import _ from "lodash"; // types import { IIssue, TIssueGroupByOptions, TIssueOrderByOptions } from "types"; import { RootStore } from "store/root"; import { IIssueResponse } from "../types"; // constants import { ISSUE_PRIORITIES, ISSUE_STATE_GROUPS } from "constants/issue"; // helpers import { renderDateFormat } from "helpers/date-time.helper"; export interface IIssueBaseStore { groupedIssues( groupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions, orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: IIssueResponse, isCalendarIssues?: boolean ): { [group_id: string]: string[] }; subGroupedIssues( subGroupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions, groupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions, orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: IIssueResponse ): { [sub_group_id: string]: { [group_id: string]: string[] } }; unGroupedIssues(orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: IIssueResponse): string[]; issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(groupBy: string | null): string[]; issuesSortWithOrderBy(issueObject: IIssueResponse, key: Partial): IIssue[]; getGroupArray(value: string[] | string | null, isDate?: boolean): string[]; } export class IssueBaseStore implements IIssueBaseStore { // root store rootStore; constructor(_rootStore: RootStore) { this.rootStore = _rootStore; } groupedIssues = ( groupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions, orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: IIssueResponse, isCalendarIssues: boolean = false ) => { const _issues: { [group_id: string]: string[] } = {}; this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(groupBy).forEach((group) => { _issues[group] = []; }); const projectIssues = this.issuesSortWithOrderBy(issues, orderBy); for (const issue in projectIssues) { const _issue = projectIssues[issue]; const groupArray = this.getGroupArray(_.get(_issue, groupBy as keyof IIssue), isCalendarIssues); for (const group of groupArray) { if (group && _issues[group]) _issues[group].push(; else if (group) _issues[group] = []; } } return _issues; }; subGroupedIssues = ( subGroupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions, groupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions, orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: IIssueResponse ) => { const _issues: { [sub_group_id: string]: { [group_id: string]: string[] } } = {}; this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(subGroupBy).forEach((sub_group: any) => { const groupByIssues: { [group_id: string]: string[] } = {}; this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(groupBy).forEach((group) => { groupByIssues[group] = []; }); _issues[sub_group] = groupByIssues; }); const projectIssues = this.issuesSortWithOrderBy(issues, orderBy); for (const issue in projectIssues) { const _issue = projectIssues[issue]; const subGroupArray = this.getGroupArray(_.get(_issue, subGroupBy as keyof IIssue)); const groupArray = this.getGroupArray(_.get(_issue, groupBy as keyof IIssue)); for (const subGroup of subGroupArray) { for (const group of groupArray) { if (subGroup && group && issues[subGroup]) { _issues[subGroup][group].push(; } } } } return _issues; }; unGroupedIssues = (orderBy: TIssueOrderByOptions, issues: IIssueResponse) => this.issuesSortWithOrderBy(issues, orderBy).map((issue) =>; issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData = (groupBy: string | null): string[] => { switch (groupBy) { case "state": return this.rootStore?.projectState.projectStateIds(); case "": return => i.key); case "priority": return => i.key); case "labels": return this.rootStore?.projectLabel?.projectLabelIds(true); case "created_by": return this.rootStore?.projectMember?.projectMemberIds(true); case "assignees": return this.rootStore?.projectMember?.projectMemberIds(true); case "project": return this.rootStore?.project?.workspaceProjectIds(); default: return []; } }; issuesSortWithOrderBy = (issueObject: IIssueResponse, key: Partial): IIssue[] => { let array = _.values(issueObject); array = _.sortBy(array, "created_at"); switch (key) { case "sort_order": return _.sortBy(array, "sort_order"); case "-created_at": return _.reverse(_.sortBy(array, "created_at")); case "-updated_at": return _.reverse(_.sortBy(array, "updated_at")); case "start_date": return _.sortBy(array, "start_date"); case "target_date": return _.sortBy(array, "target_date"); case "priority": { const sortArray = => i.key); return _.sortBy(array, (_issue: IIssue) => _.indexOf(sortArray, _issue.priority)); } default: return array; } }; getGroupArray(value: string[] | string | null, isDate: boolean = false) { if (Array.isArray(value)) return value; else if (isDate) return [renderDateFormat(value) || "None"]; else return [value || "None"]; } }