import { makeObservable, observable, runInAction } from "mobx"; import { WorkspaceService } from "services/workspace.service"; import set from "lodash/set"; import { IWorkspace } from "@plane/types"; import { DataStore } from "./dataMaps"; import { IWorkspaceModel } from "./workspace.model"; export interface IUserModel { workspaces: Record; } export class UserModel implements IUserModel { workspaces: Record = {}; // data store dataStore; // services workspaceService; constructor(_dataStore: DataStore) { makeObservable(this, { workspaces: observable, }); this.dataStore = _dataStore; this.workspaceService = new WorkspaceService(); } /** * get workspace info from the array of workspaces in the store using workspace slug * @param workspaceSlug */ getWorkspaceBySlug = (workspaceSlug: string) => Object.values(this.workspaces ?? {})?.find((w) => w.slug == workspaceSlug) || null; /** * fetch user workspaces from API */ fetchWorkspaces = async () => { const workspaceResponse = await this.workspaceService.userWorkspaces(); this.dataStore.workspaceData.addWorkspaces(workspaceResponse); runInAction(() => { workspaceResponse.forEach((workspace) => { set(this.workspaces, [], this.dataStore.workspaceData.workspaceMap[]); }); }); return workspaceResponse; }; /** * create workspace using the workspace data * @param data */ createWorkspace = async (data: Partial) => await this.workspaceService.createWorkspace(data).then((response) => { this.dataStore.workspaceData.addWorkspaces([response]); runInAction(() => { set(this.workspaces, [], this.dataStore.workspaceData.workspaceMap[]); }); return response; }); /** * delete workspace using the workspace slug * @param workspaceSlug */ deleteWorkspace = async (workspaceSlug: string) => await this.workspaceService.deleteWorkspace(workspaceSlug).then(() => { const updatedWorkspacesList = this.workspaces; const workspaceId = this.getWorkspaceBySlug(workspaceSlug)?.id; this.dataStore.workspaceData.deleteWorkspace(`${workspaceId}`); runInAction(() => { delete updatedWorkspacesList[`${workspaceId}`]; }); }); }