import { Fragment, ReactNode, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { useTheme } from "next-themes"; import { usePopper } from "react-popper"; import { Combobox } from "@headlessui/react"; import { Check, ChevronDown, Search } from "lucide-react"; // hooks import { PriorityIcon, Tooltip } from "@plane/ui"; import { ISSUE_PRIORITIES } from "constants/issue"; import { cn } from "helpers/common.helper"; import { useDropdownKeyDown } from "hooks/use-dropdown-key-down"; import useOutsideClickDetector from "hooks/use-outside-click-detector"; // icons // helpers // types import { TIssuePriorities } from "@plane/types"; import { BACKGROUND_BUTTON_VARIANTS, BORDER_BUTTON_VARIANTS, BUTTON_VARIANTS_WITHOUT_TEXT } from "./constants"; import { TDropdownProps } from "./types"; // constants type Props = TDropdownProps & { button?: ReactNode; dropdownArrow?: boolean; dropdownArrowClassName?: string; highlightUrgent?: boolean; onChange: (val: TIssuePriorities) => void; onClose?: () => void; value: TIssuePriorities; }; type ButtonProps = { className?: string; dropdownArrow: boolean; dropdownArrowClassName: string; hideIcon?: boolean; hideText?: boolean; isActive?: boolean; highlightUrgent: boolean; priority: TIssuePriorities; showTooltip: boolean; }; const BorderButton = (props: ButtonProps) => { const { className, dropdownArrow, dropdownArrowClassName, hideIcon = false, hideText = false, highlightUrgent, priority, showTooltip, } = props; const priorityDetails = ISSUE_PRIORITIES.find((p) => p.key === priority); const priorityClasses = { urgent: "bg-red-500/20 text-red-950 border-red-500", high: "bg-orange-500/20 text-orange-950 border-orange-500", medium: "bg-yellow-500/20 text-yellow-950 border-yellow-500", low: "bg-custom-primary-100/20 text-custom-primary-950 border-custom-primary-100", none: "hover:bg-custom-background-80 border-custom-border-300", }; return ( <Tooltip tooltipHeading="Priority" tooltipContent={priorityDetails?.title ?? "None"} disabled={!showTooltip}> <div className={cn( "h-full flex items-center gap-1.5 border-[0.5px] rounded text-xs px-2 py-0.5", priorityClasses[priority], { // compact the icons if text is hidden "px-0.5": hideText, // highlight the whole button if text is hidden and priority is urgent "bg-red-500 border-red-500": priority === "urgent" && hideText && highlightUrgent, }, className )} > {!hideIcon && ( <div className={cn({ // highlight just the icon if text is visible and priority is urgent "bg-red-500 p-1 rounded": priority === "urgent" && !hideText && highlightUrgent, })} > <PriorityIcon priority={priority} size={12} className={cn("flex-shrink-0", { // increase the icon size if text is hidden "h-3.5 w-3.5": hideText, // centre align the icons if text is hidden "translate-x-[0.0625rem]": hideText && priority === "high", "translate-x-0.5": hideText && priority === "medium", "translate-x-1": hideText && priority === "low", // highlight the icon if priority is urgent "text-white": priority === "urgent" && highlightUrgent, })} /> </div> )} {!hideText && <span className="flex-grow truncate">{priorityDetails?.title}</span>} {dropdownArrow && ( <ChevronDown className={cn("h-2.5 w-2.5 flex-shrink-0", dropdownArrowClassName)} aria-hidden="true" /> )} </div> </Tooltip> ); }; const BackgroundButton = (props: ButtonProps) => { const { className, dropdownArrow, dropdownArrowClassName, hideIcon = false, hideText = false, highlightUrgent, priority, showTooltip, } = props; const priorityDetails = ISSUE_PRIORITIES.find((p) => p.key === priority); const priorityClasses = { urgent: "bg-red-500/20 text-red-950", high: "bg-orange-500/20 text-orange-950", medium: "bg-yellow-500/20 text-yellow-950", low: "bg-blue-500/20 text-blue-950", none: "bg-custom-background-80", }; return ( <Tooltip tooltipHeading="Priority" tooltipContent={priorityDetails?.title ?? "None"} disabled={!showTooltip}> <div className={cn( "h-full flex items-center gap-1.5 rounded text-xs px-2 py-0.5", priorityClasses[priority], { // compact the icons if text is hidden "px-0.5": hideText, // highlight the whole button if text is hidden and priority is urgent "bg-red-500 border-red-500": priority === "urgent" && hideText && highlightUrgent, }, className )} > {!hideIcon && ( <div className={cn({ // highlight just the icon if text is visible and priority is urgent "bg-red-500 p-1 rounded": priority === "urgent" && !hideText && highlightUrgent, })} > <PriorityIcon priority={priority} size={12} className={cn("flex-shrink-0", { // increase the icon size if text is hidden "h-3.5 w-3.5": hideText, // centre align the icons if text is hidden "translate-x-[0.0625rem]": hideText && priority === "high", "translate-x-0.5": hideText && priority === "medium", "translate-x-1": hideText && priority === "low", // highlight the icon if priority is urgent "text-white": priority === "urgent" && highlightUrgent, })} /> </div> )} {!hideText && <span className="flex-grow truncate">{priorityDetails?.title}</span>} {dropdownArrow && ( <ChevronDown className={cn("h-2.5 w-2.5 flex-shrink-0", dropdownArrowClassName)} aria-hidden="true" /> )} </div> </Tooltip> ); }; const TransparentButton = (props: ButtonProps) => { const { className, dropdownArrow, dropdownArrowClassName, hideIcon = false, hideText = false, isActive = false, highlightUrgent, priority, showTooltip, } = props; const priorityDetails = ISSUE_PRIORITIES.find((p) => p.key === priority); const priorityClasses = { urgent: "text-red-950", high: "text-orange-950", medium: "text-yellow-950", low: "text-blue-950", none: "hover:text-custom-text-300", }; return ( <Tooltip tooltipHeading="Priority" tooltipContent={priorityDetails?.title ?? "None"} disabled={!showTooltip}> <div className={cn( "h-full flex items-center gap-1.5 rounded text-xs px-2 py-0.5 hover:bg-custom-background-80", priorityClasses[priority], { // compact the icons if text is hidden "px-0.5": hideText, // highlight the whole button if text is hidden and priority is urgent "bg-red-500 border-red-500": priority === "urgent" && hideText && highlightUrgent, "bg-custom-background-80": isActive, }, className )} > {!hideIcon && ( <div className={cn({ // highlight just the icon if text is visible and priority is urgent "bg-red-500 p-1 rounded": priority === "urgent" && !hideText && highlightUrgent, })} > <PriorityIcon priority={priority} size={12} className={cn("flex-shrink-0", { // increase the icon size if text is hidden "h-3.5 w-3.5": hideText, // centre align the icons if text is hidden "translate-x-[0.0625rem]": hideText && priority === "high", "translate-x-0.5": hideText && priority === "medium", "translate-x-1": hideText && priority === "low", // highlight the icon if priority is urgent "text-white": priority === "urgent" && highlightUrgent, })} /> </div> )} {!hideText && <span className="flex-grow truncate">{priorityDetails?.title}</span>} {dropdownArrow && ( <ChevronDown className={cn("h-2.5 w-2.5 flex-shrink-0", dropdownArrowClassName)} aria-hidden="true" /> )} </div> </Tooltip> ); }; export const PriorityDropdown: React.FC<Props> = (props) => { const { button, buttonClassName, buttonContainerClassName, buttonVariant, className = "", disabled = false, dropdownArrow = false, dropdownArrowClassName = "", hideIcon = false, highlightUrgent = true, onChange, onClose, placement, showTooltip = false, tabIndex, value, } = props; // states const [query, setQuery] = useState(""); const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false); // refs const dropdownRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null); // popper-js refs const [referenceElement, setReferenceElement] = useState<HTMLButtonElement | null>(null); const [popperElement, setPopperElement] = useState<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); // popper-js init const { styles, attributes } = usePopper(referenceElement, popperElement, { placement: placement ?? "bottom-start", modifiers: [ { name: "preventOverflow", options: { padding: 12, }, }, ], }); // next-themes // TODO: remove this after new theming implementation const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme(); const options = => ({ value: priority.key, query: priority.key, content: ( <div className="flex items-center gap-2"> <PriorityIcon priority={priority.key} size={14} withContainer /> <span className="flex-grow truncate">{priority.title}</span> </div> ), })); const filteredOptions = query === "" ? options : options.filter((o) => o.query.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())); const handleClose = () => { if (!isOpen) return; setIsOpen(false); onClose && onClose(); }; const toggleDropdown = () => { setIsOpen((prevIsOpen) => !prevIsOpen); if (isOpen) onClose && onClose(); }; const dropdownOnChange = (val: TIssuePriorities) => { onChange(val); handleClose(); }; const handleKeyDown = useDropdownKeyDown(toggleDropdown, handleClose); const handleOnClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); toggleDropdown(); }; const searchInputKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { if (query !== "" && e.key === "Escape") { e.stopPropagation(); setQuery(""); } }; useOutsideClickDetector(dropdownRef, handleClose); const ButtonToRender = BORDER_BUTTON_VARIANTS.includes(buttonVariant) ? BorderButton : BACKGROUND_BUTTON_VARIANTS.includes(buttonVariant) ? BackgroundButton : TransparentButton; useEffect(() => { if (isOpen && inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus(); } }, [isOpen]); return ( <Combobox as="div" ref={dropdownRef} tabIndex={tabIndex} className={cn( "h-full", { "bg-custom-background-80": isOpen, }, className )} value={value} onChange={dropdownOnChange} disabled={disabled} onKeyDown={handleKeyDown} > <Combobox.Button as={Fragment}> {button ? ( <button ref={setReferenceElement} type="button" className={cn("clickable block h-full w-full outline-none", buttonContainerClassName)} onClick={handleOnClick} > {button} </button> ) : ( <button ref={setReferenceElement} type="button" className={cn( "clickable block h-full max-w-full outline-none", { "cursor-not-allowed text-custom-text-200": disabled, "cursor-pointer": !disabled, }, buttonContainerClassName )} onClick={handleOnClick} > <ButtonToRender priority={value} className={cn(buttonClassName, { "text-white": resolvedTheme === "dark", })} highlightUrgent={highlightUrgent} dropdownArrow={dropdownArrow && !disabled} dropdownArrowClassName={dropdownArrowClassName} hideIcon={hideIcon} showTooltip={showTooltip} hideText={BUTTON_VARIANTS_WITHOUT_TEXT.includes(buttonVariant)} /> </button> )} </Combobox.Button> {isOpen && ( <Combobox.Options className="fixed z-10" static> <div className="my-1 w-48 rounded border-[0.5px] border-custom-border-300 bg-custom-background-100 px-2 py-2.5 text-xs shadow-custom-shadow-rg focus:outline-none" ref={setPopperElement} style={styles.popper} {...attributes.popper} > <div className="flex items-center gap-1.5 rounded border border-custom-border-100 bg-custom-background-90 px-2"> <Search className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-400" strokeWidth={1.5} /> <Combobox.Input as="input" ref={inputRef} className="w-full bg-transparent py-1 text-xs text-custom-text-200 placeholder:text-custom-text-400 focus:outline-none" value={query} onChange={(e) => setQuery(} placeholder="Search" displayValue={(assigned: any) => assigned?.name} onKeyDown={searchInputKeyDown} /> </div> <div className="mt-2 max-h-48 space-y-1 overflow-y-scroll"> {filteredOptions.length > 0 ? ( => ( <Combobox.Option key={option.value} value={option.value} className={({ active, selected }) => `w-full truncate flex items-center justify-between gap-2 rounded px-1 py-1.5 cursor-pointer select-none ${ active ? "bg-custom-background-80" : "" } ${selected ? "text-custom-text-100" : "text-custom-text-200"}` } > {({ selected }) => ( <> <span className="flex-grow truncate">{option.content}</span> {selected && <Check className="h-3.5 w-3.5 flex-shrink-0" />} </> )} </Combobox.Option> )) ) : ( <p className="text-custom-text-400 italic py-1 px-1.5">No matching results</p> )} </div> </div> </Combobox.Options> )} </Combobox> ); };