import { useRouter } from "next/router"; // icons import { CopyPlus } from "lucide-react"; import { Icon, Tooltip } from "components/ui"; import { Squares2X2Icon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; import { BlockedIcon, BlockerIcon, RelatedIcon } from "components/icons"; // helpers import { renderShortDateWithYearFormat } from "helpers/date-time.helper"; import { capitalizeFirstLetter } from "helpers/string.helper"; // types import { IIssueActivity } from "types"; const IssueLink = ({ activity }: { activity: IIssueActivity }) => ( <Tooltip tooltipContent={ activity.issue_detail ? : "This issue has been deleted" } > <button type="button" onClick={() => console.log( "issue", JSON.stringify({ project_id: activity.project, issue_id: activity.issue, }) ) } className="font-medium text-custom-text-100 inline-flex items-center gap-1 hover:underline" > {activity.issue_detail ? `${activity.project_detail.identifier}-${activity.issue_detail.sequence_id}` : "Issue"} <Icon iconName="launch" className="!text-xs" /> </button> </Tooltip> ); const UserLink = ({ activity }: { activity: IIssueActivity }) => ( <button type="button" onClick={() => { console.log("user",; }} className="font-medium text-custom-text-100 inline-flex items-center hover:underline" > {activity.new_value && activity.new_value !== "" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value} </button> ); const activityDetails: { [key: string]: { message: ( activity: IIssueActivity, showIssue: boolean, workspaceSlug: string ) => React.ReactNode; icon: React.ReactNode; }; } = { assignees: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.old_value === "" ? "added a new assignee " : "removed the assignee "} <UserLink activity={activity} /> {showIssue && ( <> {" "} to <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} . </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="group" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, archived_at: { message: (activity) => { if (activity.new_value === "restore") return "restored the issue."; else return "archived the issue."; }, icon: <Icon iconName="archive" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, attachment: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.verb === "created" ? "uploaded a new " : "removed an "} {activity.new_value && activity.new_value !== "" ? ( <button type="button" onClick={() => console.log("attachment", activity.new_value)}> attachment </button> ) : ( "attachment" )} {showIssue && activity.verb === "created" ? " to " : " from "} {showIssue && <IssueLink activity={activity} />} </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="attach_file" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, blocking: { message: (activity) => ( <> {activity.old_value === "" ? "marked this issue is blocking issue " : "removed the blocking issue "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.old_value === "" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value} </span> . </> ), icon: <BlockerIcon height="12" width="12" color="#6b7280" />, }, blocked_by: { message: (activity) => ( <> {activity.old_value === "" ? "marked this issue is being blocked by issue " : "removed this issue being blocked by issue "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.old_value === "" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value} </span> . </> ), icon: <BlockedIcon height="12" width="12" color="#6b7280" />, }, duplicate: { message: (activity) => ( <> {activity.old_value === "" ? "marked this issue as duplicate of " : "removed this issue as a duplicate of "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.verb === "created" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value} </span> . </> ), icon: <CopyPlus size={12} color="#6b7280" />, }, relates_to: { message: (activity) => ( <> {activity.old_value === "" ? "marked that this issue relates to " : "removed the relation from "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.old_value === "" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value} </span> . </> ), icon: <RelatedIcon height="12" width="12" color="#6b7280" />, }, cycles: { message: (activity) => ( <> {activity.verb === "created" && "added this issue to the cycle "} {activity.verb === "updated" && "set the cycle to "} {activity.verb === "deleted" && "removed the issue from the cycle "} <button type="button" onClick={() => console.log( "cycle", JSON.stringify({ cycle_id: activity.new_identifier, project_id: activity.project, }) ) } className="font-medium text-custom-text-100 inline-flex items-center gap-1 hover:underline" > {activity.new_value} <Icon iconName="launch" className="!text-xs" /> </button> </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="contrast" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, description: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> updated the description {showIssue && ( <> {" "} of <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} . </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="chat" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, estimate_point: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.new_value ? "set the estimate point to " : "removed the estimate point "} {activity.new_value && ( <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100">{activity.new_value}</span> )} {showIssue && ( <> {" "} for <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="change_history" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, issue: { message: (activity) => { if (activity.verb === "created") return "created the issue."; else return "deleted an issue."; }, icon: <Icon iconName="stack" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, labels: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.old_value === "" ? "added a new label " : "removed the label "} <span className="inline-flex items-center gap-3 rounded-full border border-custom-border-300 px-2 py-0.5 text-xs"> <span className="h-1.5 w-1.5 rounded-full" style={{ backgroundColor: "#000000", }} aria-hidden="true" /> <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.old_value === "" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value} </span> </span> {showIssue && ( <> {" "} to <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="sell" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, link: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.verb === "created" && "added this "} {activity.verb === "updated" && "updated this "} {activity.verb === "deleted" && "removed this "} <button onClick={() => console.log( "link", activity.verb === "created" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value ) } className="font-medium text-custom-text-100 inline-flex items-center gap-1 hover:underline" > link <Icon iconName="launch" className="!text-xs" /> </button> {showIssue && ( <> {" "} to <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} . </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="link" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, modules: { message: (activity) => ( <> {activity.verb === "created" && "added this "} {activity.verb === "updated" && "updated this "} {activity.verb === "deleted" && "removed this "} <button onClick={() => console.log( "module", activity.verb === "created" ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value ) } className="font-medium text-custom-text-100 inline-flex items-center gap-1 hover:underline" > module <Icon iconName="launch" className="!text-xs" /> </button> . </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="dataset" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, name: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> set the name to {activity.new_value} {showIssue && ( <> {" "} of <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} . </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="chat" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, parent: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.new_value ? "set the parent to " : "removed the parent "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.new_value ? activity.new_value : activity.old_value} </span> {showIssue && ( <> {" "} for <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} . </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="supervised_user_circle" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, priority: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> set the priority to{" "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.new_value ? capitalizeFirstLetter(activity.new_value) : "None"} </span> {showIssue && ( <> {" "} for <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} . </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="signal_cellular_alt" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, start_date: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.new_value ? "set the start date to " : "removed the start date "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {activity.new_value ? renderShortDateWithYearFormat(activity.new_value) : "None"} </span> {showIssue && ( <> {" "} for <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="calendar_today" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, state: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> set the state to{" "} <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100">{activity.new_value}</span> {showIssue && ( <> {" "} for <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} . </> ), icon: <Squares2X2Icon className="h-3 w-3" aria-hidden="true" />, }, target_date: { message: (activity, showIssue) => ( <> {activity.new_value ? "set the target date to " : "removed the target date "} {activity.new_value && ( <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-100"> {renderShortDateWithYearFormat(activity.new_value)} </span> )} {showIssue && ( <> {" "} for <IssueLink activity={activity} /> </> )} </> ), icon: <Icon iconName="calendar_today" className="!text-2xl" aria-hidden="true" />, }, }; export const ActivityIcon = ({ activity }: { activity: IIssueActivity }) => ( <>{activityDetails[activity.field as keyof typeof activityDetails]?.icon}</> ); export const ActivityMessage = ({ activity, showIssue = false, }: { activity: IIssueActivity; showIssue?: boolean; }) => { const router = useRouter(); const { workspaceSlug } = router.query; return ( <> {activityDetails[activity.field as keyof typeof activityDetails]?.message( activity, showIssue, workspaceSlug?.toString() ?? "" )} </> ); };