// services import axios from "axios"; import { API_BASE_URL } from "@/helpers/common.helper"; import { APIService } from "@/services/api.service"; // helpers export interface UnSplashImage { id: string; created_at: Date; updated_at: Date; promoted_at: Date; width: number; height: number; color: string; blur_hash: string; description: null; alt_description: string; urls: UnSplashImageUrls; [key: string]: any; } export interface UnSplashImageUrls { raw: string; full: string; regular: string; small: string; thumb: string; small_s3: string; } export class FileService extends APIService { private cancelSource: any; constructor() { super(API_BASE_URL); this.uploadFile = this.uploadFile.bind(this); this.deleteImage = this.deleteImage.bind(this); this.restoreImage = this.restoreImage.bind(this); this.cancelUpload = this.cancelUpload.bind(this); } async uploadFile(workspaceSlug: string, file: FormData): Promise<any> { this.cancelSource = axios.CancelToken.source(); return this.post(`/api/workspaces/${workspaceSlug}/file-assets/`, file, { headers: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data", }, cancelToken: this.cancelSource.token, }) .then((response) => response?.data) .catch((error) => { if (axios.isCancel(error)) { console.log(error.message); } else { console.log(error); throw error?.response?.data; } }); } cancelUpload() { this.cancelSource.cancel("Upload cancelled"); } getUploadFileFunction( workspaceSlug: string, setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void ): (file: File) => Promise<string> { return async (file: File) => { try { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("asset", file); formData.append("attributes", JSON.stringify({})); // the submitted state will be resolved by the page rendering the editor // once the patch request of saving the editor contents is resolved setIsSubmitting?.("submitting"); const data = await this.uploadFile(workspaceSlug, formData); return data.asset; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; } getDeleteImageFunction(workspaceId: string) { return async (src: string) => { try { const assetUrlWithWorkspaceId = `${workspaceId}/${this.extractAssetIdFromUrl(src, workspaceId)}`; const data = await this.deleteImage(assetUrlWithWorkspaceId); return data; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; } getRestoreImageFunction(workspaceId: string) { return async (src: string) => { try { const assetUrlWithWorkspaceId = `${workspaceId}/${this.extractAssetIdFromUrl(src, workspaceId)}`; const data = await this.restoreImage(assetUrlWithWorkspaceId); return data; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; } extractAssetIdFromUrl(src: string, workspaceId: string): string { const indexWhereAssetIdStarts = src.indexOf(workspaceId) + workspaceId.length + 1; if (indexWhereAssetIdStarts === -1) { throw new Error("Workspace ID not found in source string"); } const assetUrl = src.substring(indexWhereAssetIdStarts); return assetUrl; } async deleteImage(assetUrlWithWorkspaceId: string): Promise<any> { return this.delete(`/api/workspaces/file-assets/${assetUrlWithWorkspaceId}/`) .then((response) => response?.status) .catch((error) => { throw error?.response?.data; }); } async restoreImage(assetUrlWithWorkspaceId: string): Promise<any> { return this.post(`/api/workspaces/file-assets/${assetUrlWithWorkspaceId}/restore/`, { "Content-Type": "application/json", }) .then((response) => response?.status) .catch((error) => { throw error?.response?.data; }); } async deleteFile(workspaceId: string, assetUrl: string): Promise<any> { const lastIndex = assetUrl.lastIndexOf("/"); const assetId = assetUrl.substring(lastIndex + 1); return this.delete(`/api/workspaces/file-assets/${workspaceId}/${assetId}/`) .then((response) => response?.data) .catch((error) => { throw error?.response?.data; }); } async uploadUserFile(file: FormData): Promise<any> { return this.post(`/api/users/file-assets/`, file, { headers: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data", }, }) .then((response) => response?.data) .catch((error) => { throw error?.response?.data; }); } async deleteUserFile(assetUrl: string): Promise<any> { const lastIndex = assetUrl.lastIndexOf("/"); const assetId = assetUrl.substring(lastIndex + 1); return this.delete(`/api/users/file-assets/${assetId}`) .then((response) => response?.data) .catch((error) => { throw error?.response?.data; }); } async getUnsplashImages(query?: string): Promise<UnSplashImage[]> { return this.get(`/api/unsplash/`, { params: { query, }, }) .then((res) => res?.data?.results ?? res?.data) .catch((err) => { throw err?.response?.data; }); } async getProjectCoverImages(): Promise<string[]> { return this.get(`/api/project-covers/`) .then((res) => res?.data) .catch((err) => { throw err?.response?.data; }); } }