDate(notification.snoozed_till)},{" "} {renderFormattedTime(notification.snoozed_till, "12-hour")} </span> </p> ) : ( <p className="mt-auto flex-shrink-0 text-custom-text-300">{calculateTimeAgo(notification.created_at)}</p> )} </div> </div> <div className="absolute right-3 top-3 hidden gap-x-3 py-1 group-hover:flex"> {[ { id: 1, name: notification.read_at ? "Mark as unread" : "Mark as read", icon: <MessageSquare className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" />, onClick: () => { markNotificationReadStatusToggle(notification.id).then(() => { captureEvent(NOTIFICATIONS_READ, { issue_id: notification.data.issue.id, tab: selectedTab, state: "SUCCESS", }); setToast({ title: notification.read_at ? "Notification marked as read" : "Notification marked as unread", type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, }); }); }, }, { id: 2, name: notification.archived_at ? "Unarchive" : "Archive", icon: notification.archived_at ? ( <ArchiveRestore className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" /> ) : ( <ArchiveIcon className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" /> ), onClick: () => { markNotificationArchivedStatus(notification.id).then(() => { captureEvent(NOTIFICATION_ARCHIVED, { issue_id: notification.data.issue.id, tab: selectedTab, state: "SUCCESS", }); setToast({ title: notification.archived_at ? "Notification un-archived" : "Notification archived", type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, }); }); }, }, ].map((item) => ( <Tooltip tooltipContent={item.name} key={item.id} isMobile={isMobile}> <button type="button" onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); item.onClick(); }} key={item.id} className="flex w-full items-center gap-x-2 rounded bg-custom-background-80 p-0.5 text-sm outline-none hover:bg-custom-background-100" > {item.icon} </button> </Tooltip> ))} <CustomMenu className="flex items-center" customButton={ <Tooltip tooltipContent="Snooze" isMobile={isMobile}> <div className="flex w-full items-center gap-x-2 rounded bg-custom-background-80 p-0.5 text-sm hover:bg-custom-background-100"> <Clock className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-300" /> </div> </Tooltip> } optionsClassName="!z-20" > {snoozeOptions.map((item) => ( <CustomMenu.MenuItem key={item.label} onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (!item.value) { setSelectedNotificationForSnooze(notification.id); return; } markSnoozeNotification(notification.id, item.value).then(() => { captureEvent(NOTIFICATION_SNOOZED, { issue_id: notification.data.issue.id, tab: selectedTab, state: "SUCCESS", }); setToast({ title: `Notification snoozed till ${renderFormattedDate(item.value)}`, type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, }); }); }} > {item.label} </CustomMenu.MenuItem> ))} </CustomMenu> </div> </Link> ); };