import React from "react"; import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; import { Tooltip } from "@plane/ui"; // ui import { ReactionSelector } from "@/components/ui"; // helpers import { groupReactions, renderEmoji } from "@/helpers/emoji.helper"; // hooks import { useIssueDetails, useUser } from "@/hooks/store"; type Props = { commentId: string; projectId: string; workspaceSlug: string; }; export const CommentReactions: React.FC = observer((props) => { const { commentId, projectId, workspaceSlug } = props; // hooks const { addCommentReaction, removeCommentReaction, details, peekId } = useIssueDetails(); const { data: user } = useUser(); const commentReactions = peekId ? details[peekId].comments.find((c) => === commentId)?.comment_reactions : []; const groupedReactions = peekId ? groupReactions(commentReactions ?? [], "reaction") : {}; const userReactions = commentReactions?.filter((r) => === user?.id); const handleAddReaction = (reactionHex: string) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !projectId || !peekId) return; addCommentReaction(workspaceSlug, projectId, peekId, commentId, reactionHex); }; const handleRemoveReaction = (reactionHex: string) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !projectId || !peekId) return; removeCommentReaction(workspaceSlug, projectId, peekId, commentId, reactionHex); }; const handleReactionClick = (reactionHex: string) => { const userReaction = userReactions?.find((r) => === user?.id && r.reaction === reactionHex); if (userReaction) handleRemoveReaction(reactionHex); else handleAddReaction(reactionHex); }; // TODO: on onclick redirect to login page if the user is not logged in return (
{ if (user) handleReactionClick(value); // userStore.requiredLogin(() => {}); }} position="top" selected={userReactions?.map((r) => r.reaction)} size="md" /> {Object.keys(groupedReactions || {}).map((reaction) => { const reactions = groupedReactions?.[reaction] ?? []; const REACTIONS_LIMIT = 1000; if (reactions.length > 0) return ( {reactions .map((r) => r.actor_detail.display_name) .splice(0, REACTIONS_LIMIT) .join(", ")} {reactions.length > REACTIONS_LIMIT && " and " + (reactions.length - REACTIONS_LIMIT) + " more"}
} > ); })} ); });