import get from "lodash/get";
import indexOf from "lodash/indexOf";
import isEmpty from "lodash/isEmpty";
import orderBy from "lodash/orderBy";
import values from "lodash/values";
// constants
import { ISSUE_PRIORITIES } from "@/constants/issue";
import { STATE_GROUPS } from "@/constants/state";
// helpers
import { convertToISODateString, renderFormattedPayloadDate } from "@/helpers/date-time.helper";
// types
import { TIssue, TIssueMap, TIssueGroupByOptions, TIssueOrderByOptions } from "@plane/types";
// store
import { IIssueRootStore } from "../";

export type TIssueDisplayFilterOptions = Exclude<TIssueGroupByOptions, null> | "target_date";

export type TIssueHelperStore = {
  // helper methods
    groupBy: TIssueDisplayFilterOptions,
    orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions,
    issues: TIssueMap,
    isCalendarIssues?: boolean
  ): { [group_id: string]: string[] };
    subGroupBy: TIssueDisplayFilterOptions,
    groupBy: TIssueDisplayFilterOptions,
    orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions,
    issues: TIssueMap
  ): { [sub_group_id: string]: { [group_id: string]: string[] } };
  unGroupedIssues(orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: TIssueMap): string[];
  issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(groupBy: string | null): string[];
  issuesSortWithOrderBy(issueObject: TIssueMap, key: Partial<TIssueOrderByOptions>): TIssue[];
  getGroupArray(value: boolean | number | string | string[] | null, isDate?: boolean): string[];

export const ISSUE_FILTER_DEFAULT_DATA: Record<TIssueDisplayFilterOptions, keyof TIssue> = {
  project: "project_id",
  cycle: "cycle_id",
  module: "module_ids",
  state: "state_id",
  "": "state_group" as keyof TIssue, // is only being used for state_group display,
  priority: "priority",
  labels: "label_ids",
  created_by: "created_by",
  assignees: "assignee_ids",
  mentions: "assignee_ids",
  target_date: "target_date",

export class IssueHelperStore implements TIssueHelperStore {
  // root store

  constructor(_rootStore: IIssueRootStore) {
    this.rootStore = _rootStore;

  groupedIssues = (
    groupBy: TIssueDisplayFilterOptions,
    orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions,
    issues: TIssueMap,
    isCalendarIssues: boolean = false
  ) => {
    const currentIssues: { [group_id: string]: string[] } = {};
    if (!groupBy) return currentIssues;

    this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(groupBy).forEach((group) => {
      currentIssues[group] = [];

    const projectIssues = this.issuesSortWithOrderBy(issues, orderBy);

    for (const issue in projectIssues) {
      const currentIssue = projectIssues[issue];
      let groupArray = [];

      if (groupBy === "") {
        // if groupBy is coming from the project level the we are using stateDetails from root store else we are looping through the stateMap
        const state_group = (this.rootStore?.stateMap || {})?.[currentIssue?.state_id]?.group || "None";
        groupArray = [state_group];
      } else {
        const groupValue = get(currentIssue, ISSUE_FILTER_DEFAULT_DATA[groupBy]);
        groupArray = groupValue !== undefined ? this.getGroupArray(groupValue, isCalendarIssues) : ["None"];

      for (const group of groupArray) {
        if (group && currentIssues[group]) currentIssues[group].push(;
        else if (group) currentIssues[group] = [];

    return currentIssues;

  subGroupedIssues = (
    subGroupBy: TIssueDisplayFilterOptions,
    groupBy: TIssueDisplayFilterOptions,
    orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions,
    issues: TIssueMap
  ) => {
    const currentIssues: { [sub_group_id: string]: { [group_id: string]: string[] } } = {};
    if (!subGroupBy || !groupBy) return currentIssues;

    this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(subGroupBy).forEach((sub_group) => {
      const groupByIssues: { [group_id: string]: string[] } = {};
      this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(groupBy).forEach((group) => {
        groupByIssues[group] = [];
      currentIssues[sub_group] = groupByIssues;

    const projectIssues = this.issuesSortWithOrderBy(issues, orderBy);

    for (const issue in projectIssues) {
      const currentIssue = projectIssues[issue];
      let subGroupArray = [];
      let groupArray = [];
      if (subGroupBy === "" || groupBy === "") {
        const state_group = (this.rootStore?.stateMap || {})?.[currentIssue?.state_id]?.group || "None";

        subGroupArray = [state_group];
        groupArray = [state_group];
      } else {
        const subGroupValue = get(currentIssue, ISSUE_FILTER_DEFAULT_DATA[subGroupBy]);
        const groupValue = get(currentIssue, ISSUE_FILTER_DEFAULT_DATA[groupBy]);

        subGroupArray = subGroupValue != undefined ? this.getGroupArray(subGroupValue) : ["None"];
        groupArray = groupValue != undefined ? this.getGroupArray(groupValue) : ["None"];

      for (const subGroup of subGroupArray) {
        for (const group of groupArray) {
          if (subGroup && group && currentIssues?.[subGroup]?.[group])
          else if (subGroup && group && currentIssues[subGroup]) currentIssues[subGroup][group] = [];
          else if (subGroup && group) currentIssues[subGroup] = { [group]: [] };

    return currentIssues;

  unGroupedIssues = (orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: TIssueMap) =>
    this.issuesSortWithOrderBy(issues, orderBy).map((issue) =>;

  issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData = (groupBy: string | null): string[] => {
    switch (groupBy) {
      case "state":
        return Object.keys(this.rootStore?.stateMap || {});
      case "":
        return Object.keys(STATE_GROUPS);
      case "priority":
        return => i.key);
      case "labels":
        return Object.keys(this.rootStore?.labelMap || {});
      case "created_by":
        return Object.keys(this.rootStore?.workSpaceMemberRolesMap || {});
      case "assignees":
        return Object.keys(this.rootStore?.workSpaceMemberRolesMap || {});
      case "project":
        return Object.keys(this.rootStore?.projectMap || {});
      case "cycle":
        return Object.keys(this.rootStore?.cycleMap || {});
      case "module":
        return Object.keys(this.rootStore?.moduleMap || {});
        return [];

   * This Method is used to get data of the issue based on the ids of the data for states, labels adn assignees
   * @param dataType what type of data is being sent
   * @param dataIds id/ids of the data that is to be populated
   * @param order ascending or descending for arrays of data
   * @returns string | string[] of sortable fields to be used for sorting
    dataType: "state_id" | "label_ids" | "assignee_ids" | "module_ids" | "cycle_id",
    dataIds: string | string[] | null | undefined,
    order?: "asc" | "desc"
  ) {
    if (!dataIds) return;

    const dataValues: string[] = [];
    const isDataIdsArray = Array.isArray(dataIds);
    const dataIdsArray = isDataIdsArray ? dataIds : [dataIds];

    switch (dataType) {
      case "state_id":
        const stateMap = this.rootStore?.stateMap;
        if (!stateMap) break;
        for (const dataId of dataIdsArray) {
          const state = stateMap[dataId];
          if (state && dataValues.push(;
      case "label_ids":
        const labelMap = this.rootStore?.labelMap;
        if (!labelMap) break;
        for (const dataId of dataIdsArray) {
          const label = labelMap[dataId];
          if (label && dataValues.push(;
      case "assignee_ids":
        const memberMap = this.rootStore?.memberMap;
        if (!memberMap) break;
        for (const dataId of dataIdsArray) {
          const member = memberMap[dataId];
          if (member && member.first_name) dataValues.push(member.first_name.toLocaleLowerCase());
      case "module_ids":
        const moduleMap = this.rootStore?.moduleMap;
        if (!moduleMap) break;
        for (const dataId of dataIdsArray) {
          const currentModule = moduleMap[dataId];
          if (currentModule && dataValues.push(;
      case "cycle_id":
        const cycleMap = this.rootStore?.cycleMap;
        if (!cycleMap) break;
        for (const dataId of dataIdsArray) {
          const cycle = cycleMap[dataId];
          if (cycle && dataValues.push(;

    return isDataIdsArray ? (order ? orderBy(dataValues, undefined, [order]) : dataValues) : dataValues[0];

   * This Method is mainly used to filter out empty values in the beginning
   * @param key key of the value that is to be checked if empty
   * @param object any object in which the key's value is to be checked
   * @returns 1 if empty, 0 if not empty
  getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues(key: string, object: any) {
    const value = object?.[key];

    if (typeof value !== "number" && isEmpty(value)) return 1;

    return 0;

  issuesSortWithOrderBy = (issueObject: TIssueMap, key: Partial<TIssueOrderByOptions>): TIssue[] => {
    let array = values(issueObject);
    array = orderBy(array, "created_at");

    switch (key) {
      case "sort_order":
        return orderBy(array, "sort_order");
      case "state__name":
        return orderBy(array, (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("state_id", issue["state_id"]));
      case "-state__name":
        return orderBy(array, (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("state_id", issue["state_id"]), ["desc"]);
      // dates
      case "created_at":
        return orderBy(array, (issue) => convertToISODateString(issue["created_at"]));
      case "-created_at":
        return orderBy(array, (issue) => convertToISODateString(issue["created_at"]), ["desc"]);
      case "updated_at":
        return orderBy(array, (issue) => convertToISODateString(issue["updated_at"]));
      case "-updated_at":
        return orderBy(array, (issue) => convertToISODateString(issue["updated_at"]), ["desc"]);
      case "start_date":
        return orderBy(array, [this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "start_date"), "start_date"]); //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
      case "-start_date":
        return orderBy(
          [this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "start_date"), "start_date"], //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
          ["asc", "desc"]

      case "target_date":
        return orderBy(array, [this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "target_date"), "target_date"]); //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
      case "-target_date":
        return orderBy(
          [this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "target_date"), "target_date"], //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
          ["asc", "desc"]

      // custom
      case "priority": {
        const sortArray = => i.key);
        return orderBy(array, (_issue: TIssue) => indexOf(sortArray, _issue.priority), ["desc"]);
      case "-priority": {
        const sortArray = => i.key);
        return orderBy(array, (_issue: TIssue) => indexOf(sortArray, _issue.priority));

      // number
      case "attachment_count":
        return orderBy(array, "attachment_count");
      case "-attachment_count":
        return orderBy(array, "attachment_count", ["desc"]);

      case "estimate_point":
        return orderBy(array, [this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "estimate_point"), "estimate_point"]); //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
      case "-estimate_point":
        return orderBy(
          [this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "estimate_point"), "estimate_point"], //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
          ["asc", "desc"]

      case "link_count":
        return orderBy(array, "link_count");
      case "-link_count":
        return orderBy(array, "link_count", ["desc"]);

      case "sub_issues_count":
        return orderBy(array, "sub_issues_count");
      case "-sub_issues_count":
        return orderBy(array, "sub_issues_count", ["desc"]);

      // Array
      case "labels__name":
        return orderBy(array, [
          this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "label_ids"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
          (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("label_ids", issue["label_ids"], "asc"),
      case "-labels__name":
        return orderBy(
            this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "label_ids"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
            (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("label_ids", issue["label_ids"], "desc"),
          ["asc", "desc"]

      case "modules__name":
        return orderBy(array, [
          this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "module_ids"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
          (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("module_ids", issue["module_ids"], "asc"),
      case "-modules__name":
        return orderBy(
            this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "module_ids"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
            (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("module_ids", issue["module_ids"], "desc"),
          ["asc", "desc"]

      case "cycle__name":
        return orderBy(array, [
          this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "cycle_id"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
          (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("cycle_id", issue["cycle_id"], "asc"),
      case "-cycle__name":
        return orderBy(
            this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "cycle_id"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
            (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("cycle_id", issue["cycle_id"], "desc"),
          ["asc", "desc"]

      case "assignees__first_name":
        return orderBy(array, [
          this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "assignee_ids"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
          (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("assignee_ids", issue["assignee_ids"], "asc"),
      case "-assignees__first_name":
        return orderBy(
            this.getSortOrderToFilterEmptyValues.bind(null, "assignee_ids"), //preferring sorting based on empty values to always keep the empty values below
            (issue) => this.populateIssueDataForSorting("assignee_ids", issue["assignee_ids"], "desc"),
          ["asc", "desc"]

        return array;

  getGroupArray(value: boolean | number | string | string[] | null, isDate: boolean = false): string[] {
    if (!value || value === null || value === undefined) return ["None"];
    if (Array.isArray(value))
      if (value && value.length) return value;
      else return ["None"];
    else if (typeof value === "boolean") return [value ? "True" : "False"];
    else if (typeof value === "number") return [value.toString()];
    else if (isDate) return [renderFormattedPayloadDate(value) || "None"];
    else return [value || "None"];