import { observer } from "mobx-react"; import { ArchiveRestoreIcon, Clipboard, Copy, Link, Lock, LockOpen } from "lucide-react"; // document editor import { EditorReadOnlyRefApi, EditorRefApi } from "@plane/document-editor"; // ui import { ArchiveIcon, CustomMenu, TOAST_TYPE, ToggleSwitch, setToast } from "@plane/ui"; // helpers import { copyTextToClipboard, copyUrlToClipboard } from "@/helpers/string.helper"; // hooks import { useAppRouter } from "@/hooks/store"; import { usePageFilters } from "@/hooks/use-page-filters"; // store import { IPageStore } from "@/store/pages/"; type Props = { editorRef: EditorRefApi | EditorReadOnlyRefApi | null; handleDuplicatePage: () => void; pageStore: IPageStore; }; export const PageOptionsDropdown: React.FC<Props> = observer((props) => { const { editorRef, handleDuplicatePage, pageStore } = props; // store values const { archived_at, is_locked, id, archive, lock, unlock, canCurrentUserArchivePage, canCurrentUserDuplicatePage, canCurrentUserLockPage, restore, } = pageStore; // store hooks const { workspaceSlug, projectId } = useAppRouter(); // page filters const { isFullWidth, handleFullWidth } = usePageFilters(); const handleArchivePage = async () => await archive().catch(() => setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.ERROR, title: "Error!", message: "Page could not be archived. Please try again later.", }) ); const handleRestorePage = async () => await restore().catch(() => setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.ERROR, title: "Error!", message: "Page could not be restored. Please try again later.", }) ); const handleLockPage = async () => await lock().catch(() => setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.ERROR, title: "Error!", message: "Page could not be locked. Please try again later.", }) ); const handleUnlockPage = async () => await unlock().catch(() => setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.ERROR, title: "Error!", message: "Page could not be unlocked. Please try again later.", }) ); // menu items list const MENU_ITEMS: { key: string; action: () => void; label: string; icon: React.FC<any>; shouldRender: boolean; }[] = [ { key: "copy-markdown", action: () => { if (!editorRef) return; copyTextToClipboard(editorRef.getMarkDown()).then(() => setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, title: "Success!", message: "Markdown copied to clipboard.", }) ); }, label: "Copy markdown", icon: Clipboard, shouldRender: true, }, { key: "copy-page-link", action: () => { copyUrlToClipboard(`${workspaceSlug}/projects/${projectId}/pages/${id}`).then(() => setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS, title: "Success!", message: "Page link copied to clipboard.", }) ); }, label: "Copy page link", icon: Link, shouldRender: true, }, { key: "make-a-copy", action: handleDuplicatePage, label: "Make a copy", icon: Copy, shouldRender: canCurrentUserDuplicatePage, }, { key: "lock-unlock-page", action: is_locked ? handleUnlockPage : handleLockPage, label: is_locked ? "Unlock page" : "Lock page", icon: is_locked ? LockOpen : Lock, shouldRender: canCurrentUserLockPage, }, { key: "archive-restore-page", action: archived_at ? handleRestorePage : handleArchivePage, label: archived_at ? "Restore page" : "Archive page", icon: archived_at ? ArchiveRestoreIcon : ArchiveIcon, shouldRender: canCurrentUserArchivePage, }, ]; return ( <CustomMenu maxHeight="md" placement="bottom-start" verticalEllipsis closeOnSelect> <CustomMenu.MenuItem className="hidden md:flex w-full items-center justify-between gap-2" onClick={() => handleFullWidth(!isFullWidth)} > Full width <ToggleSwitch value={isFullWidth} onChange={() => {}} /> </CustomMenu.MenuItem> { => { if (!item.shouldRender) return null; return ( <CustomMenu.MenuItem key={item.key} onClick={item.action} className="flex items-center gap-2"> <item.icon className="h-3 w-3" /> {item.label} </CustomMenu.MenuItem> ); })} </CustomMenu> ); });