import { observer } from "mobx-react"; import { FC } from "react"; // hooks import { useIssueDetail } from "hooks/store"; import { useChart } from "../hooks"; // helpers import { ChartAddBlock, ChartDraggable } from "components/gantt-chart"; import { renderFormattedPayloadDate } from "helpers/date-time.helper"; import { cn } from "helpers/common.helper"; // types import { IBlockUpdateData, IGanttBlock } from "../types"; export type GanttChartBlocksProps = { itemsContainerWidth: number; blocks: IGanttBlock[] | null; blockToRender: (data: any, textDisplacement: number) => React.ReactNode; blockUpdateHandler: (block: any, payload: IBlockUpdateData) => void; enableBlockLeftResize: boolean; enableBlockRightResize: boolean; enableBlockMove: boolean; showAllBlocks: boolean; }; export const GanttChartBlocksList: FC<GanttChartBlocksProps> = observer((props) => { const { itemsContainerWidth, blocks, blockToRender, blockUpdateHandler, enableBlockLeftResize, enableBlockRightResize, enableBlockMove, showAllBlocks, } = props; // store hooks const { peekIssue } = useIssueDetail(); // chart hook const { activeBlock, dispatch, updateScrollTop } = useChart(); // update the active block on hover const updateActiveBlock = (block: IGanttBlock | null) => { dispatch({ type: "PARTIAL_UPDATE", payload: { activeBlock: block, }, }); }; const handleChartBlockPosition = ( block: IGanttBlock, totalBlockShifts: number, dragDirection: "left" | "right" | "move" ) => { if (!block.start_date || !block.target_date) return; const originalStartDate = new Date(block.start_date); const updatedStartDate = new Date(originalStartDate); const originalTargetDate = new Date(block.target_date); const updatedTargetDate = new Date(originalTargetDate); // update the start date on left resize if (dragDirection === "left") updatedStartDate.setDate(originalStartDate.getDate() - totalBlockShifts); // update the target date on right resize else if (dragDirection === "right") updatedTargetDate.setDate(originalTargetDate.getDate() + totalBlockShifts); // update both the dates on x-axis move else if (dragDirection === "move") { updatedStartDate.setDate(originalStartDate.getDate() + totalBlockShifts); updatedTargetDate.setDate(originalTargetDate.getDate() + totalBlockShifts); } // call the block update handler with the updated dates blockUpdateHandler(, { start_date: renderFormattedPayloadDate(updatedStartDate) ?? undefined, target_date: renderFormattedPayloadDate(updatedTargetDate) ?? undefined, }); }; const handleBlocksScroll = (e: React.UIEvent<HTMLDivElement, UIEvent>) => { updateScrollTop(e.currentTarget.scrollTop); const sidebarScrollContainer = document.getElementById("gantt-sidebar-scroll-container") as HTMLDivElement; if (!sidebarScrollContainer) return; sidebarScrollContainer.scrollTop = e.currentTarget.scrollTop; }; return ( <div className="relative z-[5] mt-[72px] h-full overflow-hidden overflow-y-auto" style={{ width: `${itemsContainerWidth}px` }} onScroll={handleBlocksScroll} > {blocks?.map((block) => { // hide the block if it doesn't have start and target dates and showAllBlocks is false if (!showAllBlocks && !(block.start_date && block.target_date)) return; const isBlockVisibleOnChart = block.start_date && block.target_date; return ( <div key={`block-${}`} className={cn("relative h-11", { "rounded bg-custom-background-80": activeBlock?.id ===, "rounded-l border border-r-0 border-custom-primary-70 hover:border-custom-primary-70": peekIssue?.issueId ===, })} onMouseEnter={() => updateActiveBlock(block)} onMouseLeave={() => updateActiveBlock(null)} > {isBlockVisibleOnChart ? ( <ChartDraggable block={block} blockToRender={blockToRender} handleBlock={(...args) => handleChartBlockPosition(block, ...args)} enableBlockLeftResize={enableBlockLeftResize} enableBlockRightResize={enableBlockRightResize} enableBlockMove={enableBlockMove} /> ) : ( <ChartAddBlock block={block} blockUpdateHandler={blockUpdateHandler} /> )} </div> ); })} </div> ); });