import React from "react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; // headless ui import { Disclosure, Popover, Transition } from "@headlessui/react"; // icons import { ChevronDownIcon, PlusIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; // images import emptyMyIssues from "public/empty-state/my-issues.svg"; // layouts import { WorkspaceAuthorizationLayout } from "layouts/auth-layout"; // hooks import useIssues from "hooks/use-issues"; // ui import { Spinner, PrimaryButton, EmptyState } from "components/ui"; import { Breadcrumbs, BreadcrumbItem } from "components/breadcrumbs"; // hooks import useMyIssuesProperties from "hooks/use-my-issues-filter"; // types import { IIssue, Properties } from "types"; // components import { MyIssuesListItem } from "components/issues"; // helpers import { replaceUnderscoreIfSnakeCase } from "helpers/string.helper"; // types import type { NextPage } from "next"; import useProjects from "hooks/use-projects"; const MyIssuesPage: NextPage = () => { const router = useRouter(); const { workspaceSlug } = router.query; const { myIssues } = useIssues(workspaceSlug as string); const { projects } = useProjects(); const [properties, setProperties] = useMyIssuesProperties(workspaceSlug as string); return ( <WorkspaceAuthorizationLayout breadcrumbs={ <Breadcrumbs> <BreadcrumbItem title="My Issues" /> </Breadcrumbs> } right={ <div className="flex items-center gap-2"> {myIssues && myIssues.length > 0 && ( <Popover className="relative"> {({ open }) => ( <> <Popover.Button className={`group flex items-center gap-2 rounded-md border border-custom-border-200 bg-transparent px-3 py-1.5 text-xs hover:bg-custom-background-90 hover:text-custom-text-100 focus:outline-none ${ open ? "bg-custom-background-90 text-custom-text-100" : "text-custom-text-200" }`} > <span>View</span> <ChevronDownIcon className="h-4 w-4" aria-hidden="true" /> </Popover.Button> <Transition as={React.Fragment} enter="transition ease-out duration-200" enterFrom="opacity-0 translate-y-1" enterTo="opacity-100 translate-y-0" leave="transition ease-in duration-150" leaveFrom="opacity-100 translate-y-0" leaveTo="opacity-0 translate-y-1" > <Popover.Panel className="absolute right-1/2 z-10 mr-5 mt-1 w-screen max-w-xs translate-x-1/2 transform overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-custom-background-100 p-3 shadow-lg"> <div className="space-y-2 py-3"> <h4 className="text-sm text-custom-text-200">Properties</h4> <div className="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-2"> {Object.keys(properties).map((key) => { if (key === "estimate" || key === "created_on" || key === "updated_on") return null; return ( <button key={key} type="button" className={`rounded border px-2 py-1 text-xs capitalize ${ properties[key as keyof Properties] ? "border-custom-primary bg-custom-primary text-white" : "border-custom-border-200" }`} onClick={() => setProperties(key as keyof Properties)} > {key === "key" ? "ID" : replaceUnderscoreIfSnakeCase(key)} </button> ); })} </div> </div> </Popover.Panel> </Transition> </> )} </Popover> )} <PrimaryButton className="flex items-center gap-2" onClick={() => { const e = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "c" }); document.dispatchEvent(e); }} > <PlusIcon className="h-4 w-4" /> Add Issue </PrimaryButton> </div> } > <div className="flex h-full w-full flex-col space-y-5"> {myIssues ? ( <> {myIssues.length > 0 ? ( <Disclosure as="div" defaultOpen> {({ open }) => ( <div> <div className="flex items-center px-4 py-2.5 bg-custom-background-90"> <Disclosure.Button> <div className="flex items-center gap-x-2"> <h2 className="font-medium leading-5">My Issues</h2> <span className="rounded-full bg-custom-background-80 py-0.5 px-3 text-sm text-custom-text-200"> {myIssues.length} </span> </div> </Disclosure.Button> </div> <Transition show={open} enter="transition duration-100 ease-out" enterFrom="transform opacity-0" enterTo="transform opacity-100" leave="transition duration-75 ease-out" leaveFrom="transform opacity-100" leaveTo="transform opacity-0" > <Disclosure.Panel> { IIssue) => ( <MyIssuesListItem key={} issue={issue} properties={properties} projectId={issue.project} /> ))} </Disclosure.Panel> </Transition> </div> )} </Disclosure> ) : ( <EmptyState title={ projects ? projects.length > 0 ? "You don't have any issue assigned to you yet" : "Issues assigned to you will appear here" : "" } description={ projects ? projects.length > 0 ? "Keep track of your work in a single place." : "Let's create your first project and add issues that you want to accomplish." : "" } image={emptyMyIssues} buttonText={projects ? (projects.length > 0 ? "New Issue" : "New Project") : ""} buttonIcon={<PlusIcon className="h-4 w-4" />} onClick={() => { let e: KeyboardEvent; if (projects && projects.length > 0) e = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "c", }); else e = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "p", }); document.dispatchEvent(e); }} /> )} </> ) : ( <div className="flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center"> <Spinner /> </div> )} </div> </WorkspaceAuthorizationLayout> ); }; export default MyIssuesPage;