import { FC } from "react"; import { observer } from "mobx-react"; // hooks import { useIssueDetail } from "hooks/store"; // components import { IssueActivityBlockComponent } from "./"; // component helpers import { issueRelationObject } from "components/issues/issue-detail/relation-select"; // types import { TIssueRelationTypes } from "@plane/types"; type TIssueRelationActivity = { activityId: string; ends: "top" | "bottom" | undefined }; export const IssueRelationActivity: FC = observer((props) => { const { activityId, ends } = props; // hooks const { activity: { getActivityById }, } = useIssueDetail(); const activity = getActivityById(activityId); if (!activity) return <>; return ( } activityId={activityId} ends={ends} > <> {activity.field === "blocking" && (activity.old_value === "" ? `marked this issue is blocking issue ` : `removed the blocking issue `)} {activity.field === "blocked_by" && (activity.old_value === "" ? `marked this issue is being blocked by ` : `removed this issue being blocked by issue `)} {activity.field === "duplicate" && (activity.old_value === "" ? `marked this issue as duplicate of ` : `removed this issue as a duplicate of `)} {activity.field === "relates_to" && (activity.old_value === "" ? `marked that this issue relates to ` : `removed the relation from `)} {activity.old_value === "" ? ( {activity.new_value}. ) : ( {activity.old_value}. )} ); });