import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import isEmpty from "lodash/isEmpty"; import { observer } from "mobx-react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; // types import { IEmailCheckData, IWorkspaceMemberInvitation } from "@plane/types"; // ui import { Spinner, TOAST_TYPE, setToast } from "@plane/ui"; // components import { AuthEmailForm, AuthPasswordForm, OAuthOptions, TermsAndConditions, UniqueCodeForm, } from "@/components/account"; import { WorkspaceLogo } from "@/components/workspace/logo"; import { useInstance } from "@/hooks/store"; // services import { AuthService } from "@/services/auth.service"; import { WorkspaceService } from "@/services/workspace.service"; const authService = new AuthService(); const workSpaceService = new WorkspaceService(); export enum EAuthSteps { EMAIL = "EMAIL", PASSWORD = "PASSWORD", UNIQUE_CODE = "UNIQUE_CODE", OPTIONAL_SET_PASSWORD = "OPTIONAL_SET_PASSWORD", } export enum EAuthModes { SIGN_IN = "SIGN_IN", SIGN_UP = "SIGN_UP", } type Props = { mode: EAuthModes; }; const Titles = { [EAuthModes.SIGN_IN]: { [EAuthSteps.EMAIL]: { header: "Sign in to Plane", subHeader: "Get back to your projects and make progress", }, [EAuthSteps.PASSWORD]: { header: "Sign in to Plane", subHeader: "Get back to your projects and make progress", }, [EAuthSteps.UNIQUE_CODE]: { header: "Sign in to Plane", subHeader: "Get back to your projects and make progress", }, [EAuthSteps.OPTIONAL_SET_PASSWORD]: { header: "", subHeader: "", }, }, [EAuthModes.SIGN_UP]: { [EAuthSteps.EMAIL]: { header: "Create your account", subHeader: "Start tracking your projects with Plane", }, [EAuthSteps.PASSWORD]: { header: "Create your account", subHeader: "Progress, visualize, and measure work how it works best for you.", }, [EAuthSteps.UNIQUE_CODE]: { header: "Create your account", subHeader: "Progress, visualize, and measure work how it works best for you.", }, [EAuthSteps.OPTIONAL_SET_PASSWORD]: { header: "", subHeader: "", }, }, }; const getHeaderSubHeader = ( step: EAuthSteps, mode: EAuthModes, invitation?: IWorkspaceMemberInvitation | undefined, email?: string ) => { if (invitation && email && === email && invitation.workspace) { const workspace = invitation.workspace; return { header: ( <> Join {} > ), subHeader: `${ mode == EAuthModes.SIGN_UP ? "Create an account" : "Sign in" } to start managing work with your team.`, }; } return Titles[mode][step]; }; export const AuthRoot = observer((props: Props) => { const { mode } = props; //router const router = useRouter(); const { email: emailParam, invitation_id, slug } = router.query; // states const [authStep, setAuthStep] = useState(EAuthSteps.EMAIL); const [email, setEmail] = useState(emailParam ? emailParam.toString() : ""); const [invitation, setInvitation] = useState(undefined); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); // hooks const { instance } = useInstance(); // derived values const isSmtpConfigured = instance?.config?.is_smtp_configured; const redirectToSignUp = (email: string) => { if (isEmpty(email)) router.push({ pathname: "/", query: router.query }); else router.push({ pathname: "/", query: { ...router.query, email: email } }); }; const redirectToSignIn = (email: string) => { if (isEmpty(email)) router.push({ pathname: "/accounts/sign-in", query: router.query }); else router.push({ pathname: "/accounts/sign-in", query: { ...router.query, email: email } }); }; useEffect(() => { if (invitation_id && slug) { setIsLoading(true); workSpaceService .getWorkspaceInvitation(slug.toString(), invitation_id.toString()) .then((res) => { setInvitation(res); }) .catch(() => { setInvitation(undefined); }) .finally(() => setIsLoading(false)); } else { setInvitation(undefined); } }, [invitation_id, slug]); const { header, subHeader } = getHeaderSubHeader(authStep, mode, invitation, email); // step 1 submit handler- email verification const handleEmailVerification = async (data: IEmailCheckData) => { setEmail(; const emailCheck = mode === EAuthModes.SIGN_UP ? authService.signUpEmailCheck : authService.signInEmailCheck; await emailCheck(data) .then((res) => { if (mode === EAuthModes.SIGN_IN && !res.is_password_autoset) { setAuthStep(EAuthSteps.PASSWORD); } else { if (isSmtpConfigured) { setAuthStep(EAuthSteps.UNIQUE_CODE); } else { if (mode === EAuthModes.SIGN_IN) { setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.ERROR, title: "Error!", message: "Unable to process request please contact Administrator to reset password", }); } else { setAuthStep(EAuthSteps.PASSWORD); } } } }) .catch((err) => { if (err?.error_code === "USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST") { redirectToSignUp(; return; } else if (err?.error_code === "USER_ALREADY_EXIST") { redirectToSignIn(; return; } setToast({ type: TOAST_TYPE.ERROR, title: "Error!", message: err?.error_message ?? "Something went wrong. Please try again.", }); }); }; const isOAuthEnabled = instance?.config && (instance?.config?.is_google_enabled || instance?.config?.is_github_enabled); if (isLoading) return ( ); return ( <> {header} {subHeader} {authStep === EAuthSteps.EMAIL && } {authStep === EAuthSteps.UNIQUE_CODE && ( { setEmail(""); setAuthStep(EAuthSteps.EMAIL); }} submitButtonText="Continue" mode={mode} /> )} {authStep === EAuthSteps.PASSWORD && ( { setEmail(""); setAuthStep(EAuthSteps.EMAIL); }} handleStepChange={(step) => setAuthStep(step)} mode={mode} /> )} {isOAuthEnabled && authStep !== EAuthSteps.OPTIONAL_SET_PASSWORD && } > ); });