import { Editor } from "@tiptap/react"; import Moveable from "react-moveable"; export const ImageResizer = ({ editor }: { editor: Editor }) => { const updateMediaSize = () => { const imageInfo = document.querySelector( ".ProseMirror-selectednode", ) as HTMLImageElement; if (imageInfo) { const selection = editor.state.selection; editor.commands.setImage({ src: imageInfo.src, width: Number("px", "")), height: Number("px", "")), }); editor.commands.setNodeSelection(selection.from); } }; return ( <> { delta[0] && (target!.style.width = `${width}px`); delta[1] && (target!.style.height = `${height}px`); }} // { target, isDrag, clientX, clientY }: any onResizeEnd={() => { updateMediaSize(); }} /* scalable */ /* Only one of resizable, scalable, warpable can be used. */ scalable={true} throttleScale={0} /* Set the direction of resizable */ renderDirections={["w", "e"]} onScale={({ target, // scale, // dist, // delta, transform, }: // clientX, // clientY, any) => { target!.style.transform = transform; }} /> ); };