import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; // next imports import { useRouter } from "next/router"; // react-hook-form import { Controller, useForm } from "react-hook-form"; // headless ui import { Dialog, Transition } from "@headlessui/react"; // ui components import { ToggleSwitch, PrimaryButton, SecondaryButton, Icon, DangerButton, Loader, } from "components/ui"; import { CustomPopover } from "./popover"; // mobx react lite import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; // mobx store import { useMobxStore } from "lib/mobx/store-provider"; import { RootStore } from "store/root"; import { IProjectPublishSettings, TProjectPublishViews } from "store/project-publish"; // hooks import useToast from "hooks/use-toast"; import useProjectDetails from "hooks/use-project-details"; import useUser from "hooks/use-user"; type Props = { // user: ICurrentUserResponse | undefined; }; type FormData = { id: string | null; comments: boolean; reactions: boolean; votes: boolean; inbox: string | null; views: TProjectPublishViews[]; }; const defaultValues: FormData = { id: null, comments: false, reactions: false, votes: false, inbox: null, views: ["list", "kanban"], }; const viewOptions: { key: TProjectPublishViews; label: string; }[] = [ { key: "list", label: "List" }, { key: "kanban", label: "Kanban" }, // { key: "calendar", label: "Calendar" }, // { key: "gantt", label: "Gantt" }, // { key: "spreadsheet", label: "Spreadsheet" }, ]; export const PublishProjectModal: React.FC<Props> = observer(() => { const [isUnpublishing, setIsUnpublishing] = useState(false); const [isUpdateRequired, setIsUpdateRequired] = useState(false); let plane_deploy_url = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DEPLOY_URL; if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && !plane_deploy_url) { plane_deploy_url= window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/spaces"; } const router = useRouter(); const { workspaceSlug } = router.query; const store: RootStore = useMobxStore(); const { projectPublish } = store; const { user } = useUser(); const { mutateProjectDetails } = useProjectDetails(); const { setToastAlert } = useToast(); const { control, formState: { isSubmitting }, getValues, handleSubmit, reset, watch, } = useForm<FormData>({ defaultValues, }); const handleClose = () => { projectPublish.handleProjectModal(null); setIsUpdateRequired(false); reset({ ...defaultValues }); }; // prefill form with the saved settings if the project is already published useEffect(() => { if ( projectPublish.projectPublishSettings && projectPublish.projectPublishSettings !== "not-initialized" ) { let userBoards: TProjectPublishViews[] = []; if (projectPublish.projectPublishSettings?.views) { const savedViews = projectPublish.projectPublishSettings?.views; if (!savedViews) return; if (savedViews.list) userBoards.push("list"); if (savedViews.kanban) userBoards.push("kanban"); if (savedViews.calendar) userBoards.push("calendar"); if (savedViews.gantt) userBoards.push("gantt"); if (savedViews.spreadsheet) userBoards.push("spreadsheet"); userBoards = userBoards && userBoards.length > 0 ? userBoards : ["list"]; } const updatedData = { id: projectPublish.projectPublishSettings?.id || null, comments: projectPublish.projectPublishSettings?.comments || false, reactions: projectPublish.projectPublishSettings?.reactions || false, votes: projectPublish.projectPublishSettings?.votes || false, inbox: projectPublish.projectPublishSettings?.inbox || null, views: userBoards, }; reset({ ...updatedData }); } }, [reset, projectPublish.projectPublishSettings]); // fetch publish settings useEffect(() => { if (!workspaceSlug) return; if ( projectPublish.projectPublishModal && projectPublish.project_id !== null && projectPublish?.projectPublishSettings === "not-initialized" ) { projectPublish.getProjectSettingsAsync( workspaceSlug.toString(), projectPublish.project_id, null ); } }, [workspaceSlug, projectPublish, projectPublish.projectPublishModal]); const handlePublishProject = async (payload: IProjectPublishSettings) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !user) return; const projectId = projectPublish.project_id; return projectPublish .publishProject(workspaceSlug.toString(), projectId?.toString() ?? "", payload, user) .then((res) => { mutateProjectDetails(); handleClose(); if (projectId)`${plane_deploy_url}/${workspaceSlug}/${projectId}`, "_blank"); return res; }) .catch((err) => err); }; const handleUpdatePublishSettings = async (payload: IProjectPublishSettings) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !user) return; await projectPublish .updateProjectSettingsAsync( workspaceSlug.toString(), projectPublish.project_id?.toString() ?? "", ?? "", payload, user ) .then((res) => { mutateProjectDetails(); setToastAlert({ type: "success", title: "Success!", message: "Publish settings updated successfully!", }); handleClose(); return res; }) .catch((error) => { console.log("error", error); return error; }); }; const handleUnpublishProject = async (publishId: string) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !publishId) return; setIsUnpublishing(true); projectPublish .unPublishProject( workspaceSlug.toString(), projectPublish.project_id as string, publishId, null ) .then((res) => { mutateProjectDetails(); handleClose(); return res; }) .catch((err) => err) .finally(() => setIsUnpublishing(false)); }; const CopyLinkToClipboard = ({ copy_link }: { copy_link: string }) => { const [status, setStatus] = useState(false); const copyText = () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(copy_link); setStatus(true); setTimeout(() => { setStatus(false); }, 1000); }; return ( <div className="border border-custom-border-100 bg-custom-background-100 text-xs px-2 min-w-[30px] h-[30px] rounded flex justify-center items-center hover:bg-custom-background-90 cursor-pointer" onClick={() => copyText()} > {status ? "Copied" : "Copy Link"} </div> ); }; const handleFormSubmit = async (formData: FormData) => { if (!formData.views || formData.views.length === 0) { setToastAlert({ type: "error", title: "Error!", message: "Please select at least one view layout to publish the project.", }); return; } const payload = { comments: formData.comments, reactions: formData.reactions, votes: formData.votes, inbox: formData.inbox, views: { list: formData.views.includes("list"), kanban: formData.views.includes("kanban"), calendar: formData.views.includes("calendar"), gantt: formData.views.includes("gantt"), spreadsheet: formData.views.includes("spreadsheet"), }, }; if (watch("id")) await handleUpdatePublishSettings({ id: watch("id") ?? "", ...payload }); else await handlePublishProject(payload); }; // check if an update is required or not const checkIfUpdateIsRequired = () => { if ( !projectPublish.projectPublishSettings || projectPublish.projectPublishSettings === "not-initialized" ) return; const currentSettings = projectPublish.projectPublishSettings as IProjectPublishSettings; const newSettings = getValues(); if ( currentSettings.comments !== newSettings.comments || currentSettings.reactions !== newSettings.reactions || currentSettings.votes !== newSettings.votes ) { setIsUpdateRequired(true); return; } let viewCheckFlag = 0; viewOptions.forEach((option) => { if (currentSettings.views[option.key] !== newSettings.views.includes(option.key)) viewCheckFlag++; }); if (viewCheckFlag !== 0) { setIsUpdateRequired(true); return; } setIsUpdateRequired(false); }; return ( <Transition.Root show={projectPublish.projectPublishModal} as={React.Fragment}> <Dialog as="div" className="relative z-20" onClose={handleClose}> <Transition.Child as={React.Fragment} enter="ease-out duration-200" enterFrom="opacity-0" enterTo="opacity-100" leave="ease-in duration-100" leaveFrom="opacity-100" leaveTo="opacity-0" > <div className="fixed inset-0 bg-custom-backdrop bg-opacity-50 transition-opacity" /> </Transition.Child> <div className="fixed inset-0 z-20 overflow-y-auto"> <div className="flex min-h-full items-center justify-center p-4 text-center sm:p-0"> <Transition.Child as={React.Fragment} enter="ease-out duration-200" enterFrom="opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95" enterTo="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100" leave="ease-in duration-100" leaveFrom="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100" leaveTo="opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95" > <Dialog.Panel className="transform rounded-lg bg-custom-background-100 border border-custom-border-100 text-left shadow-xl transition-all w-full sm:w-3/5 lg:w-1/2 xl:w-2/5 "> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleFormSubmit)} className="space-y-4"> {/* heading */} <div className="px-6 pt-4 flex items-center justify-between gap-2"> <h5 className="font-semibold text-xl inline-block">Publish</h5> {projectPublish.projectPublishSettings !== "not-initialized" && ( <DangerButton onClick={() => handleUnpublishProject(watch("id") ?? "")} className="!px-2 !py-1.5" loading={isUnpublishing} > {isUnpublishing ? "Unpublishing..." : "Unpublish"} </DangerButton> )} </div> {/* content */} {projectPublish.fetchSettingsLoader ? ( <Loader className="px-6 space-y-4"> <Loader.Item height="30px" /> <Loader.Item height="30px" /> <Loader.Item height="30px" /> <Loader.Item height="30px" /> </Loader> ) : ( <div className="px-6"> {watch("id") && ( <> <div className="border border-custom-border-100 bg-custom-background-80 rounded-md px-3 py-2 relative flex gap-2 items-center"> <div className="truncate flex-grow text-sm"> {`${plane_deploy_url}/${workspaceSlug}/${projectPublish.project_id}`} </div> <div className="flex-shrink-0 relative flex items-center gap-1"> <CopyLinkToClipboard copy_link={`${plane_deploy_url}/${workspaceSlug}/${projectPublish.project_id}`} /> </div> </div> <div className="flex items-center gap-1 text-custom-primary-100 mt-3"> <div className="w-5 h-5 overflow-hidden flex items-center"> <Icon iconName="radio_button_checked" className="!text-lg" /> </div> <div className="text-sm">This project is live on web</div> </div> </> )} <div className="space-y-4 mt-6"> <div className="relative flex justify-between items-center gap-2"> <div className="text-sm">Views</div> <Controller control={control} name="views" render={({ field: { onChange, value } }) => ( <CustomPopover label={ value.length > 0 ? viewOptions .filter((v) => value.includes(v.key)) .map((v) => v.label) .join(", ") : `` } placeholder="Select views" > <> { => ( <div key={option.key} className={`relative flex items-center gap-2 justify-between p-1 m-1 px-2 cursor-pointer rounded-sm text-custom-text-200 ${ value.includes(option.key) ? "bg-custom-background-80 text-custom-text-100" : "hover:bg-custom-background-80 hover:text-custom-text-100" }`} onClick={() => { const _views = value.length > 0 ? value.includes(option.key) ? value.filter((_o: string) => _o !== option.key) : [...value, option.key] : [option.key]; if (_views.length === 0) return; onChange(_views); checkIfUpdateIsRequired(); }} > <div className="text-sm">{option.label}</div> <div className={`w-[18px] h-[18px] relative flex justify-center items-center`} > {value.length > 0 && value.includes(option.key) && ( <Icon iconName="done" className="!text-lg" /> )} </div> </div> ))} </> </CustomPopover> )} /> </div> <div className="relative flex justify-between items-center gap-2"> <div className="text-sm">Allow comments</div> <Controller control={control} name="comments" render={({ field: { onChange, value } }) => ( <ToggleSwitch value={value} onChange={(val) => { onChange(val); checkIfUpdateIsRequired(); }} size="sm" /> )} /> </div> <div className="relative flex justify-between items-center gap-2"> <div className="text-sm">Allow reactions</div> <Controller control={control} name="reactions" render={({ field: { onChange, value } }) => ( <ToggleSwitch value={value} onChange={(val) => { onChange(val); checkIfUpdateIsRequired(); }} size="sm" /> )} /> </div> <div className="relative flex justify-between items-center gap-2"> <div className="text-sm">Allow voting</div> <Controller control={control} name="votes" render={({ field: { onChange, value } }) => ( <ToggleSwitch value={value} onChange={(val) => { onChange(val); checkIfUpdateIsRequired(); }} size="sm" /> )} /> </div> {/* <div className="relative flex justify-between items-center gap-2"> <div className="text-sm">Allow issue proposals</div> <Controller control={control} name="inbox" render={({ field: { onChange, value } }) => ( <ToggleSwitch value={value} onChange={onChange} size="sm" /> )} /> </div> */} </div> </div> )} {/* modal handlers */} <div className="border-t border-custom-border-200 px-6 py-5 relative flex justify-between items-center"> <div className="flex items-center gap-1 text-custom-text-400 text-sm"> <Icon iconName="public" className="!text-base" /> <div className="text-sm">Anyone with the link can access</div> </div> {!projectPublish.fetchSettingsLoader && ( <div className="relative flex items-center gap-2"> <SecondaryButton onClick={handleClose}>Cancel</SecondaryButton> {watch("id") ? ( <> {isUpdateRequired && ( <PrimaryButton type="submit" loading={isSubmitting}> {isSubmitting ? "Updating..." : "Update settings"} </PrimaryButton> )} </> ) : ( <PrimaryButton type="submit" loading={isSubmitting}> {isSubmitting ? "Publishing..." : "Publish"} </PrimaryButton> )} </div> )} </div> </form> </Dialog.Panel> </Transition.Child> </div> </div> </Dialog> </Transition.Root> ); });