import { KeyedMutator } from "swr"; import type { IState, IUser, ICycle, IModule, IUserLite, IProjectLite, IWorkspaceLite, IStateLite, Properties, IIssueDisplayFilterOptions, } from "types"; export interface IIssueCycle { id: string; cycle_detail: ICycle; created_at: Date; updated_at: Date; created_by: string; updated_by: string; project: string; workspace: string; issue: string; cycle: string; } export interface IIssueModule { created_at: Date; created_by: string; id: string; issue: string; module: string; module_detail: IModule; project: string; updated_at: Date; updated_by: string; workspace: string; } export interface IIssueParent { description: any; id: string; name: string; priority: string | null; project_detail: IProjectLite; sequence_id: number; start_date: string | null; state_detail: IStateLite; target_date: string | null; } export interface IIssueLink { title: string; url: string; } export interface ILinkDetails { created_at: Date; created_by: string; created_by_detail: IUserLite; id: string; metadata: any; title: string; url: string; } export type IssueRelationType = "duplicate" | "relates_to" | "blocked_by"; export interface IssueRelation { id: string; issue: string; issue_detail: BlockeIssueDetail; relation_type: IssueRelationType; related_issue: string; relation: "blocking" | null; } export interface IIssue { archived_at: string; assignees: string[]; assignee_details: IUser[]; attachment_count: number; attachments: any[]; issue_relations: IssueRelation[]; related_issues: IssueRelation[]; bridge_id?: string | null; completed_at: Date; created_at: string; created_by: string; cycle: string | null; cycle_id: string | null; cycle_detail: ICycle | null; description: any; description_html: any; description_stripped: any; estimate_point: number | null; id: string; // tempId is used for optimistic updates. It is not a part of the API response. tempId?: string; issue_cycle: IIssueCycle | null; issue_link: ILinkDetails[]; issue_module: IIssueModule | null; labels: string[]; label_details: any[]; is_draft: boolean; links_list: IIssueLink[]; link_count: number; module: string | null; module_id: string | null; name: string; parent: string | null; parent_detail: IIssueParent | null; priority: TIssuePriorities; project: string; project_detail: IProjectLite; sequence_id: number; sort_order: number; sprints: string | null; start_date: string | null; state: string; state_detail: IState; sub_issues_count: number; target_date: string | null; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; workspace: string; workspace_detail: IWorkspaceLite; } export interface ISubIssuesState { backlog: number; unstarted: number; started: number; completed: number; cancelled: number; } export interface ISubIssueResponse { state_distribution: ISubIssuesState; sub_issues: IIssue[]; } export interface BlockeIssueDetail { id: string; name: string; sequence_id: number; project_detail: IProjectLite; } export type IssuePriorities = { id: string; created_at: Date; updated_at: Date; uuid: string; properties: Properties; created_by: number; updated_by: number; user: string; }; export interface IIssueLabel { id: string; created_at: Date; updated_at: Date; name: string; description: string; color: string; created_by: string; updated_by: string; project: string; project_detail: IProjectLite; workspace: string; workspace_detail: IWorkspaceLite; parent: string | null; sort_order: number; } export interface IIssueLabelTree extends IIssueLabel { children: IIssueLabel[] | undefined; } export interface IIssueActivity { access?: "EXTERNAL" | "INTERNAL"; actor: string; actor_detail: IUserLite; attachments: any[]; comment?: string; comment_html?: string; comment_stripped?: string; created_at: Date; created_by: string; field: string | null; id: string; issue: string | null; issue_comment?: string | null; issue_detail: { description_html: string; id: string; name: string; priority: string | null; sequence_id: string; } | null; new_identifier: string | null; new_value: string | null; old_identifier: string | null; old_value: string | null; project: string; project_detail: IProjectLite; updated_at: Date; updated_by: string; verb: string; workspace: string; workspace_detail?: IWorkspaceLite; } export interface IIssueLite { id: string; name: string; project_id: string; start_date?: string | null; target_date?: string | null; workspace__slug: string; } export interface IIssueAttachment { asset: string; attributes: { name: string; size: number; }; created_at: string; created_by: string; id: string; issue: string; project: string; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; workspace: string; } export interface IIssueViewProps { groupedIssues: { [key: string]: IIssue[] } | undefined; displayFilters: IIssueDisplayFilterOptions | undefined; isEmpty: boolean; mutateIssues: KeyedMutator< | IIssue[] | { [key: string]: IIssue[]; } >; params: any; properties: Properties; } export type TIssuePriorities = "urgent" | "high" | "medium" | "low" | "none"; export type TLoader = "init-loader" | "mutation" | undefined; export interface IGroupedIssues { [group_id: string]: string[]; } export interface ISubGroupedIssues { [sub_grouped_id: string]: { [group_id: string]: string[]; }; } export type TUnGroupedIssues = string[]; export interface IIssueResponse { [issue_id: string]: IIssue; } export interface ViewFlags { enableQuickAdd: boolean; enableIssueCreation: boolean; enableInlineEditing: boolean; }