import { linearGradientDef } from "@nivo/core"; // assets import UpcomingIssuesDark from "public/empty-state/dashboard/dark/upcoming-issues.svg"; import UpcomingIssuesLight from "public/empty-state/dashboard/light/upcoming-issues.svg"; import OverdueIssuesDark from "public/empty-state/dashboard/dark/overdue-issues.svg"; import OverdueIssuesLight from "public/empty-state/dashboard/light/overdue-issues.svg"; import CompletedIssuesDark from "public/empty-state/dashboard/dark/completed-issues.svg"; import CompletedIssuesLight from "public/empty-state/dashboard/light/completed-issues.svg"; // types import { TDurationFilterOptions, TIssuesListTypes, TStateGroups } from "@plane/types"; import { Props } from "components/icons/types"; // constants import { EUserWorkspaceRoles } from "./workspace"; // icons import { BarChart2, Briefcase, CheckCircle, LayoutGrid } from "lucide-react"; import { ContrastIcon } from "@plane/ui"; // gradients for issues by priority widget graph bars export const PRIORITY_GRAPH_GRADIENTS = [ linearGradientDef( "gradientUrgent", [ { offset: 0, color: "#A90408" }, { offset: 100, color: "#DF4D51" }, ], { x1: 1, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, } ), linearGradientDef( "gradientHigh", [ { offset: 0, color: "#FE6B00" }, { offset: 100, color: "#FFAC88" }, ], { x1: 1, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, } ), linearGradientDef( "gradientMedium", [ { offset: 0, color: "#F5AC00" }, { offset: 100, color: "#FFD675" }, ], { x1: 1, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, } ), linearGradientDef( "gradientLow", [ { offset: 0, color: "#1B46DE" }, { offset: 100, color: "#4F9BF4" }, ], { x1: 1, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, } ), linearGradientDef( "gradientNone", [ { offset: 0, color: "#A0A1A9" }, { offset: 100, color: "#B9BBC6" }, ], { x1: 1, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, } ), ]; // colors for issues by state group widget graph arcs export const STATE_GROUP_GRAPH_GRADIENTS = [ linearGradientDef("gradientBacklog", [ { offset: 0, color: "#DEDEDE" }, { offset: 100, color: "#BABABE" }, ]), linearGradientDef("gradientUnstarted", [ { offset: 0, color: "#D4D4D4" }, { offset: 100, color: "#878796" }, ]), linearGradientDef("gradientStarted", [ { offset: 0, color: "#FFD300" }, { offset: 100, color: "#FAE270" }, ]), linearGradientDef("gradientCompleted", [ { offset: 0, color: "#0E8B1B" }, { offset: 100, color: "#37CB46" }, ]), linearGradientDef("gradientCanceled", [ { offset: 0, color: "#C90004" }, { offset: 100, color: "#FF7679" }, ]), ]; export const STATE_GROUP_GRAPH_COLORS: Record<TStateGroups, string> = { backlog: "#CDCED6", unstarted: "#80838D", started: "#FFC53D", completed: "#3E9B4F", cancelled: "#E5484D", }; // filter duration options export const DURATION_FILTER_OPTIONS: { key: TDurationFilterOptions; label: string; }[] = [ { key: "none", label: "None", }, { key: "today", label: "Due today", }, { key: "this_week", label: " Due this week", }, { key: "this_month", label: "Due this month", }, { key: "this_year", label: "Due this year", }, ]; // random background colors for project cards export const PROJECT_BACKGROUND_COLORS = [ "bg-gray-500/20", "bg-green-500/20", "bg-red-500/20", "bg-orange-500/20", "bg-blue-500/20", "bg-yellow-500/20", "bg-pink-500/20", "bg-purple-500/20", ]; // assigned and created issues widgets tabs list export const FILTERED_ISSUES_TABS_LIST: { key: TIssuesListTypes; label: string; }[] = [ { key: "upcoming", label: "Upcoming", }, { key: "overdue", label: "Overdue", }, { key: "completed", label: "Marked completed", }, ]; // assigned and created issues widgets tabs list export const UNFILTERED_ISSUES_TABS_LIST: { key: TIssuesListTypes; label: string; }[] = [ { key: "pending", label: "Pending", }, { key: "completed", label: "Marked completed", }, ]; export const ASSIGNED_ISSUES_EMPTY_STATES = { pending: { title: "Issues assigned to you that are pending\nwill show up here.", darkImage: UpcomingIssuesDark, lightImage: UpcomingIssuesLight, }, upcoming: { title: "Upcoming issues assigned to\nyou will show up here.", darkImage: UpcomingIssuesDark, lightImage: UpcomingIssuesLight, }, overdue: { title: "Issues assigned to you that are past\ntheir due date will show up here.", darkImage: OverdueIssuesDark, lightImage: OverdueIssuesLight, }, completed: { title: "Issues assigned to you that you have\nmarked Completed will show up here.", darkImage: CompletedIssuesDark, lightImage: CompletedIssuesLight, }, }; export const CREATED_ISSUES_EMPTY_STATES = { pending: { title: "Issues created by you that are pending\nwill show up here.", darkImage: UpcomingIssuesDark, lightImage: UpcomingIssuesLight, }, upcoming: { title: "Upcoming issues you created\nwill show up here.", darkImage: UpcomingIssuesDark, lightImage: UpcomingIssuesLight, }, overdue: { title: "Issues created by you that are past their\ndue date will show up here.", darkImage: OverdueIssuesDark, lightImage: OverdueIssuesLight, }, completed: { title: "Issues created by you that you have\nmarked completed will show up here.", darkImage: CompletedIssuesDark, lightImage: CompletedIssuesLight, }, }; export const SIDEBAR_MENU_ITEMS: { key: string; label: string; href: string; access: EUserWorkspaceRoles; highlight: (pathname: string, baseUrl: string) => boolean; Icon: React.FC<Props>; }[] = [ { key: "dashboard", label: "Dashboard", href: ``, access: EUserWorkspaceRoles.GUEST, highlight: (pathname: string, baseUrl: string) => pathname === `${baseUrl}`, Icon: LayoutGrid, }, { key: "analytics", label: "Analytics", href: `/analytics`, access: EUserWorkspaceRoles.MEMBER, highlight: (pathname: string, baseUrl: string) => pathname.includes(`${baseUrl}/analytics`), Icon: BarChart2, }, { key: "projects", label: "Projects", href: `/projects`, access: EUserWorkspaceRoles.GUEST, highlight: (pathname: string, baseUrl: string) => pathname === `${baseUrl}/projects`, Icon: Briefcase, }, { key: "all-issues", label: "All Issues", href: `/workspace-views/all-issues`, access: EUserWorkspaceRoles.GUEST, highlight: (pathname: string, baseUrl: string) => pathname.includes(`${baseUrl}/workspace-views`), Icon: CheckCircle, }, { key: "active-cycles", label: "Active Cycles", href: `/active-cycles`, access: EUserWorkspaceRoles.GUEST, highlight: (pathname: string, baseUrl: string) => pathname === `${baseUrl}/active-cycles`, Icon: ContrastIcon, }, ];