import { Fragment, useCallback, useState, ReactElement } from "react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; import { Tab } from "@headlessui/react"; import { useTheme } from "next-themes"; // hooks import { useEventTracker, useCycle, useUser } from "hooks/store"; import useLocalStorage from "hooks/use-local-storage"; // layouts import { AppLayout } from "layouts/app-layout"; // components import { CyclesHeader } from "components/headers"; import { CyclesView, ActiveCycleDetails, CycleCreateUpdateModal } from "components/cycles"; import { EmptyState, getEmptyStateImagePath } from "components/empty-state"; // ui import { Spinner, Tooltip } from "@plane/ui"; // types import { TCycleView, TCycleLayout } from "@plane/types"; import { NextPageWithLayout } from "lib/types"; // constants import { CYCLE_TAB_LIST, CYCLE_VIEW_LAYOUTS } from "constants/cycle"; import { EUserWorkspaceRoles } from "constants/workspace"; const ProjectCyclesPage: NextPageWithLayout = observer(() => { const [createModal, setCreateModal] = useState(false); // theme const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme(); // store hooks const { setTrackElement } = useEventTracker(); const { membership: { currentProjectRole }, currentUser, } = useUser(); const { currentProjectCycleIds, loader } = useCycle(); // router const router = useRouter(); const { workspaceSlug, projectId, peekCycle } = router.query; // local storage const { storedValue: cycleTab, setValue: setCycleTab } = useLocalStorage<TCycleView>("cycle_tab", "active"); const { storedValue: cycleLayout, setValue: setCycleLayout } = useLocalStorage<TCycleLayout>("cycle_layout", "list"); const handleCurrentLayout = useCallback( (_layout: TCycleLayout) => { setCycleLayout(_layout); }, [setCycleLayout] ); const handleCurrentView = useCallback( (_view: TCycleView) => { setCycleTab(_view); if (_view === "draft") handleCurrentLayout("list"); }, [handleCurrentLayout, setCycleTab] ); const isLightMode = resolvedTheme ? resolvedTheme === "light" : currentUser?.theme.theme === "light"; const EmptyStateImagePath = getEmptyStateImagePath("onboarding", "cycles", isLightMode); const totalCycles = currentProjectCycleIds?.length ?? 0; const isEditingAllowed = !!currentProjectRole && currentProjectRole >= EUserWorkspaceRoles.MEMBER; if (!workspaceSlug || !projectId) return null; if (loader) return ( <div className="flex items-center justify-center h-full w-full"> <Spinner /> </div> ); return ( <div className="w-full h-full"> <CycleCreateUpdateModal workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug.toString()} projectId={projectId.toString()} isOpen={createModal} handleClose={() => setCreateModal(false)} /> {totalCycles === 0 ? ( <div className="h-full place-items-center"> <EmptyState title="Group and timebox your work in Cycles." description="Break work down by timeboxed chunks, work backwards from your project deadline to set dates, and make tangible progress as a team." image={EmptyStateImagePath} comicBox={{ title: "Cycles are repetitive time-boxes.", description: "A sprint, an iteration, and or any other term you use for weekly or fortnightly tracking of work is a cycle.", }} primaryButton={{ text: "Set your first cycle", onClick: () => { setTrackElement("Cycle empty state"); setCreateModal(true); }, }} size="lg" disabled={!isEditingAllowed} /> </div> ) : ( <Tab.Group as="div" className="flex h-full flex-col overflow-hidden" defaultIndex={CYCLE_TAB_LIST.findIndex((i) => i.key == cycleTab)} selectedIndex={CYCLE_TAB_LIST.findIndex((i) => i.key == cycleTab)} onChange={(i) => handleCurrentView(CYCLE_TAB_LIST[i]?.key ?? "active")} > <div className="flex flex-col items-end justify-between gap-4 border-b border-custom-border-200 px-4 pb-4 sm:flex-row sm:items-center sm:px-5 sm:pb-0"> <Tab.List as="div" className="flex items-center overflow-x-scroll"> { => ( <Tab key={tab.key} className={({ selected }) => `border-b-2 p-4 text-sm font-medium outline-none ${ selected ? "border-custom-primary-100 text-custom-primary-100" : "border-transparent" }` } > {} </Tab> ))} </Tab.List> {cycleTab !== "active" && ( <div className="flex items-center gap-1 rounded bg-custom-background-80 p-1"> { => { if (layout.key === "gantt" && cycleTab === "draft") return null; return ( <Tooltip key={layout.key} tooltipContent={layout.title}> <button type="button" className={`group grid h-[22px] w-7 place-items-center overflow-hidden rounded transition-all hover:bg-custom-background-100 ${ cycleLayout == layout.key ? "bg-custom-background-100 shadow-custom-shadow-2xs" : "" }`} onClick={() => handleCurrentLayout(layout.key as TCycleLayout)} > <layout.icon strokeWidth={2} className={`h-3.5 w-3.5 ${ cycleLayout == layout.key ? "text-custom-text-100" : "text-custom-text-200" }`} /> </button> </Tooltip> ); })} </div> )} </div> <Tab.Panels as={Fragment}> <Tab.Panel as="div" className="h-full overflow-y-auto"> {cycleTab && cycleLayout && ( <CyclesView filter="all" layout={cycleLayout} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug.toString()} projectId={projectId.toString()} peekCycle={peekCycle?.toString()} /> )} </Tab.Panel> <Tab.Panel as="div" className="h-full space-y-5 overflow-y-auto p-4 sm:p-5"> <ActiveCycleDetails workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug.toString()} projectId={projectId.toString()} /> </Tab.Panel> <Tab.Panel as="div" className="h-full overflow-y-auto"> {cycleTab && cycleLayout && ( <CyclesView filter="upcoming" layout={cycleLayout as TCycleLayout} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug.toString()} projectId={projectId.toString()} peekCycle={peekCycle?.toString()} /> )} </Tab.Panel> <Tab.Panel as="div" className="h-full overflow-y-auto"> {cycleTab && cycleLayout && workspaceSlug && projectId && ( <CyclesView filter="completed" layout={cycleLayout as TCycleLayout} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug.toString()} projectId={projectId.toString()} peekCycle={peekCycle?.toString()} /> )} </Tab.Panel> <Tab.Panel as="div" className="h-full overflow-y-auto"> {cycleTab && cycleLayout && workspaceSlug && projectId && ( <CyclesView filter="draft" layout={cycleLayout as TCycleLayout} workspaceSlug={workspaceSlug.toString()} projectId={projectId.toString()} peekCycle={peekCycle?.toString()} /> )} </Tab.Panel> </Tab.Panels> </Tab.Group> )} </div> ); }); ProjectCyclesPage.getLayout = function getLayout(page: ReactElement) { return ( <AppLayout header={<CyclesHeader />} withProjectWrapper> {page} </AppLayout> ); }; export default ProjectCyclesPage;