import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import useSWR from "swr"; // editor import { applyUpdates, mergeUpdates, proseMirrorJSONToBinaryString } from "@plane/document-editor"; import { EditorRefApi, generateJSONfromHTML } from "@plane/editor-core"; // hooks import useReloadConfirmations from "@/hooks/use-reload-confirmation"; // services import { ProjectPageService } from "@/services/page"; import { IPage } from "@/store/pages/page"; const projectPageService = new ProjectPageService(); type Props = { editorRef: React.RefObject<EditorRefApi>; page: IPage; projectId: string | string[] | undefined; workspaceSlug: string | string[] | undefined; }; const AUTO_SAVE_TIME = 10000; export const usePageDescription = (props: Props) => { const { editorRef, page, projectId, workspaceSlug } = props; // states const [isDescriptionReady, setIsDescriptionReady] = useState(false); const [descriptionUpdates, setDescriptionUpdates] = useState<Uint8Array[]>([]); // derived values const { isContentEditable, isSubmitting, updateDescription, setIsSubmitting } = page; const pageDescription = page.description_html; const pageId =; const { data: descriptionYJS, mutate: mutateDescriptionYJS } = useSWR( workspaceSlug && projectId && pageId ? `PAGE_DESCRIPTION_${workspaceSlug}_${projectId}_${pageId}` : null, workspaceSlug && projectId && pageId ? () => projectPageService.fetchDescriptionYJS(workspaceSlug.toString(), projectId.toString(), pageId.toString()) : null, { revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, revalidateIfStale: false, } ); // description in Uint8Array format const pageDescriptionYJS = useMemo( () => (descriptionYJS ? new Uint8Array(descriptionYJS) : undefined), [descriptionYJS] ); // push the new updates to the updates array const handleDescriptionChange = useCallback((updates: Uint8Array) => { setDescriptionUpdates((prev) => [...prev, updates]); }, []); // if description_binary field is empty, convert description_html to yDoc and update the DB // TODO: this is a one-time operation, and needs to be removed once all the pages are updated useEffect(() => { const changeHTMLToBinary = async () => { if (!pageDescriptionYJS || !pageDescription) return; if (pageDescriptionYJS.byteLength === 0) { const { contentJSON, editorSchema } = generateJSONfromHTML(pageDescription ?? "<p></p>"); const yDocBinaryString = proseMirrorJSONToBinaryString(contentJSON, "default", editorSchema); await updateDescription(yDocBinaryString, pageDescription ?? "<p></p>"); await mutateDescriptionYJS(); setIsDescriptionReady(true); } else setIsDescriptionReady(true); }; changeHTMLToBinary(); }, [mutateDescriptionYJS, pageDescription, pageDescriptionYJS, updateDescription]); const handleSaveDescription = useCallback(async () => { if (!isContentEditable) return; const applyUpdatesAndSave = async (latestDescription: any, updates: Uint8Array) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !projectId || !pageId || !latestDescription) return; // convert description to Uint8Array const descriptionArray = new Uint8Array(latestDescription); // apply the updates to the description const combinedBinaryString = applyUpdates(descriptionArray, updates); // get the latest html content const descriptionHTML = editorRef.current?.getHTML() ?? "<p></p>"; // make a request to update the descriptions await updateDescription(combinedBinaryString, descriptionHTML).finally(() => setIsSubmitting("saved")); }; try { setIsSubmitting("submitting"); // fetch the latest description const latestDescription = await mutateDescriptionYJS(); // return if there are no updates if (descriptionUpdates.length <= 0) { setIsSubmitting("saved"); return; } // merge the updates array into one single update const mergedUpdates = mergeUpdates(descriptionUpdates); await applyUpdatesAndSave(latestDescription, mergedUpdates); // reset the updates array to empty setDescriptionUpdates([]); } catch (error) { setIsSubmitting("saved"); throw error; } }, [ descriptionUpdates, editorRef, isContentEditable, mutateDescriptionYJS, pageId, projectId, setIsSubmitting, updateDescription, workspaceSlug, ]); // auto-save updates every 10 seconds // handle ctrl/cmd + S to save the description useEffect(() => { const intervalId = setInterval(handleSaveDescription, AUTO_SAVE_TIME); const handleSave = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { const { ctrlKey, metaKey, key } = e; const cmdClicked = ctrlKey || metaKey; if (cmdClicked && key.toLowerCase() === "s") { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); handleSaveDescription(); // reset interval timer clearInterval(intervalId); } }; window.addEventListener("keydown", handleSave); return () => { clearInterval(intervalId); window.removeEventListener("keydown", handleSave); }; }, [handleSaveDescription]); // show a confirm dialog if there are any unsaved changes, or saving is going on const { setShowAlert } = useReloadConfirmations(descriptionUpdates.length > 0 || isSubmitting === "submitting"); useEffect(() => { if (descriptionUpdates.length > 0 || isSubmitting === "submitting") setShowAlert(true); else setShowAlert(false); }, [descriptionUpdates, isSubmitting, setShowAlert]); return { handleDescriptionChange, isDescriptionReady, pageDescriptionYJS, }; };