import { observable, action, computed, makeObservable, runInAction } from "mobx"; // types import { RootStore } from "./root"; // services import { UserService } from "services/user.service"; import { ProjectIssuesServices } from "services/issues.service"; import { ProjectIssuesServices as ProjectModuleServices } from "services/modules.service"; import { ProjectCycleServices } from "services/cycles.service"; // types import { TIssueLayouts, TIssueViews } from "./issue-filters"; export interface IIssues { [key: string]: any; } export interface IIssuesLayout { list: IIssues[]; kanban: IIssues[]; calendar: IIssues[]; spreadsheet: IIssues[]; gantt_chart: IIssues[]; } export interface IIssueState { [key: string]: { // project_id: layout_view issues: { [key: string]: IIssuesLayout; // project_id: layout_key: ...issues, It's always one project id here }; cycles: { [key: string]: IIssuesLayout; // cycle_id: layout_key: ...issues }; modules: { [key: string]: IIssuesLayout; // module_id: layout_key: ...issues }; views: { [key: string]: IIssuesLayout; // view_id: layout_key: ...issues }; }; } export interface IIssueStore { loader: boolean; error: any | null; issues: IIssueState; // computed getIssues: IIssues | null | undefined; // actions updateIssues: (data: any) => void; getProjectIssuesAsync: (workspaceId: string, projectId: string, fetchFilterToggle?: boolean) => null | Promise; getIssuesForModulesAsync: ( workspaceId: string, projectId: string, moduleId: string, fetchFilterToggle: boolean ) => null | Promise; getIssuesForCyclesAsync: ( workspaceId: string, projectId: string, cycleId: string, fetchFilterToggle: boolean ) => null | Promise; getIssuesForViewsAsync: ( workspaceId: string, projectId: string, viewId: string, fetchFilterToggle: boolean ) => null | Promise; } class IssueStore implements IIssueStore { loader: boolean = false; error: any | null = null; issues: IIssueState = {}; // root store rootStore; // service issueService; userService; modulesService; cyclesService; constructor(_rootStore: RootStore) { makeObservable(this, { // observable loader: observable, error: observable, issues: observable.ref, // computed getIssues: computed, // action updateIssues: action, getProjectIssuesAsync: action, getIssuesForModulesAsync: action, getIssuesForCyclesAsync: action, getIssuesForViewsAsync: action, }); this.rootStore = _rootStore; this.issueService = new ProjectIssuesServices(); this.userService = new UserService(); this.modulesService = new ProjectModuleServices(); this.cyclesService = new ProjectCycleServices(); } // computed get getIssues() { if (this.issues != null) { const issueView: TIssueViews | null = this.rootStore.issueFilter.issueView; const projectId: string | null = this.rootStore.project.projectId; const moduleId: string | null = this.rootStore.module.moduleId; const cycleId: string | null = this.rootStore.cycle.cycleId; const viewId: string | null = this.rootStore.view.viewId; const issueLayout: TIssueLayouts | null = this.rootStore.issueFilter.issueLayout; if (!issueView || !projectId) return null; const currentViewIdIndex: string | null = issueView === "issues" && projectId ? projectId : issueView === "modules" && moduleId ? moduleId : issueView === "cycles" && cycleId ? cycleId : issueView === "cycles" && viewId ? viewId : null; if (!issueLayout || !currentViewIdIndex) return null; return this.issues[projectId][issueView][currentViewIdIndex][issueLayout]; } return null; } updateIssues = (data: any) => { const issueView: TIssueViews | null = this.rootStore.issueFilter.issueView; const projectId: string | null = this.rootStore.project.projectId; const moduleId: string | null = this.rootStore.module.moduleId; const cycleId: string | null = this.rootStore.cycle.cycleId; const viewId: string | null = this.rootStore.view.viewId; const issueLayout: TIssueLayouts | null = this.rootStore.issueFilter.issueLayout; const { groupId, issueId, issueData } = data as { groupId?: any; issueId: string | null; issueData: any; }; if (!issueView || !projectId) return null; const currentViewIdIndex: string | null = issueView === "issues" && projectId ? projectId : issueView === "modules" && moduleId ? moduleId : issueView === "cycles" && cycleId ? cycleId : issueView === "cycles" && viewId ? viewId : null; if (!issueLayout || !currentViewIdIndex) return null; let _issues = this?.issues?.[projectId]?.[issueView]?.[currentViewIdIndex]?.[issueLayout]; if (groupId && groupId != null && ["list", "kanban"].includes(issueLayout)) { _issues = { ..._issues, [groupId]: _issues?.[groupId] && _issues?.[groupId].length > 0 ? _issues?.[groupId]?.map((item: any) => ( === issueId ? { ...item, ...issueData } : { ...item })) : [], }; } else { _issues = { ..._issues, any) => ( === issueId ? { ...item, ...issueData } : { ...item })), }; } this.issues = { ...this.issues, [projectId]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId], [issueView]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.[issueView], [currentViewIdIndex]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.[issueView]?.[currentViewIdIndex], [issueLayout]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.[issueView]?.[currentViewIdIndex]?.[issueLayout], ..._issues, }, }, }, }, }; }; // fetching project issues getProjectIssuesAsync = async (workspaceId: string, projectId: string, fetchFilterToggle: boolean = true) => { try { this.loader = true; this.error = null; if (fetchFilterToggle) await this.rootStore.issueFilter.getProjectIssueFilters(workspaceId, projectId); // const filteredParams = this.rootStore.issueFilter.getComputedFilters( // workspaceId, // projectId, // null, // null, // null, // "issues" // ); // const issuesResponse = await this.issueService.getIssuesWithParams(workspaceId, projectId, filteredParams); // if (issuesResponse) { // const _issueResponse: any = { // ...this.issues, // [projectId]: { // ...this?.issues?.[projectId], // issues: { // ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.issues, // [this.rootStore?.issueFilter?.userFilters?.display_filters?.layout as string]: issuesResponse, // }, // }, // }; // runInAction(() => { // this.issues = _issueResponse; // this.loader = false; // this.error = null; // }); // } // return issuesResponse; } catch (error) { console.warn("error in fetching the project issues", error); this.loader = false; this.error = null; return error; } }; // fetching project issues for modules getIssuesForModulesAsync = async ( workspaceId: string, projectId: string, moduleId: string, fetchFilterToggle: boolean = true ) => { try { this.loader = true; this.error = null; if (fetchFilterToggle) await this.rootStore.issueFilter.getProjectIssueModuleFilters(workspaceId, projectId, moduleId); const filteredParams = this.rootStore.issueFilter.getComputedFilters( workspaceId, projectId, moduleId, null, null, "modules" ); const issuesResponse = await this.modulesService.getModuleIssuesWithParams( workspaceId, projectId, moduleId, filteredParams ); if (issuesResponse) { const _issueResponse: any = { ...this.issues, [projectId]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId], modules: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.modules, [moduleId]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.modules?.[moduleId], [this.rootStore?.issueFilter?.userFilters?.display_filters?.layout as string]: issuesResponse, }, }, }, }; runInAction(() => { this.issues = _issueResponse; this.loader = false; this.error = null; }); } return issuesResponse; } catch (error) { console.warn("error in fetching the project module issues", error); this.loader = false; this.error = null; return error; } }; // fetching project issues for cycles getIssuesForCyclesAsync = async ( workspaceId: string, projectId: string, cycleId: string, fetchFilterToggle: boolean = true ) => { try { this.loader = true; this.error = null; if (fetchFilterToggle) await this.rootStore.issueFilter.getProjectIssueCyclesFilters(workspaceId, projectId, cycleId); const filteredParams = this.rootStore.issueFilter.getComputedFilters( workspaceId, projectId, null, cycleId, null, "cycles" ); const issuesResponse = await this.cyclesService.getCycleIssuesWithParams( workspaceId, projectId, cycleId, filteredParams ); if (issuesResponse) { const _issueResponse: any = { ...this.issues, [projectId]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId], cycles: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.cycles, [cycleId]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.cycles?.[cycleId], [this.rootStore?.issueFilter?.userFilters?.display_filters?.layout as string]: issuesResponse, }, }, }, }; runInAction(() => { this.issues = _issueResponse; this.loader = false; this.error = null; }); } return issuesResponse; } catch (error) { console.warn("error in fetching the project cycles issues", error); this.loader = false; this.error = null; return error; } }; // fetching project issues for views getIssuesForViewsAsync = async ( workspaceId: string, projectId: string, viewId: string, fetchFilterToggle: boolean = true ) => { try { this.loader = true; this.error = null; if (fetchFilterToggle) await this.rootStore.issueFilter.getProjectIssueViewsFilters(workspaceId, projectId, viewId); const filteredParams = this.rootStore.issueFilter.getComputedFilters( workspaceId, projectId, null, null, viewId, "views" ); const issuesResponse = await this.issueService.getIssuesWithParams(workspaceId, projectId, filteredParams); if (issuesResponse) { const _issueResponse: any = { ...this.issues, [projectId]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId], views: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.views, [viewId]: { ...this?.issues?.[projectId]?.views?.[viewId], [this.rootStore?.issueFilter?.userFilters?.display_filters?.layout as string]: issuesResponse, }, }, }, }; runInAction(() => { this.issues = _issueResponse; this.loader = false; this.error = null; }); } return issuesResponse; } catch (error) { console.warn("error in fetching the project view issues", error); this.loader = false; this.error = null; return error; } }; } export default IssueStore;