import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; // react-hook-form import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; // icons import { ChatBubbleLeftEllipsisIcon, CheckIcon, XMarkIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; // hooks import useUser from "hooks/use-user"; // ui import { CustomMenu, Icon } from "components/ui"; import { CommentReaction } from "components/issues"; import { TipTapEditor } from "components/tiptap"; // helpers import { timeAgo } from "helpers/date-time.helper"; // types import type { IIssueComment } from "types"; type Props = { comment: IIssueComment; handleCommentDeletion: (comment: string) => void; onSubmit: (commentId: string, data: Partial<IIssueComment>) => void; showAccessSpecifier?: boolean; workspaceSlug: string; }; export const CommentCard: React.FC<Props> = ({ comment, handleCommentDeletion, onSubmit, showAccessSpecifier = false, workspaceSlug, }) => { const { user } = useUser(); const editorRef = React.useRef<any>(null); const showEditorRef = React.useRef<any>(null); const [isEditing, setIsEditing] = useState(false); const { formState: { isSubmitting }, handleSubmit, setFocus, watch, setValue, } = useForm<IIssueComment>({ defaultValues: comment, }); const onEnter = (formData: Partial<IIssueComment>) => { if (isSubmitting) return; setIsEditing(false); onSubmit(, formData); editorRef.current?.setEditorValue(formData.comment_html); showEditorRef.current?.setEditorValue(formData.comment_html); }; useEffect(() => { isEditing && setFocus("comment"); }, [isEditing, setFocus]); return ( <div className="relative flex items-start space-x-3"> <div className="relative px-1"> {comment.actor_detail.avatar && comment.actor_detail.avatar !== "" ? ( <img src={comment.actor_detail.avatar} alt={ comment.actor_detail.is_bot ? comment.actor_detail.first_name + " Bot" : comment.actor_detail.display_name } height={30} width={30} className="grid h-7 w-7 place-items-center rounded-full border-2 border-custom-border-200" /> ) : ( <div className={`grid h-7 w-7 place-items-center rounded-full border-2 border-white bg-gray-500 text-white`} > {comment.actor_detail.is_bot ? comment.actor_detail.first_name.charAt(0) : comment.actor_detail.display_name.charAt(0)} </div> )} <span className="absolute -bottom-0.5 -right-1 rounded-tl bg-custom-background-80 px-0.5 py-px"> <ChatBubbleLeftEllipsisIcon className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-200" aria-hidden="true" /> </span> </div> <div className="min-w-0 flex-1"> <div> <div className="text-xs"> {comment.actor_detail.is_bot ? comment.actor_detail.first_name + " Bot" : comment.actor_detail.display_name} </div> <p className="mt-0.5 text-xs text-custom-text-200"> commented {timeAgo(comment.created_at)} </p> </div> <div className="issue-comments-section p-0"> <form className={`flex-col gap-2 ${isEditing ? "flex" : "hidden"}`} onSubmit={handleSubmit(onEnter)} > <div> <TipTapEditor workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug as string} ref={editorRef} value={watch("comment_html")} debouncedUpdatesEnabled={false} customClassName="min-h-[50px] p-3 shadow-sm" onChange={(comment_json: Object, comment_html: string) => { setValue("comment_json", comment_json); setValue("comment_html", comment_html); }} /> </div> <div className="flex gap-1 self-end"> <button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting} className="group rounded border border-green-500 bg-green-500/20 p-2 shadow-md duration-300 hover:bg-green-500" > <CheckIcon className="h-3 w-3 text-green-500 duration-300 group-hover:text-white" /> </button> <button type="button" className="group rounded border border-red-500 bg-red-500/20 p-2 shadow-md duration-300 hover:bg-red-500" onClick={() => setIsEditing(false)} > <XMarkIcon className="h-3 w-3 text-red-500 duration-300 group-hover:text-white" /> </button> </div> </form> <div className={`relative ${isEditing ? "hidden" : ""}`}> {showAccessSpecifier && ( <div className="absolute top-1 right-1.5 z-[1] text-custom-text-300"> <Icon iconName={comment.access === "INTERNAL" ? "lock" : "public"} className="!text-xs" /> </div> )} <TipTapEditor workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug as string} ref={showEditorRef} value={comment.comment_html} editable={false} customClassName="text-xs border border-custom-border-200 bg-custom-background-100" /> <CommentReaction projectId={comment.project} commentId={} /> </div> </div> </div> {user?.id === && ( <CustomMenu ellipsis> <CustomMenu.MenuItem onClick={() => setIsEditing(true)} className="flex items-center gap-1" > <Icon iconName="edit" /> Edit comment </CustomMenu.MenuItem> {showAccessSpecifier && ( <> {comment.access === "INTERNAL" ? ( <CustomMenu.MenuItem renderAs="button" onClick={() => onSubmit(, { access: "EXTERNAL" })} className="flex items-center gap-1" > <Icon iconName="public" /> Switch to public comment </CustomMenu.MenuItem> ) : ( <CustomMenu.MenuItem renderAs="button" onClick={() => onSubmit(, { access: "INTERNAL" })} className="flex items-center gap-1" > <Icon iconName="lock" /> Switch to private comment </CustomMenu.MenuItem> )} </> )} <CustomMenu.MenuItem onClick={() => { handleCommentDeletion(; }} className="flex items-center gap-1" > <Icon iconName="delete" /> Delete comment </CustomMenu.MenuItem> </CustomMenu> )} </div> ); };