import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; import { Plus } from "lucide-react"; // hooks import { useApplication, useModule, useUser } from "hooks/store"; import useLocalStorage from "hooks/use-local-storage"; // components import { ModuleCardItem, ModuleListItem, ModulePeekOverview, ModulesListGanttChartView } from "components/modules"; // ui import { Loader } from "@plane/ui"; // constants import { EUserProjectRoles } from "constants/project"; // assets import emptyModule from "public/empty-state/empty_modules.webp"; import { NewEmptyState } from "components/common/new-empty-state"; export const ModulesListView: React.FC = observer(() => { // router const router = useRouter(); const { workspaceSlug, projectId, peekModule } = router.query; // store hooks const { commandPalette: commandPaletteStore } = useApplication(); const { membership: { currentProjectRole }, } = useUser(); const { projectModuleIds } = useModule(); const { storedValue: modulesView } = useLocalStorage("modules_view", "grid"); const isEditingAllowed = !!currentProjectRole && currentProjectRole >= EUserProjectRoles.MEMBER; if (!projectModuleIds) return ( <Loader className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4 p-8"> <Loader.Item height="176px" /> <Loader.Item height="176px" /> <Loader.Item height="176px" /> <Loader.Item height="176px" /> <Loader.Item height="176px" /> <Loader.Item height="176px" /> </Loader> ); return ( <> {projectModuleIds.length > 0 ? ( <> {modulesView === "list" && ( <div className="h-full overflow-y-auto"> <div className="flex h-full w-full justify-between"> <div className="flex h-full w-full flex-col overflow-y-auto"> { => ( <ModuleListItem key={moduleId} moduleId={moduleId} /> ))} </div> <ModulePeekOverview projectId={projectId?.toString() ?? ""} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug?.toString() ?? ""} /> </div> </div> )} {modulesView === "grid" && ( <div className="h-full w-full"> <div className="flex h-full w-full justify-between"> <div className={`grid h-full w-full grid-cols-1 gap-6 overflow-y-auto p-8 ${ peekModule ? "lg:grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 3xl:grid-cols-3" : "lg:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3 3xl:grid-cols-4" } auto-rows-max transition-all `} > { => ( <ModuleCardItem key={moduleId} moduleId={moduleId} /> ))} </div> <ModulePeekOverview projectId={projectId?.toString() ?? ""} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug?.toString() ?? ""} /> </div> </div> )} {modulesView === "gantt_chart" && <ModulesListGanttChartView />} </> ) : ( <NewEmptyState title="Map your project milestones to Modules and track aggregated work easily." description="A group of issues that belong to a logical, hierarchical parent form a module. Think of them as a way to track work by project milestones. They have their own periods and deadlines as well as analytics to help you see how close or far you are from a milestone." image={emptyModule} comicBox={{ title: "Modules help group work by hierarchy.", direction: "right", description: "A cart module, a chassis module, and a warehouse module are all good example of this grouping.", }} primaryButton={{ icon: <Plus className="h-4 w-4" />, text: "Build your first module", onClick: () => commandPaletteStore.toggleCreateModuleModal(true), }} disabled={!isEditingAllowed} /> )} </> ); });