import React, { useRef, useState } from "react"; // react-beautiful-dnd import { DraggableProvided } from "react-beautiful-dnd"; import { useChart } from "../hooks"; // types import { IGanttBlock } from "../types"; type Props = { children: any; block: IGanttBlock; handleBlock: (totalBlockShifts: number, dragDirection: "left" | "right") => void; enableLeftDrag: boolean; enableRightDrag: boolean; provided: DraggableProvided; }; export const ChartDraggable: React.FC = ({ children, block, handleBlock, enableLeftDrag = true, enableRightDrag = true, provided, }) => { const [isLeftResizing, setIsLeftResizing] = useState(false); const [isRightResizing, setIsRightResizing] = useState(false); const parentDivRef = useRef(null); const resizableRef = useRef(null); const { currentViewData } = useChart(); const handleDrag = (dragDirection: "left" | "right") => { if (!currentViewData || !resizableRef.current || !parentDivRef.current || !block.position) return; const resizableDiv = resizableRef.current; const parentDiv = parentDivRef.current; const columnWidth =; const blockInitialWidth = resizableDiv.clientWidth ?? parseInt(block.position.width.toString(), 10); let initialWidth = resizableDiv.clientWidth ?? parseInt(block.position.width.toString(), 10); let initialMarginLeft = block?.position?.marginLeft; const handleMouseMove = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (!window) return; let delWidth = 0; const posFromLeft = e.clientX; const posFromRight = window.innerWidth - e.clientX; const scrollContainer = document.querySelector("#scroll-container") as HTMLElement; const appSidebar = document.querySelector("#app-sidebar") as HTMLElement; // manually scroll to left if reached the left end while dragging if (posFromLeft - appSidebar.clientWidth <= 70) { if (e.movementX > 0) return; delWidth = dragDirection === "left" ? -5 : 5; scrollContainer.scrollBy(-1 * Math.abs(delWidth), 0); } else delWidth = dragDirection === "left" ? -1 * e.movementX : e.movementX; // manually scroll to right if reached the right end while dragging if (posFromRight <= 70) { if (e.movementX < 0) return; delWidth = dragDirection === "left" ? -5 : 5; scrollContainer.scrollBy(Math.abs(delWidth), 0); } else delWidth = dragDirection === "left" ? -1 * e.movementX : e.movementX; // calculate new width and update the initialMarginLeft using += const newWidth = Math.round((initialWidth += delWidth) / columnWidth) * columnWidth; // block needs to be at least 1 column wide if (newWidth < columnWidth) return; = `${newWidth}px`; if (block.position) block.position.width = newWidth; // update the margin left of the block if dragging from the left end if (dragDirection === "left") { // calculate new marginLeft and update the initial marginLeft using -= const newMarginLeft = Math.round((initialMarginLeft -= delWidth) / columnWidth) * columnWidth; = `${newMarginLeft}px`; if (block.position) block.position.marginLeft = newMarginLeft; } }; const handleMouseUp = () => { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp); const totalBlockShifts = Math.ceil( (resizableDiv.clientWidth - blockInitialWidth) / columnWidth ); handleBlock(totalBlockShifts, dragDirection); }; document.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); document.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp); }; return (
{enableLeftDrag && ( <>
handleDrag("left")} onMouseEnter={() => setIsLeftResizing(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setIsLeftResizing(false)} className="absolute top-1/2 -left-2.5 -translate-y-1/2 z-[1] w-6 h-10 bg-brand-backdrop rounded-md cursor-col-resize" />
)} {React.cloneElement(children, { ref: resizableRef, ...provided.dragHandleProps })} {enableRightDrag && ( <>
handleDrag("right")} onMouseEnter={() => setIsRightResizing(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setIsRightResizing(false)} className="absolute top-1/2 -right-2.5 -translate-y-1/2 z-[1] w-6 h-6 bg-brand-backdrop rounded-md cursor-col-resize" />
); };