import { IBlockUpdateData, IGanttBlock } from "../types"; export const handleOrderChange = ( draggingBlockId: string | undefined, droppedBlockId: string | undefined, dropAtEndOfList: boolean, blocks: IGanttBlock[] | null, blockUpdateHandler: (block: any, payload: IBlockUpdateData) => void ) => { if (!blocks || !draggingBlockId || !droppedBlockId) return; const sourceBlockIndex = blocks.findIndex((block) => === draggingBlockId); const destinationBlockIndex = dropAtEndOfList ? blocks.length : blocks.findIndex((block) => === droppedBlockId); // return if dropped outside the list if (sourceBlockIndex === -1 || destinationBlockIndex === -1 || sourceBlockIndex === destinationBlockIndex) return; let updatedSortOrder = blocks[sourceBlockIndex].sort_order; // update the sort order to the lowest if dropped at the top if (destinationBlockIndex === 0) updatedSortOrder = blocks[0].sort_order - 1000; // update the sort order to the highest if dropped at the bottom else if (destinationBlockIndex === blocks.length) updatedSortOrder = blocks[blocks.length - 1].sort_order + 1000; // update the sort order to the average of the two adjacent blocks if dropped in between else { const destinationSortingOrder = blocks[destinationBlockIndex].sort_order; const relativeDestinationSortingOrder = blocks[destinationBlockIndex - 1].sort_order; updatedSortOrder = (destinationSortingOrder + relativeDestinationSortingOrder) / 2; } // call the block update handler with the updated sort order, new and old index blockUpdateHandler(blocks[sourceBlockIndex].data, { sort_order: { destinationIndex: destinationBlockIndex, newSortOrder: updatedSortOrder, sourceIndex: sourceBlockIndex, }, }); };