export const useTableKeyboardNavigation = () => { const getPreviousRow = (element: HTMLElement) => { const previousRow = element.closest("tr")?.previousSibling; if (previousRow) return previousRow; //if previous row does not exist in the parent check the row with the header of the table return element.closest("tbody")?.previousSibling?.childNodes?.[0]; }; const getNextRow = (element: HTMLElement) => { const nextRow = element.closest("tr")?.nextSibling; if (nextRow) return nextRow; //if next row does not exist in the parent check the row with the body of the table return element.closest("thead")?.nextSibling?.childNodes?.[0]; }; const handleKeyBoardNavigation = function (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLTableElement>) { const element = e.target as HTMLElement; if (!(element?.tagName === "TD" || element?.tagName === "TH")) return; let c: HTMLElement | null = null; if (e.key == "ArrowRight") { // Right Arrow c = element.nextSibling as HTMLElement; } else if (e.key == "ArrowLeft") { // Left Arrow c = element.previousSibling as HTMLElement; } else if (e.key == "ArrowUp") { // Up Arrow const index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(element?.parentNode?.childNodes || [], element); const prevRow = getPreviousRow(element); c = prevRow?.childNodes?.[index] as HTMLElement; } else if (e.key == "ArrowDown") { // Down Arrow const index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(element?.parentNode?.childNodes || [], element); const nextRow = getNextRow(element); c = nextRow?.childNodes[index] as HTMLElement; } else if (e.key == "Enter" || e.key == "Space") { e.preventDefault(); (element?.querySelector(".clickable") as HTMLElement)?.click(); return; } if (!c) return; e.preventDefault(); c?.focus(); c?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "end" }); }; return handleKeyBoardNavigation; };