import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; // react-hook-form import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; // components import { Loader, TextArea } from "components/ui"; const RemirrorRichTextEditor = dynamic(() => import("components/rich-text-editor"), { ssr: false, loading: () => ( <Loader> <Loader.Item height="12rem" width="100%" /> </Loader> ), }); // types import { IIssue, UserAuth } from "types"; export interface IssueDescriptionFormValues { name: string; description: any; description_html: string; } export interface IssueDetailsProps { issue: IIssue; handleFormSubmit: (value: IssueDescriptionFormValues) => Promise<void>; userAuth: UserAuth; } export const IssueDescriptionForm: FC<IssueDetailsProps> = ({ issue, handleFormSubmit, userAuth, }) => { const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false); const [characterLimit, setCharacterLimit] = useState(false); const { handleSubmit, watch, setValue, reset, formState: { errors }, } = useForm<IIssue>({ defaultValues: { name: "", description: "", description_html: "", }, }); const handleDescriptionFormSubmit = useCallback( async (formData: Partial<IIssue>) => { if (! || === 0 || > 255) return; await handleFormSubmit({ name: ?? "", description: formData.description ?? "", description_html: formData.description_html ?? "<p></p>", }); }, [handleFormSubmit] ); useEffect(() => { const alertUser = (e: BeforeUnloadEvent) => { console.log("beforeunload"); e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = ""; return "Are you sure you want to leave?"; }; window.addEventListener("beforeunload", alertUser); return () => { window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", alertUser); }; }, [isSubmitting]); // reset form values useEffect(() => { if (!issue) return; reset(issue); }, [issue, reset]); const isNotAllowed = userAuth.isGuest || userAuth.isViewer; return ( <div className="relative"> <div className="relative"> <TextArea id="name" name="name" placeholder="Enter issue name" value={watch("name")} onFocus={() => setCharacterLimit(true)} onBlur={() => { setCharacterLimit(false); setIsSubmitting(true); handleSubmit(handleDescriptionFormSubmit)() .then(() => { setIsSubmitting(false); }) .catch(() => { setIsSubmitting(false); }); }} onChange={(e) => { setValue("name",; }} required={true} className="min-h-10 block w-full resize-none overflow-hidden rounded border-none bg-transparent px-3 py-2 text-xl outline-none ring-0 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-theme" role="textbox" /> {characterLimit && ( <div className="pointer-events-none absolute bottom-0 right-0 z-[2] rounded bg-white p-1 text-xs"> <span className={`${ watch("name").length === 0 || watch("name").length > 255 ? "text-red-500" : "" }`} > {watch("name").length} </span> /255 </div> )} </div> <span>{ ? : null}</span> <RemirrorRichTextEditor value={ watch("description") && watch("description") !== "" ? watch("description") : watch("description_html") } placeholder="Describe the issue..." onBlur={() => { setIsSubmitting(true); handleSubmit(handleDescriptionFormSubmit)() .then(() => { setIsSubmitting(false); }) .catch(() => { setIsSubmitting(false); }); }} onJSONChange={(json) => setValue("description", json)} onHTMLChange={(html) => setValue("description_html", html)} editable={!isNotAllowed} /> <div className={`absolute -bottom-8 right-0 text-sm text-gray-500 ${ isSubmitting ? "block" : "hidden" }`} > Saving... </div> </div> ); };