"use client"; import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { combine } from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/combine"; import { draggable, dropTargetForElements } from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/element/adapter"; import { attachInstruction, extractInstruction } from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-hitbox/tree-item"; import { observer } from "mobx-react"; import { DropIndicator, TOAST_TYPE, setToast } from "@plane/ui"; import { HIGHLIGHT_WITH_LINE, highlightIssueOnDrop } from "@/components/issues/issue-layouts/utils"; import useOutsideClickDetector from "@/hooks/use-outside-click-detector"; type Props = { id: string; isLastChild: boolean; isDragEnabled: boolean; children: (isDragging: boolean) => JSX.Element; onDrop: (draggingBlockId: string | undefined, droppedBlockId: string | undefined, dropAtEndOfList: boolean) => void; }; export const GanttDnDHOC = observer((props: Props) => { const { id, isLastChild, children, onDrop, isDragEnabled } = props; // states const [isDragging, setIsDragging] = useState(false); const [instruction, setInstruction] = useState<"DRAG_OVER" | "DRAG_BELOW" | undefined>(undefined); // refs const blockRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); useEffect(() => { const element = blockRef.current; if (!element) return; return combine( draggable({ element, canDrag: () => isDragEnabled, getInitialData: () => ({ id }), onDragStart: () => { setIsDragging(true); }, onDrop: () => { setIsDragging(false); }, }), dropTargetForElements({ element, canDrop: ({ source }) => source?.data?.id !== id, getData: ({ input, element }) => { const data = { id }; // attach instruction for last in list return attachInstruction(data, { input, element, currentLevel: 0, indentPerLevel: 0, mode: isLastChild ? "last-in-group" : "standard", }); }, onDrag: ({ self }) => { const extractedInstruction = extractInstruction(self?.data)?.type; // check if the highlight is to be shown above or below setInstruction( extractedInstruction ? extractedInstruction === "reorder-below" && isLastChild ? "DRAG_BELOW" : "DRAG_OVER" : undefined ); }, onDragLeave: () => { setInstruction(undefined); }, onDrop: ({ self, source }) => { setInstruction(undefined); const extractedInstruction = extractInstruction(self?.data)?.type; const currentInstruction = extractedInstruction ? extractedInstruction === "reorder-below" && isLastChild ? "DRAG_BELOW" : "DRAG_OVER" : undefined; if (!currentInstruction) return; const sourceId = source?.data?.id as string | undefined; const destinationId = self?.data?.id as string | undefined; onDrop(sourceId, destinationId, currentInstruction === "DRAG_BELOW"); highlightIssueOnDrop(source?.element?.id, false, true); }, }) ); }, [blockRef?.current, isLastChild, onDrop]); useOutsideClickDetector(blockRef, () => blockRef?.current?.classList?.remove(HIGHLIGHT_WITH_LINE)); return ( <div id={`draggable-${id}`} className={"relative"} ref={blockRef} onDragStart={() => { if (!isDragEnabled) { setToast({ title: "Warning!", type: TOAST_TYPE.WARNING, message: "Drag and drop is only enabled when sorted by manual", }); } }} > <DropIndicator classNames="absolute top-0" isVisible={instruction === "DRAG_OVER"} /> {children(isDragging)} {isLastChild && <DropIndicator isVisible={instruction === "DRAG_BELOW"} />} </div> ); });