import { observable, action, computed, makeObservable, runInAction } from "mobx"; // types import { IInstance, IInstanceConfiguration, IFormattedInstanceConfiguration, IInstanceAdmin } from "types/instance"; // services import { InstanceService } from "services/instance.service"; export interface IInstanceStore { loader: boolean; error: any | null; // issues instance: IInstance | null; instanceAdmins: IInstanceAdmin[] | null; configurations: IInstanceConfiguration[] | null; // computed formattedConfig: IFormattedInstanceConfiguration | null; // action fetchInstanceInfo: () => Promise; fetchInstanceAdmins: () => Promise; updateInstanceInfo: (data: Partial) => Promise; fetchInstanceConfigurations: () => Promise; updateInstanceConfigurations: (data: Partial) => Promise; } export class InstanceStore implements IInstanceStore { loader: boolean = false; error: any | null = null; instance: IInstance | null = null; instanceAdmins: IInstanceAdmin[] | null = null; configurations: IInstanceConfiguration[] | null = null; // service instanceService; constructor() { makeObservable(this, { // observable loader: observable.ref, error: observable.ref, instance: observable, instanceAdmins: observable, configurations: observable, // computed formattedConfig: computed, // actions fetchInstanceInfo: action, fetchInstanceAdmins: action, updateInstanceInfo: action, fetchInstanceConfigurations: action, updateInstanceConfigurations: action, }); this.instanceService = new InstanceService(); } /** * computed value for instance configurations data for forms. * @returns configurations in the form of {key, value} pair. */ get formattedConfig() { if (!this.configurations) return null; return this.configurations?.reduce((formData: IFormattedInstanceConfiguration, config) => { formData[config.key] = config.value; return formData; }, {}); } /** * fetch instance info from API */ fetchInstanceInfo = async () => { try { const instance = await this.instanceService.getInstanceInfo(); runInAction(() => { this.instance = instance; }); return instance; } catch (error) { console.log("Error while fetching the instance info"); throw error; } }; /** * fetch instance admins from API */ fetchInstanceAdmins = async () => { try { const instanceAdmins = await this.instanceService.getInstanceAdmins(); runInAction(() => { this.instanceAdmins = instanceAdmins; }); return instanceAdmins; } catch (error) { console.log("Error while fetching the instance admins"); throw error; } }; /** * update instance info * @param data */ updateInstanceInfo = async (data: Partial) => { try { runInAction(() => { this.loader = true; this.error = null; }); const response = await this.instanceService.updateInstanceInfo(data); runInAction(() => { this.loader = false; this.error = null; this.instance = response; }); return response; } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.loader = false; this.error = error; }); throw error; } }; /** * fetch instace configurations from API */ fetchInstanceConfigurations = async () => { try { const configurations = await this.instanceService.getInstanceConfigurations(); runInAction(() => { this.configurations = configurations; }); return configurations; } catch (error) { console.log("Error while fetching the instance configurations"); throw error; } }; /** * update instance configurations * @param data */ updateInstanceConfigurations = async (data: Partial) => { try { runInAction(() => { this.loader = true; this.error = null; }); const response = await this.instanceService.updateInstanceConfigurations(data); runInAction(() => { this.loader = false; this.error = null; this.configurations = this.configurations ? [...this.configurations, ...response] : response; }); return response; } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.loader = false; this.error = error; }); throw error; } }; }