import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import { observer } from "mobx-react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import useSWR from "swr"; // editor import { DocumentEditorWithRef, DocumentReadOnlyEditorWithRef, EditorReadOnlyRefApi, EditorRefApi, IMarking, proseMirrorJSONToBinaryString, } from "@plane/document-editor"; import { generateJSONfromHTML } from "@plane/editor-core"; // types import { IUserLite } from "@plane/types"; // components import { PageContentBrowser, PageContentLoader, PageEditorTitle } from "@/components/pages"; // helpers import { cn } from "@/helpers/common.helper"; // hooks import { useMember, useMention, useUser, useWorkspace } from "@/hooks/store"; import { usePageFilters } from "@/hooks/use-page-filters"; import useReloadConfirmations from "@/hooks/use-reload-confirmation"; // services import { FileService } from "@/services/file.service"; import { PageService } from "@/services/page.service"; const pageService = new PageService(); // store import { IPageStore } from "@/store/pages/"; const fileService = new FileService(); type Props = { editorRef: React.RefObject; readOnlyEditorRef: React.RefObject; handleDescriptionUpdate: (binaryString: string) => Promise; markings: IMarking[]; pageStore: IPageStore; sidePeekVisible: boolean; handleEditorReady: (value: boolean) => void; handleReadOnlyEditorReady: (value: boolean) => void; updateMarkings: (description_html: string) => void; }; export const PageEditorBody: React.FC = observer((props) => { const { handleReadOnlyEditorReady, handleDescriptionUpdate, handleEditorReady, editorRef, markings, readOnlyEditorRef, pageStore, sidePeekVisible, updateMarkings, } = props; // states const [isDescriptionReady, setIsDescriptionReady] = useState(false); // router const router = useRouter(); const { workspaceSlug, projectId } = router.query; // store hooks const { data: currentUser } = useUser(); const { getWorkspaceBySlug } = useWorkspace(); const { getUserDetails, project: { getProjectMemberIds }, } = useMember(); // derived values const workspaceId = workspaceSlug ? getWorkspaceBySlug(workspaceSlug.toString())?.id ?? "" : ""; const pageId = pageStore?.id; const pageTitle = pageStore?.name ?? ""; const pageDescription = pageStore?.description_html; const { isContentEditable, isSubmitting, updateTitle, updateDescription, setIsSubmitting } = pageStore; const projectMemberIds = projectId ? getProjectMemberIds(projectId.toString()) : []; const projectMemberDetails = projectMemberIds?.map((id) => getUserDetails(id) as IUserLite); // use-mention const { mentionHighlights, mentionSuggestions } = useMention({ workspaceSlug: workspaceSlug?.toString() ?? "", projectId: projectId?.toString() ?? "", members: projectMemberDetails, user: currentUser ?? undefined, }); // page filters const { isFullWidth } = usePageFilters(); useReloadConfirmations(isSubmitting === "submitting"); const { data: descriptionYJS, mutate: mutateDescriptionYJS } = useSWR( workspaceSlug && projectId && pageId ? `PAGE_DESCRIPTION_${workspaceSlug}_${projectId}_${pageId}` : null, workspaceSlug && projectId && pageId ? () => pageService.fetchDescriptionYJS(workspaceSlug.toString(), projectId.toString(), pageId.toString()) : null, { refreshInterval: 15000, revalidateOnFocus: true, revalidateOnReconnect: true, } ); const pageDescriptionYJS = useMemo( () => (descriptionYJS ? new Uint8Array(descriptionYJS) : undefined), [descriptionYJS] ); // if description_yjs field is empty, convert description_html to yDoc and update the DB // TODO: this is a one-time operation, and needs to be removed once all the pages are updated useEffect(() => { if (!pageDescriptionYJS || !pageDescription) return; if (pageDescriptionYJS.byteLength === 0) { const { contentJSON, editorSchema } = generateJSONfromHTML(pageDescription ?? "

"); const yDocBinaryString = proseMirrorJSONToBinaryString(contentJSON, "default", editorSchema); updateDescription(yDocBinaryString, pageDescription ?? "

").then(async () => { await mutateDescriptionYJS(); setIsDescriptionReady(true); }); } else setIsDescriptionReady(true); }, [mutateDescriptionYJS, pageDescription, pageDescriptionYJS, updateDescription]); useEffect(() => { updateMarkings(pageDescription ?? "

"); }, [pageDescription, updateMarkings]); if (pageId === undefined || !pageDescriptionYJS || !isDescriptionReady) return ; return (
{isContentEditable ? ( ) : (

"} handleEditorReady={handleReadOnlyEditorReady} containerClassName="p-0 pb-64 border-none" editorClassName="pl-10" mentionHandler={{ highlights: mentionHighlights, }} /> )}
); });