// next imports import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; import Image from "next/image"; // helpers import { EPageTypes } from "@/helpers/authentication.helper"; // hooks import { useInstance } from "@/hooks/store"; // wrappers import { AuthWrapper } from "@/lib/wrappers"; // images import projectNotPublishedImage from "@/public/project-not-published.svg"; const CustomProjectNotPublishedError = observer(() => { // hooks const { instance } = useInstance(); const redirectionUrl = instance?.config?.app_base_url || "/"; return (
404- Page not found
Oops! The page you{`'`}re looking for isn{`'`}t live at the moment.
If this is your project, login to your workspace to adjust its visibility settings and make it public.
Go to your Workspace
); }); export default CustomProjectNotPublishedError;