#!/bin/bash function print_header() { clear cat <<"EOF" --------------------------------------- ____ _ | _ \| | __ _ _ __ ___ | |_) | |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ | __/| | (_| | | | | __/ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___| --------------------------------------- Project management tool from the future --------------------------------------- EOF } function update_env_files() { config_file=$1 key=$2 value=$3 # Check if the config file exists if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then echo "Config file not found. Creating a new one..." >&2 touch "$config_file" fi # Check if the key already exists in the config file if grep -q "^$key=" "$config_file"; then awk -v key="$key" -v value="$value" -F '=' '{if ($1 == key) $2 = value} 1' OFS='=' "$config_file" > "$config_file.tmp" && mv "$config_file.tmp" "$config_file" else echo "$key=$value" >> "$config_file" fi } function read_env_file() { config_file=$1 key=$2 # Check if the config file exists if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then echo "Config file not found. Creating a new one..." >&2 touch "$config_file" fi # Check if the key already exists in the config file if grep -q "^$key=" "$config_file"; then value=$(awk -v key="$key" -F '=' '{if ($1 == key) print $2}' "$config_file") echo "$value" else echo "" fi } function update_config() { config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/config.env" update_env_files "$config_file" "$1" "$2" } function read_config() { config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/config.env" read_env_file "$config_file" "$1" } function update_env() { config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env" update_env_files "$config_file" "$1" "$2" } function read_env() { config_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env" read_env_file "$config_file" "$1" } function show_message() { print_header if [ "$2" == "replace_last_line" ]; then PROGRESS_MSG[-1]="$1" else PROGRESS_MSG+=("$1") fi for statement in "${PROGRESS_MSG[@]}"; do echo "$statement" done } function prepare_environment() { show_message "Prepare Environment..." >&2 show_message "- Updating OS with required tools ✋" >&2 sudo apt-get update -y &> /dev/null sudo apt-get upgrade -y &> /dev/null required_tools=("curl" "awk" "wget" "nano" "dialog" "git") for tool in "${required_tools[@]}"; do if ! command -v $tool &> /dev/null; then sudo apt install -y $tool &> /dev/null fi done show_message "- OS Updated ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 # Install Docker if not installed if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null; then show_message "- Installing Docker ✋" >&2 sudo curl -o- https://get.docker.com | bash - if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh install &> /dev/null fi show_message "- Docker Installed ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 else show_message "- Docker is already installed ✅" >&2 fi update_config "PLANE_ARCH" "$CPU_ARCH" update_config "DOCKER_VERSION" "$(docker -v | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/,//g')" update_config "PLANE_DATA_DIR" "$DATA_DIR" update_config "PLANE_LOG_DIR" "$LOG_DIR" # echo "TRUE" echo "Environment prepared successfully ✅" show_message "Environment prepared successfully ✅" >&2 show_message "" >&2 return 0 } function download_plane() { # Download Docker Compose File from github url show_message "Downloading Plane Setup Files ✋" >&2 curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' \ -s -o $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/$BRANCH/deploy/selfhost/docker-compose.yml?$(date +%s) curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' \ -s -o $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/$BRANCH/deploy/selfhost/variables.env?$(date +%s) # if .env does not exists rename variables-upgrade.env to .env if [ ! -f "$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env" ]; then mv $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env fi show_message "Plane Setup Files Downloaded ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 show_message "" >&2 echo "PLANE_DOWNLOADED" return 0 } function printUsageInstructions() { show_message "" >&2 show_message "----------------------------------" >&2 show_message "Usage Instructions" >&2 show_message "----------------------------------" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "To use the Plane Setup utility, use below commands" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "Usage: plane-app [OPTION]" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message " start Start Server" >&2 show_message " stop Stop Server" >&2 show_message " restart Restart Server" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "other options" >&2 show_message " -i, --install Install Plane" >&2 show_message " -c, --configure Configure Plane" >&2 show_message " -up, --upgrade Upgrade Plane" >&2 show_message " -un, --uninstall Uninstall Plane" >&2 show_message " -ui, --update-installer Update Plane Installer" >&2 show_message " -h, --help Show help" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "Application Data is stored in mentioned folders" >&2 show_message " - DB Data: $DATA_DIR/postgres" >&2 show_message " - Redis Data: $DATA_DIR/redis" >&2 show_message " - Minio Data: $DATA_DIR/minio" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "----------------------------------" >&2 show_message "" >&2 } function build_local_image() { show_message "- Downloading Plane Source Code ✋" >&2 REPO=https://github.com/makeplane/plane.git CURR_DIR=$PWD PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/temp sudo rm -rf $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR > /dev/null sudo git clone $REPO $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR --branch $BRANCH --single-branch -q > /dev/null sudo cp $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/deploy/selfhost/build.yml $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/build.yml show_message "- Plane Source Code Downloaded ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 show_message "- Building Docker Images ✋" >&2 sudo docker compose --env-file=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env -f $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/build.yml build --no-cache } function check_for_docker_images() { show_message "" >&2 # show_message "Building Plane Images" >&2 update_env "DOCKERHUB_USER" "makeplane" update_env "PULL_POLICY" "always" CURR_DIR=$(pwd) if [ "$BRANCH" == "master" ]; then update_env "APP_RELEASE" "latest" export APP_RELEASE=latest else update_env "APP_RELEASE" "$BRANCH" export APP_RELEASE=$BRANCH fi if [ $CPU_ARCH == "amd64" ] || [ $CPU_ARCH == "x86_64" ]; then # show_message "Building Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH is not required. Skipping... ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 echo "Building Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH is not required. Skipping..." else export DOCKERHUB_USER=myplane show_message "Building Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH " >&2 update_env "DOCKERHUB_USER" "myplane" update_env "PULL_POLICY" "never" build_local_image sudo rm -rf $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/temp > /dev/null show_message "- Docker Images Built ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 sudo cd $CURR_DIR fi sudo sed -i "s|- pgdata:|- $DATA_DIR/postgres:|g" $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml sudo sed -i "s|- redisdata:|- $DATA_DIR/redis:|g" $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml sudo sed -i "s|- uploads:|- $DATA_DIR/minio:|g" $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml show_message "Downloading Plane Images for $CPU_ARCH ✋" >&2 docker compose -f $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml --env-file=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env pull show_message "Plane Images Downloaded ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 } function configure_plane() { show_message "" >&2 show_message "Configuring Plane" >&2 show_message "" >&2 exec 3>&1 nginx_port=$(read_env "NGINX_PORT") domain_name=$(read_env "DOMAIN_NAME") upload_limit=$(read_env "FILE_SIZE_LIMIT") NGINX_SETTINGS=$(dialog \ --ok-label "Next" \ --cancel-label "Skip" \ --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \ --title "Nginx Settings" \ --form "" \ 0 0 0 \ "Port:" 1 1 "${nginx_port:-80}" 1 10 50 0 \ "Domain:" 2 1 "${domain_name:-localhost}" 2 10 50 0 \ "Upload Limit:" 3 1 "${upload_limit:-5242880}" 3 10 15 0 \ 2>&1 1>&3) save_nginx_settings=0 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then save_nginx_settings=1 nginx_port=$(echo "$NGINX_SETTINGS" | sed -n 1p) domain_name=$(echo "$NGINX_SETTINGS" | sed -n 2p) upload_limit=$(echo "$NGINX_SETTINGS" | sed -n 3p) fi smtp_host=$(read_env "EMAIL_HOST") smtp_user=$(read_env "EMAIL_HOST_USER") smtp_password=$(read_env "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD") smtp_port=$(read_env "EMAIL_PORT") smtp_from=$(read_env "EMAIL_FROM") smtp_tls=$(read_env "EMAIL_USE_TLS") smtp_ssl=$(read_env "EMAIL_USE_SSL") SMTP_SETTINGS=$(dialog \ --ok-label "Next" \ --cancel-label "Skip" \ --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \ --title "SMTP Settings" \ --form "" \ 0 0 0 \ "Host:" 1 1 "$smtp_host" 1 10 80 0 \ "User:" 2 1 "$smtp_user" 2 10 80 0 \ "Password:" 3 1 "$smtp_password" 3 10 80 0 \ "Port:" 4 1 "${smtp_port:-587}" 4 10 5 0 \ "From:" 5 1 "${smtp_from:-Mailer <mailer@example.com>}" 5 10 80 0 \ "TLS:" 6 1 "${smtp_tls:-1}" 6 10 1 1 \ "SSL:" 7 1 "${smtp_ssl:-0}" 7 10 1 1 \ 2>&1 1>&3) save_smtp_settings=0 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then save_smtp_settings=1 smtp_host=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 1p) smtp_user=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 2p) smtp_password=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 3p) smtp_port=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 4p) smtp_from=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 5p) smtp_tls=$(echo "$SMTP_SETTINGS" | sed -n 6p) fi external_pgdb_url=$(dialog \ --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \ --title "Using External Postgres Database ?" \ --ok-label "Next" \ --cancel-label "Skip" \ --inputbox "Enter your external database url" \ 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) external_redis_url=$(dialog \ --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \ --title "Using External Redis Database ?" \ --ok-label "Next" \ --cancel-label "Skip" \ --inputbox "Enter your external redis url" \ 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) aws_region=$(read_env "AWS_REGION") aws_access_key=$(read_env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") aws_secret_key=$(read_env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") aws_bucket=$(read_env "AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME") AWS_S3_SETTINGS=$(dialog \ --ok-label "Next" \ --cancel-label "Skip" \ --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \ --title "AWS S3 Bucket Configuration" \ --form "" \ 0 0 0 \ "Region:" 1 1 "$aws_region" 1 10 50 0 \ "Access Key:" 2 1 "$aws_access_key" 2 10 50 0 \ "Secret Key:" 3 1 "$aws_secret_key" 3 10 50 0 \ "Bucket:" 4 1 "$aws_bucket" 4 10 50 0 \ 2>&1 1>&3) save_aws_settings=0 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then save_aws_settings=1 aws_region=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 1p) aws_access_key=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 2p) aws_secret_key=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 3p) aws_bucket=$(echo "$AWS_S3_SETTINGS" | sed -n 4p) fi # display dialogbox asking for confirmation to continue CONFIRM_CONFIG=$(dialog \ --title "Confirm Configuration" \ --backtitle "Plane Configuration" \ --yes-label "Confirm" \ --no-label "Cancel" \ --yesno \ " save_ngnix_settings: $save_nginx_settings nginx_port: $nginx_port domain_name: $domain_name upload_limit: $upload_limit save_smtp_settings: $save_smtp_settings smtp_host: $smtp_host smtp_user: $smtp_user smtp_password: $smtp_password smtp_port: $smtp_port smtp_from: $smtp_from smtp_tls: $smtp_tls smtp_ssl: $smtp_ssl save_aws_settings: $save_aws_settings aws_region: $aws_region aws_access_key: $aws_access_key aws_secret_key: $aws_secret_key aws_bucket: $aws_bucket pdgb_url: $external_pgdb_url redis_url: $external_redis_url " \ 0 0 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ $save_nginx_settings == 1 ]; then update_env "NGINX_PORT" "$nginx_port" update_env "DOMAIN_NAME" "$domain_name" update_env "WEB_URL" "http://$domain_name" update_env "CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS" "http://$domain_name" update_env "FILE_SIZE_LIMIT" "$upload_limit" fi # check enable smpt settings value if [ $save_smtp_settings == 1 ]; then update_env "EMAIL_HOST" "$smtp_host" update_env "EMAIL_HOST_USER" "$smtp_user" update_env "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD" "$smtp_password" update_env "EMAIL_PORT" "$smtp_port" update_env "EMAIL_FROM" "$smtp_from" update_env "EMAIL_USE_TLS" "$smtp_tls" update_env "EMAIL_USE_SSL" "$smtp_ssl" fi # check enable aws settings value if [[ $save_aws_settings == 1 && $aws_access_key != "" && $aws_secret_key != "" ]] ; then update_env "USE_MINIO" "0" update_env "AWS_REGION" "$aws_region" update_env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" "$aws_access_key" update_env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" "$aws_secret_key" update_env "AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME" "$aws_bucket" elif [[ -z $aws_access_key || -z $aws_secret_key ]] ; then update_env "USE_MINIO" "1" update_env "AWS_REGION" "" update_env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" "" update_env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" "" update_env "AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME" "uploads" fi if [ "$external_pgdb_url" != "" ]; then update_env "DATABASE_URL" "$external_pgdb_url" fi if [ "$external_redis_url" != "" ]; then update_env "REDIS_URL" "$external_redis_url" fi fi exec 3>&- } function upgrade_configuration() { upg_env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env" # Check if the file exists if [ -f "$upg_env_file" ]; then # Read each line from the file while IFS= read -r line; do # Skip comments and empty lines if [[ "$line" =~ ^\s*#.*$ ]] || [[ -z "$line" ]]; then continue fi # Split the line into key and value key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'=' -f1) value=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'=' -f2-) current_value=$(read_env "$key") if [ -z "$current_value" ]; then update_env "$key" "$value" fi done < "$upg_env_file" fi } function install() { show_message "" if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then OS="linux" OS_NAME=$(awk -F= '/^ID=/{print $2}' /etc/os-release) # check the OS if [ "$OS_NAME" == "ubuntu" ]; then OS_SUPPORTED=true show_message "******** Installing Plane ********" show_message "" prepare_environment if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then download_plane if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # create_service check_for_docker_images last_installed_on=$(read_config "INSTALLATION_DATE") if [ "$last_installed_on" == "" ]; then configure_plane fi printUsageInstructions update_config "INSTALLATION_DATE" "$(date)" show_message "Plane Installed Successfully ✅" show_message "" else show_message "Download Failed ❌" exit 1 fi else show_message "Initialization Failed ❌" exit 1 fi else PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌❌ Unsupported OS Detected ❌❌❌" show_message "" exit 1 fi else PROGRESS_MSG="❌❌❌ Unsupported OS Detected : $(uname) ❌❌❌" show_message "" exit 1 fi } function upgrade() { if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then OS="linux" OS_NAME=$(awk -F= '/^ID=/{print $2}' /etc/os-release) # check the OS if [ "$OS_NAME" == "ubuntu" ]; then OS_SUPPORTED=true prepare_environment if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then download_plane if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then check_for_docker_images upgrade_configuration update_config "UPGRADE_DATE" "$(date)" show_message "" show_message "Plane Upgraded Successfully ✅" show_message "" printUsageInstructions else show_message "Download Failed ❌" exit 1 fi else show_message "Initialization Failed ❌" exit 1 fi else PROGRESS_MSG="Unsupported OS Detected" show_message "" exit 1 fi else PROGRESS_MSG="Unsupported OS Detected : $(uname)" show_message "" exit 1 fi } function uninstall() { if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then OS="linux" OS_NAME=$(awk -F= '/^ID=/{print $2}' /etc/os-release) # check the OS if [ "$OS_NAME" == "ubuntu" ]; then OS_SUPPORTED=true show_message "******** Uninstalling Plane ********" show_message "" stop_server # CHECK IF PLANE SERVICE EXISTS # if [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/plane.service" ]; then # sudo systemctl stop plane.service &> /dev/null # sudo systemctl disable plane.service &> /dev/null # sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/plane.service &> /dev/null # sudo systemctl daemon-reload &> /dev/null # fi # show_message "- Plane Service removed ✅" if ! [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then echo "DOCKER_NOT_INSTALLED" &> /dev/null else # Ask of user input to confirm uninstall docker ? CONFIRM_DOCKER_PURGE=$(dialog --title "Uninstall Docker" --yesno "Are you sure you want to uninstall docker ?" 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then show_message "- Uninstalling Docker ✋" sudo apt-get purge -y docker-engine docker docker.io docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin &> /dev/null sudo apt-get autoremove -y --purge docker-engine docker docker.io docker-ce docker-compose-plugin &> /dev/null show_message "- Docker Uninstalled ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 fi fi rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env &> /dev/null rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env &> /dev/null rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/config.env &> /dev/null rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml &> /dev/null # rm -rf $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR &> /dev/null show_message "- Configuration Cleaned ✅" show_message "" show_message "******** Plane Uninstalled ********" show_message "" show_message "" show_message "Plane Configuration Cleaned with some exceptions" show_message "- DB Data: $DATA_DIR/postgres" show_message "- Redis Data: $DATA_DIR/redis" show_message "- Minio Data: $DATA_DIR/minio" show_message "" show_message "" show_message "Thank you for using Plane. We hope to see you again soon." show_message "" show_message "" else PROGRESS_MSG="Unsupported OS Detected : $(uname) ❌" show_message "" exit 1 fi else PROGRESS_MSG="Unsupported OS Detected : $(uname) ❌" show_message "" exit 1 fi } function start_server() { docker_compose_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml" env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env" # check if both the files exits if [ -f "$docker_compose_file" ] && [ -f "$env_file" ]; then show_message "Starting Plane Server ✋" docker compose -f $docker_compose_file --env-file=$env_file up -d # Wait for containers to be running echo "Waiting for containers to start..." while ! docker compose -f "$docker_compose_file" --env-file="$env_file" ps --services --filter "status=running" --quiet | grep -q "."; do sleep 1 done show_message "Plane Server Started ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 else show_message "Plane Server not installed. Please install Plane first ❌" "replace_last_line" >&2 fi } function stop_server() { docker_compose_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml" env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env" # check if both the files exits if [ -f "$docker_compose_file" ] && [ -f "$env_file" ]; then show_message "Stopping Plane Server ✋" docker compose -f $docker_compose_file --env-file=$env_file down show_message "Plane Server Stopped ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 else show_message "Plane Server not installed. Please install Plane first ❌" "replace_last_line" >&2 fi } function restart_server() { docker_compose_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml" env_file="$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env" # check if both the files exits if [ -f "$docker_compose_file" ] && [ -f "$env_file" ]; then show_message "Restarting Plane Server ✋" docker compose -f $docker_compose_file --env-file=$env_file restart show_message "Plane Server Restarted ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 else show_message "Plane Server not installed. Please install Plane first ❌" "replace_last_line" >&2 fi } function show_help() { # print_header show_message "Usage: plane-app [OPTION]" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message " start Start Server" >&2 show_message " stop Stop Server" >&2 show_message " restart Restart Server" >&2 show_message "" >&2 show_message "other options" >&2 show_message " -i, --install Install Plane" >&2 show_message " -c, --configure Configure Plane" >&2 show_message " -up, --upgrade Upgrade Plane" >&2 show_message " -un, --uninstall Uninstall Plane" >&2 show_message " -ui, --update-installer Update Plane Installer" >&2 show_message " -h, --help Show help" >&2 show_message "" >&2 exit 1 } function update_installer() { show_message "Updating Plane Installer ✋" >&2 curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' \ -s -o /usr/local/bin/plane-app \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/$BRANCH/deploy/1-click/install.sh?token=$(date +%s) chmod +x /usr/local/bin/plane-app > /dev/null&> /dev/null show_message "Plane Installer Updated ✅" "replace_last_line" >&2 } export BRANCH=${BRANCH:-master} export APP_RELEASE=$BRANCH export DOCKERHUB_USER=makeplane export PULL_POLICY=always PLANE_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/plane DATA_DIR=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/data LOG_DIR=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/log OS_SUPPORTED=false CPU_ARCH=$(uname -m) PROGRESS_MSG="" USE_GLOBAL_IMAGES=1 mkdir -p $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/{data,log} if [ "$1" == "start" ]; then start_server elif [ "$1" == "stop" ]; then stop_server elif [ "$1" == "restart" ]; then restart_server elif [ "$1" == "--install" ] || [ "$1" == "-i" ]; then install elif [ "$1" == "--configure" ] || [ "$1" == "-c" ]; then configure_plane printUsageInstructions elif [ "$1" == "--upgrade" ] || [ "$1" == "-up" ]; then upgrade elif [ "$1" == "--uninstall" ] || [ "$1" == "-un" ]; then uninstall elif [ "$1" == "--update-installer" ] || [ "$1" == "-ui" ] ; then update_installer elif [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then show_help else show_help fi