"use client"; import useSWR from "swr"; import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; import { Loader } from "@plane/ui"; // components import { InstanceEmailForm } from "components/email"; import { PageHeader } from "@/components/core"; // hooks import { useInstance } from "@/hooks"; const InstanceEmailPage = observer(() => { // store const { fetchInstanceConfigurations, formattedConfig } = useInstance(); useSWR("INSTANCE_CONFIGURATIONS", () => fetchInstanceConfigurations()); return ( <>
Secure emails from your own instance
Plane can send useful emails to you and your users from your own instance without talking to the Internet.
Set it up below and please test your settings before you save them.  Misconfigs can lead to email bounces and errors.
{formattedConfig ? ( ) : ( )}
); }); export default InstanceEmailPage;